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Favorite background noise???

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I was just wondering because I've figured out that for me, I love to listen to movies that I've alreay watched *so that I don't sit and watch them while I'm crocheting lol* my particular favorite is The Chronicles of Narnia... I have no idea why


I was just wondering if anyone else has a favorite :think:hook

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I do the exact same thing! Usually I wander into the livingroom just to listen to whatever my family happens to be watching. I also have all the Futurama seasons on DVD...and have a horrible habit of watching them repeatedly while I work.

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Me too! Then when I know it's my favorite part coming up I can look up from my crochet (or else mouth the words right along with the actors!). I wear glasses but I have to take my glasses off to see my crochet work (even though I have bifocals too), but I need the glasses to see the TV. So listening to the TV is something I do alot and then when I want to actually watch it, I either slip my glasses back down from on top of my head or slide them back up my nose to my eyes. It's alot easier just to listen and crochet! :hook

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I also like to watch/listen to movies and tv while I work! I thought I was the only one :lol Right now I am watching and rewatching the series "Angel", which is a big favorite of my DH's. Usually I just pop in a favorite movie (or two) or even just listen while DH watches the sports channel games.

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Yep. I'm a tv crocheter as well.


I love crocheting along with Nick-At-Nite. I've seen every episode of Full House(twice!) and almost every episode of Roseanne, so I love being able to focus on something else while still being able to know what's going on with the show.

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I put a DVD in and crochet away. It's usually something I have seen several times so I can concentrate on my crochet. I can't tell you how many dozens of times I have watched Pride and Prejudice (A&E version)! Sometimes I say the lines right along with the actors. :D


It's nice to know I'm not the only one. I thought there must be something wrong with me for watching the same things over and over. Now I know I'm just as normal as the rest of you! :lol

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I like to crochet to a hockey game on television or some dumb movie that I have no interest in.....that way I can do some serious crocheting and not miss anything on the tube!:hook


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Wow :D there's more of us "TV Crocheters" than I could have hoped for, I really did think I was just weird. Everytime my mom comes in and sees that I have Narnia playing, she's like "Are you watching that AGAIN?!" and I'm like "No mom, I'm "listening" to it... there's a difference" lol ... she thinks I'm crazy :hook

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I think that grabbing our yarn and hooks and turning the tv on, is just one of our favorite ways to relax.... and accomplish something at the same time :think


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I guess I am the odd one here.


I crochet to TV some, but my FAVORITE thing to do is to crochet with an audio book on. Our library has tons of audio books to choose from. I don't do the abridged ones, so some of my books are LONG. I have listened to all of the Harry Potter audio books multiple times (purchased those for my own collection!)


Audio books never require you to look away!

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I listen to the radio while I crochet! Today I listened to the Reds-Brewers baseball game while I started a new afghan pattern. I also listen/crochet to talk radio during the day. Now if only my radio had a remote control...

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I like silence. I have 4 kids and there is always a movie going or some other source of noise. Sometimes up to 3 different radios! I never get any peace...lol. So when It's quiet I grab a hook and get busy!!:yes

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I guess I am the odd one here.


I crochet to TV some, but my FAVORITE thing to do is to crochet with an audio book on. Our library has tons of audio books to choose from. I don't do the abridged ones, so some of my books are LONG. I have listened to all of the Harry Potter audio books multiple times (purchased those for my own collection!)


Audio books never require you to look away!


What an awesome idea! I'd never thought of that! I'm a TV crocheter, myself. I tape shows to watch the next afternoon when I get home from work. I don't worry too much about being able to look up or not...it's actually an advantage not being able to look up during those horrid autopsy scenes on CSI <LOL>.

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Hey, I do that too!!!! I can't crochet/sew if it's a movies I've never seen before, so I put in a movie that I know well. I even put a DVD player in my sewing room so I can watch movies while quilting.

I will sometimes take our portable DVD player and play a movie while I'm driving long distances. I make sure the screen is pointed away from me so I'm not tempted to watch it and just listen while I drive.

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I love crocheting with the tv on. Even if nobody is home, I need some kind of noise in the background. But it has to be a show that doesn't need my full attention. I like Deal or No Deal, All my Children, and the news as background to my projects.


Or a good soundtrack from a movie is also good to listen to while working. I love the music from GREASE!



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my husband laughs at me because I watch the same things over and over and over.......I can't tell you how many times I have watched the Harry Potter movies and The Lord of the Rings movies. I also cycle through various tv series that we have on DVD.


Lately I have turning on the commentaries of various movies but I have also gotten a bunch of audio books that I can play.

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I always crochet when Everybody Loves Raymond is on for an hour of reruns. I have seen all of these 3 or 4 times and know when the funny stuff is coming. I wish they would start showing more newer ones.

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