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crochet etiquette

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where do you crochet? do you thing crocheting during a church service is rude? i have a problem with staying awake :sleepfor church and any other lengthy lecture type setting. i have tried everything and i am allergic to caffeine. so i am thinking if i can have something in my hands to stimulate my brain a little more, than i won't fall asleep. i have always had this problem. i would rather be rude and crochet and listen to the message than :yawnfall asleep. any ideas???

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Well, this is just me but I wouldn't do it. Even at the best church services sometimes I get drowzy myself. It's hard sometimes, but IMO it appears rude to do something like this during a church service. I'm not passing judgement on anyone and if you choose to do it, I won't think ill towards you, but personally I wouldn't do it.

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I have seen many ladies crocheting or knitting during a Church Service. I don't think it's rude unless you are paying more attention to your project than the Service! Sometimes, idle hands can lead to wandering your attention span and thus not paying attention. So maybe, keeping your hands busy will help you through the Service. I don't think it's rude at all.


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Personally, I sometimes fall asleep while Crocheting! so doing it during church services wouldn't work for me.:lol


However, if you had a project that was small, and kept your mind stimulated, and espescially if you weren't sitting where the preacher/priest could see you, or where you would distract others, I think it would be "ok".


Have you talked about your concerns with your preacher or priest? They would probably be very understanding and supportive.


I think I would try to limit what I worked on to something that would keep my mind focused on the subject at hand (I'm taking a leap of faith here.. please don't be offended if I am headed the wrong way), such as a Cross bookmark or a Bible cover, a Rosary, etc.

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My pastor always told me when I was a teenager that "idle hands are the devil's playground" :devil. So I would need to say "no, crocheting is not rude". However I think I would choose a charity or church related program to be crocheting items to give too :yarn. Call me a little bit of an old fashion gal.:blush

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While I'm not sure that "rude" is a fitting term, I do think it could be very distracting for ppl around you and also possibly for the pastor. Personally I wouldn't do it, but as was mentioned before I wouldn't judge someone else who did.

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It also depends on the church. One time, I was waiting for a children's program to begin, so I took out some crochet, and boy, did I get the looks. It wasn't even a mass. It was a musical program that was using the church as a stage. I haven't done it since.


Some churches may be more open-minded, but it would depend. Probably don't sit in front so the preacher could see you.


It sure would be better than nodding off. We have one priest that just goes on and on and my DH has fallen asleep! So now we find out when he is preaching and avoid him if possible. Or if he is at the service we attend, we sit further in the back so that he can't see him.


Good luck in your decision. Also, is there another time you could go? Maybe a Saturday night may be better than a first thing Sunday morning service. Just a thought.



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I think it really depends on the church. Personally I wouldn't do it. My friends have gotten mad at me when I crochet during a movie (that we're watching at home, not in a movie theater). I just can't watch movies without doing something with my hands anymore. I would definitely sit in the back if I were crocheting so as not to distract anyone.

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It's only my opinion.....but...I would definetly not do it....more than being "rude" I find it is not the right place and it could be very distracting to the people around you.:hook

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you titled your thread 'crochet etiquite' so I can tell you where NOT to crochet: while on a jury panel doing jury service! During a trial I was working on a lady was crocheting (nice thread work - very impressive) and the judge during a recess had the bailiff call her in and asked that she please not crochet during testimony, that she needed to be giving full attention to the witnesses, etc... She did say she was doing it to stay awake and she could concentrate just fine, but she stopped her project while we were in session.


I personally don't find it difficult to crochet and talk to people, watch TV, listen to a book on tape, but I guess others 'perceive' it that we're not paying attention to them if we're looking at our yarn, hook and patterns.

Possibly the pastor or others around you might also get that impression, that you weren't listening to the sermon, though I do like the idea of crocheting charity-type things! Now who could fault you for that???

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thank you for your answers! its seems fairly split, which is better than i thought. our church doesn't offer an evening service or i would definetley go to that. when i was in the airforce during tech school we would get kicked out of class for nodding off so i was to scared, i had to stand up and drink water every few seconds to keep awake. i even nodded off standing up quite often.

i do also like the idea of crocheting something church related.

for whatever reason i start daydreaming and then i fall asleep, i crochet while watching tv and am still able to pay attention so i think that i would get a lot more out of the service. thanks again for your opinions:)

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In my humble opinion, there's a right time and place for everything, but I really don't think that crocheting during a church service is appropriate. I know how sleepiness and bordom can set in, but I would have to say,bite the bullet and say some prayers for the strength to stay awake in church. doing needlework would be distracting to others at a church service.....and you could draw some not so favorable expressions from the people around you, not to mention a comment or two from them. Personally, I wouldn't care,as I would love to take my crochet to church with me too, but I sacrifice the time and do my worship in church and do my crochet at home and everywhere else but a church service. I do sympathize with you.


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I was going to write something, but this is so beautifully put that I think I'll just quote instead :)


In my humble opinion, there's a right time and place for everything, but I really don't think that crocheting during a church service is appropriate. I know how sleepiness and bordom can set in, but I would have to say,bite the bullet and say some prayers for the strength to stay awake in church. doing needlework would be distracting to others at a church service.....and you could draw some not so favorable expressions from the people around you, not to mention a comment or two from them. Personally, I wouldn't care,as I would love to take my crochet to church with me too, but I sacrifice the time and do my worship in church and do my crochet at home and everywhere else but a church service. I do sympathize with you.


