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Favorite background noise???

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I always crochet to the television or a movie as well. There are a few shows I won't crochet during such as Veronica Mars and Lost because I want to give them my full attention. But some shows are great to crochet to - like American Idol. I actually find that you can give a better opinion on the singers because you're just listening to them sing instead of watching the performance and judging them based on that. I have music channels on my cable service, so there are also times where I'll put it on one of those - the show tunes channel is always fun. I don't think I could ever crochet in total silence.

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I guess I am the odd one here.


I crochet to TV some, but my FAVORITE thing to do is to crochet with an audio book on. Our library has tons of audio books to choose from. I don't do the abridged ones, so some of my books are LONG. I have listened to all of the Harry Potter audio books multiple times (purchased those for my own collection!)


Audio books never require you to look away!


Hey, we can be the odd ones out together! :hug I always listen to an audio book or audio lecture (mostly from The Teaching Company - great stuff) while crocheting. Or else I crochet while visiting, or in a few spare moments with nothing else to do - I gotta keep my fingers busy! :hook Right now I'm working on a granny square afgan, so my work is easily portable.

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Definitely the TV. I turn on what I call 'dumb TV' which means reruns of reruns of CSI or Law & Order SVU that I've seen at LEAST five times before, and just crochet away... hubby walks in and will ask, "what's this one about," and without looking up I'll give him the recap... including what's about to happen next!:D and he just shakes his head...


Quiet isn't bad either, though... but that's a RARE treat. The only time I get to chrochet in quiet is on a Sunday afternoon when Hubby is picking the kids up from their dad's house... it's the only time I'm ever alone in the house!:hook

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I like to crochet to music of the 50's & 60's. It has a fun beat and I can sing along (only if I'm alone). I even like Disco!

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