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how to be a tester?

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I have noticed alot of you talking about getting the privaledge to test out new patterns, how do you qualify for that? Is it a friend that makes the patterns or what? I am curious because I have a dd that is 13 monthes and I would love to get to test things out for her. If anyone can help then let me know. I am not steppin on any toes just curious, I am trying to be more than just a lurker here, hard as it may be because there is always such great resources here.

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Well, having tested a few patterns myself, usually when someone on the Ville wants a pattern of theirs tested, they will post it under the "Seeking Pattern Testers" section and will state whatever the stipulations are, if any. Some want only beginners, others advanced, some whoever will test it. I have also (as many others) have formed friendships with some wonderful designers who will ask their "friends" to test first as they can be assured that the pattern will actually get tested.


I have on occasion asked people to test my patterns, and some will sign up but never get around to making the item. Some people just say they'll do it to get the pattern where as most people honestly will do it.


Hope this makes sense. Just keep your eyes on the Seeking Pattern Testers section. We could go for months without any posted and other times there are dozens available for testing.


Good luck to you! :hook

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Hi Lilybean :)


Just like Donnalynn posted above.. majority post in the "seeking pattern testers" forum.


I know for myself as Donnalynn has posted have formed wonderful friendships with my testers. I am not sure how other designers do it, but I have a testing board where testing takes place:




And this is where all my testers post errors, suggestions etc- all communication takes place on my testing board. I have a database I have started, where there is a panel of questions to be answered. Usually I pick from testers who have tested for me in the past because I know they will test since I know them from before. Occasionally though I need to go outside of my "main" pool of testers which is when I look through my database and look for people who would be most suited to the project I am currently needing testing on.


In addition- like Donnalynn said.. a lot of people just sign up to get a "free" pattern... I had a lot of this and in the past was very open with my testing. Now I am stricter and keep the testing tighter... In addition, for those who are really new- whom I know nothing about.. I am starting the "half pattern" implementation. This is where they get a part of the pattern to start on. Unfortunately now that means I turn more away than before and deny testing to many more. I also keep notes on each tester so I can keep track on how they tested before. It may seem silly.. but with so many patterns.. and so many of my patterns having sometimes 10 sizes... I have to implement some sort of method.


anyway, I always understand- being a single mom, that things hapopen, life happens! So I have a thread in my forums for each pattern being tested of progress notes... that way- if somethign comes up, or something is going on vacation, kids get sick etc.. I know where I am at with each tester for testing. I have finally concluded


quality testing > quantity testing meaning, I would rather have smaller number of testes who are phenomenal, than having a large number of testers- most of who I never hear from or only post at the very end...


anyway- more information on my testing and my database etc can be found in my "testing news" forum at my testing board.


I hope this helps :)

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