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How long does everyone Crochet a day?

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I probably crochet or knit for about a couple of hours a day, though sometimes I hardly do it at all and on a rare day, I might do it for up to 4 or 5 hours. I couldn't imagine doing it more than that, as my hands would start to hurt and I also think I would get bored. Very short attention span, can't really do any one thing for more than 2 hours at a time.

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Unfortunately, not enough to satisfy me! There is silly things that get in the way, like housework, kids, husbands, cooking and other goofy things.

I would crochet 24/7 if not for the other stuff!

Linda:cheer :cheer :cheer

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I crochet sometimes 8 hrs a day are maybe more...

I love crochet wha:cheert can I say.


I crochet anytime I can. I work 2 jobs, have a husband and 15 year old. So its usually at night or if I have a day off or only working one of my jobs a day. If Im home at night, I can sit for about 4 hours and crochet. I love it so much:devil

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As much as I can. :hook Usually 2 or so hours a day, almost always while the girls are napping. Although, I have been known to put on a movie for a few minutes of quiet, if I'm close to finishing a project. :blush

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I had a lot more time to crochet while we were building our house. Now that its built though I"m finding that I'm lucky if I can get in an hour or so a day :(


But hopefully that will change.

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I crochet about 4 hours a day at night after work it helps me to unwind after a long day and I can fall asleep after on my days off I crochet all day long inbetween my house work sometimes I have crocheted so much I have gotten a headache

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Mine varies vastly! With 4 kids and an occasional husband, who has time?!! Maybe once the kids are in bed!!

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I'm a housewife, all the kids are grown and gone and it's just the husband and I, needless to say I have some spare time. Unfortunately I have the attention span of a gnat! I can only work on any one project for, at the most, an hour, usually 15-20 minutes, then I move on to something else. If I add it all together I'd say I crochet maybe 2 hours a day, and knit 2 hours too.

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I crochet about 5 hour per day. One hour each on the train to and from work. And 3 hours at home while watching tv or talking on the phone.


On the weekend off and on all day.

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Depends. I find that when I'm not on the truck, I don't crochet much. When I'm on the truck, again, it depends. If I have an internet signal, I'm not usually crochetting. Sometimes I can crochet for 24 hours at a time, though...literally (with potty breaks of course). Speaking of potty break...



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