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how do i deal with this

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It happens to all of us at some stage. Just do something else for a while and when the urge to crochet comes back it will hit you with a vengence again. I get stale on crochet so i spin or read or do something else and then, Wham! I get stale on the spinning, haven't touched my wheel in months but am crocheting like theres no tomorrow.

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Nothing's wrong with you. Most of us go through those phases. Sometimes it lasts days. Sometimes it's weeks, months, or even years. Best thing to do is not fight it and do something else even if it's nothing. Take a break for a few days then look at new patterns or show and tell and one day it'll hit you, "I have to make that".



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nothing is wrong with you. you don't have to be crochet crazy all the time (just most of the time:D ). maybe you've got other things on your mind or alot of stuff going on. if you're like me, my little mind can only hold so much:confused . then something has to be set aside. i'm sure you'll be back at it soon. maybe you can do some little project like a dishcloth or doilie or something that would work up quickly and give you that instant gratification that always pumps us crocheters up and propels us forward. or join a CAL for inspiration. or do some housework. that always makes me want to sit down and crochet instead. :rofl

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:cheer Maybe not picking up your crochet is normal.

:cheer Maybe crocheting all the time is abnormal.

:cheer There is no right or wrong so enjoy the relaxation, it just proves you are a Human Being and not a Robot.:lol

:cheer Now, if you said that you were trying to crochet while standing on your head, then we might think there was something wrong with you.:lol

:cheer Discover books while in this crochet drought. The Library is full of them.

Have fun.


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maybe you're bored. or depressed. or need something else to do. I am on a crochet 'thing' lately, but I do all kinds of crafts. For two years I did nothing but paint bisque fairies. Then I made quilts for about a year. Then I got into mosaic crafts and did some small and big projects. Then I played with polymer clay, making canes and stuff. Then I got into altered art for a while, art cards adn such, decopage. Sometimes I get on a book reading kick and read poetry and self-help and fiction. Sometimes I get real into my tarot cards and study metaphysical stuff.


I try to remind myself that I'm doing this for fun (whatever THIS is that I happen to be doing) and if I'm not having fun then what's the point? I set it aside, choose NOT to feel guilty, and find something that inspires me. I always end up coming back again.


My husband is re-doing my studio out back and when it's done I'll start back with the mixed media art and probably get the paints out again! And the bathroom tile is gross so I'll be doing some big projects, too, in the bathroom, and then also I'll be laying a new kitchen floor this summer!


VARIETY!!!!!!!!:hug and a hug!

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Do whatever it is that you find relaxing. Chances are you'll get the urge to crochet again, but until then don't worry about it. Whatever you do don't burn yourself out trying to get your project done (where's the fun in that? :) ). Nothing is worse than being burnt out. ;)

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I agree with the others... do NOT worry! Your *need* to crochet will come back. :) I also agree that you might just need a break from your current project. Are you one of us that have multiple projects going at one time? :D (I have wayyyy too many!) Maybe you could pick up another project.. one that will be finished quickly. Maybe you should put down your hook altogether (but just for awhile!) and take a breather! ;)


At any rate, I would not worry.. because what you are going through is normal :hook - or as normal as we hookers get. ;)

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The crochet doldrums can seem to get the best of us and then we just all-of-a-sudden pick up and go with it! Yeah, I think when you're constantly doing crochet, it can get tedious or blase, but like everyone says, pick up on another hobby until you get "The Urge" again. I just started picking up on crochet again after almost a year (since I was busy doing my wedding planning but was so itching to crochet!:sweat and didn't have the time). But now, it's like the urge just picked up especially when there were these rainy days. I just off and went after work to my LYS and bought some yarn and made a hat for the rain! Now, I'm constantly reading about knitting now and am in the works of a baby blanket for a friend in crochet of course! Don't worry, we all go thru it, just like with any project/job.


We just sometimes need a break!

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If you just aren't feeling motivated to finish your projects, I sometimes find just putting them aside and working on a small project or two, but one at a time, is what I need. Sometimes, you just need see something done NOW.


If you just aren't in the mood at all, just put it aside and one day the urge to continue will come back.

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Probably they're right, after all, we all get tired of "doing". But if you find yourself not having interest in much of anything you used to or usually like doing, and it doesn't return after a bit, try telling the dr. about it. I wouldn't face that something was wrong for a LLLLOOOONNNNGGGGG time, and it turned out that I had a deficiancy that the dr. was able to do something about. So, take a break, then if its affecting other parts of your life, take MEDS:D

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It may be a burnout syndrome. Especially in the winter, I crochet up a storm doing afghans, scarves, etc., then when spring comes, I am sick of doing the same thing. So, this spring, I have abandoned the idea of yarn items, and gone to thread items. Although I did some squares for sfgwife in yarn. But the variety may be what you need. Or, as others suggested, put it down, go outside, get some sun, smell the flowers... leave it for a while. As with anything, you may just need a break!

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Last year I didn't crochet anything for the whole year! I went past my crochet stuff, looked at it and thought "Hmm.... think I used to do that stuff some months back. Nope, don't care for it right now". Not sure why... it just didn't appeal to me at all. Then around Christmas I started planning my usual little treats for coworkers. I thought it was going to be a chore to do all those, but as soon as I got back into it, I started crocheting like crazy. In a few weeks, my to do list was full. I made those little Christmas things for my coworkers, was involved in two Secret Santas, made a layette for a cousin, a doily for a friend, more baby stuff, a goose outfit, then the Easter exchange, etc. I haven't stopped since Christmas, and now I wonder how I could go an entire year without crocheting. :c9


If you don't feel like crocheting, don't. You'll get the urge again sooner or later. :hook

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im going thru this thing im not picking up my crocheting project,its not im not liking crocheting anymore cause i love crocheting , whats wrong with me?


This happened to me - I didn't do anything for 10 years then found my hook just before Christmas and I haven't stopped!


I think the hardest part is finishing a project you have enjoyed, then working on one that is not so interesting or not knowing what to work on next or having too many on the go at once and none really inspiring you.


Your crochet urge will come back, perhaps the project you are working on is boring you or not challenging enough!

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I've been in the same situation where I just don't have the desire to crochet/knit/polymer clay but my mind is constantly coming up with new ideas. So until I get my brain back to crocheting, I've been going thru the graph paper like crazy. Sometimes I think we just need to re-focus. Other times, I think we get so overwhelmed with all the great patterns there are, we want to make them all, we get overloaded, so we 'shut down'. When this happens to me, I put down my hooks & yarn and let my brain free, it's when my more creative ideas happen. I always have a pencil and paper near by for when an inspiration strikes me.

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Take a break from crocheting for a while. You'll probably miss it and suddenly want to do it again.


I'm having the same problem with reading lately. I love to read, but lately I just keep getting distracted. It's not the book. It's a good book. Actually this keeps happening for any book I've been trying to pick up.

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That happens to me as well. Right now I haven't crocheted for about 2 weeks. But I know that soon I will be right back at it before too long because I can hardly stand not to crochet.

It's the same with reading. I love to read and would rather do that than just about anything. But there are times when I don't pick up a book for days (I can't say weeks here because I would just about die if I couldn't read! :lol).

I will be getting fidgety soon and the hooks will be flying.:hook:hook:hook


So don't worry or get anxious, it will hit you soon!

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