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annies favorite crochet magazine


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i got my new annies favorite crochet magazine, the same day i got my crochet world, this one(annies) i am so not impressed with. its got a few patterns that look cute, but not many. hopefully next month will be better. its of couse

my own opinion, but this one i think could have been better, what do you guys think?:think :think :D :D :D :D :D

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I get Annies crochet books/ mag by sub also.... my opion well I am not renewing my subs when they are up. After over 20 years of Annies Crochet booklets I think I will just invest in crochet books.. They are easier to look up patterns in. Can you image trying to find a pattern you saw once in over 20 years worth of mags??:think

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  • 3 weeks later...

I got an Annie's subscription a year ago because I really liked Hooked on Crochet and I thought the two were similar. But while I'm keeping my HOC sub, I'm not renewing Annie's. There has been maybe a pattern or two in it that I'd make and the rest I barely look at. I'm just not interested. I much prefer Crochet World, Hooked on Crochet and Crochet! And all the others (like Vogue Knitting, KnitSimple, knit1, Easy Crochet, Easy Knitting, etc) I wind up buying in the store with my 40% coupons on AC Moore ;-) Wow, I just realized I buy a lot of magazines. :D

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