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Paulette that's funny you mention jury duty.


I just got done with 18 weeks of Grand Jury (1 day a week). We were "drug day" so almost all the cases we heard were fairly straightfoward posession.


I was seated in the back row and we had high back chairs so it was easy for me to crochet discreetly. At first I was only working between witnesses but then I started doing it full time because I could pull it off. I did make sure I was working on small projects (scarfs, baby blankets) that I could keep down in my lap and with simple repeats so I was able to keep my eyes up and wasn't having to look at instructions. I kept my yarn in a tote bag on the floor at my side. None of the staff had a problem with it.


Then another lady decided she was going to start crocheting. She sat in the front row right in front of the witness chair. She brought in this hot pink think with fun fur that was constantly getting tangled. If she had to pull more yarn, it was a big production with lifting her arms over her head. Constantly fussing around with the directions and lots of hook dropping.


Needless to say the clerk had to say something and of course, she couldn't tell that lady to stop without telling me to stop as well :tryme



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We had a lady once who would draw during services, right up in the front row. Some people thought it was rude and others thought that it wasn't. As long as you were sitting near the back of the church and not bothering anyone, I would say go for it. I would however talk to the pastor first and see what he/she thinks.


My son used to run the sound system for both our morning service. He was in high school at the time. During the second service he would put on head phones and people thought that he was making sure the sound was right, but actually he was listening to his 'music'. He head would be bopping away and everyone thought he was just really into the sermon.:eek


We also have a lady that falls asleep very easy. She used to sit by her husband and he would keep her from falling over, but they've both joined the choir, so now she is up in front of everyone falling asleep. Who ever is sitting next to her just makes sure she doesn't fall out of the chair. With her I think it is a medical condition so maybe you should have yourself checked by a doc, just to make sure.

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I do crochet while watching talks at my department since it keeps me awake and alert. I find I'm still able to take notes if I need to and I feel like I've accomplished something with what sometimes is "wasted" time (boring talk, something outside my field). There are several other people who do the same.


But I wouldn't be able to do so in church since ours is a lot more than just sitting (there's lots of standing and kneeling too).

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Personally, I would never crochet during the service. I think others would be distracted. Just as I would never crochet while someone is visiting in my home, I would not crochet in God's house while someone is trying to preach.

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where do you crochet? do you thing crocheting during a church service is rude? i have a problem with staying awake


Most certainlynot. I think it would be more rude to fall asleep. If you're worried about distracting others, sit in the back. Remember you are there for your own enrichment which you can't get if you're asleep. If others have a problem with it, they can sit somewhere else--just as they would if a church member could be counted on to start snoring during the sermon. :D

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If you need something to do, then take notes...maybe you need to visit other churches and find one that does interest you. Perhaps this is a little nudge toward a new direction that God has planned for you? a fork in the road?

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Some ladies at our church crochet on the humanitarian aide leprosy bandages. Since our church sends tons of supplies to these humanitarian projects, no one sees anything wrong with it. (Also, the bandages are plain and simple, so there are no instructions rattling around or bright colors flashing, or yarn-struck envy eyes!) One of my very good friends does it and says it helps keep her awake and attentive.


For more info on the bandages, you can read here. http://www.bevscountrycottage.com/bandages.html


Edited: I wanted to add one more note about these bandages. When the lepers are picking up their bandages, they look for the "flawed" ones, because they know for sure it is a homemade one. They believe the love in them adds healing power. I thought that was touching.

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I have to agree, church is the one place I don't think you should crochet. And on a personal level, I teach (college-level) and if I looked out and saw someone crocheting or knitting instead of taking notes or listening to me, I'd probably ask them (during break or after class) to not do that. What's the difference between that and reading the newspaper or taking a cell phone call? I need to have you listening to me and taking notes, and I work darn hard at not being boring. Yea, I crochet patterns I don't have to pay attention to either, but even the appearance of not paying attention is distracting and rude, to me and th eother people in class or in the congregation. Heck, it's not easy getting up there in front of 200 or 300 (or in church, more!) people, don't make it harder on me! ;) Patty

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As many people have pointed out, it does depend on the type of church you belong to. Look around and see what activities other members are doing (ie: reading their bible, napping, knitting, whatever), or is everyone else absorbed in the sermon. If you do choose to take your crocheting with you, I would definitely lean toward the small, mindless projects (scarves, hats, blankets, squares, etc) that do not require constantly checking a pattern and a lot of counting (since that would distract you from the sermon). You might also consider making items that could be donated to your church's charity drive, maybe have a project bag that you only take to church functions with you.


You are the only one that can make the determination of whether it would be appropriate or not, and as some people have pointed out, some people are offended if we even crochet when they are in the same room as us.


If you are friendly with other members of the congregation, ask them and see how they feel (but be careful, because if they don't approve and you decide to, there may be some hurt feelings).

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If I ever tried to crochet during church, my mom would have killed me. :yes Nowadays I have to attend conferences with lots of lectures and I always crochet/embroider/etc and no-one's ever said a word to me.


I've only had one lecturer have a snitfit about my crocheting--a psychologist, as a matter of fact. He wasn't content to ban my crocheting from his lectures, but insisted that it be banned from all lectures, even though nobody else gave a #$#$. Shmuck. :angry

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At my church they serve coffee, donuts and bagels PRIOR to the sermon. So we sit and eat our donuts and listen. Now that's what I call a GREAT church.



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