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My hometown crochet group...

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The "stitching" group I've organized starts this Wednesday. My church is allowing me to use the parlor to try to get a group of ladies that do any kind of stitching a chance to get together and share ideas, make new friends, show and tell projects. I hope people have a lot of interest and are as excited about it as I am. I've got a fear that no one will show, except me!!!! The plan is to meet 6:30-8:30 every Wednesday. WISH ME LUCK! I hope it goes well!!! Gosh, can't believe how worried I am that no one will come........



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I hope you have a good turnout. My church has a group that meets on Monday afternoons and Monday evenings. They just bring their current project and have a time together. I was told that lately they have all been quilting quilts for a lady that made the tops but did not have them quilted.


Tricia: Don't be afraid to start it. There may be others who also are afraid to start and this will help them.


Good luck

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Teresa I hope you have a good turn out. I use to belong to a crochet group. Really miss them. Two of the ladies have passed away and I moved away. I was the baby. They all kids my age and older. But it was so much fun. Enjoy it!

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Good luck to you - I am sure that people will show up - I went to the Urban Knits get along in the city and they are having another one soon that I plan on going to. I really enjoyed being with a diverse group of woman, not only for crocheting, but just to be with people that I probably wouldn't socalize on a day to day basis - I dont know why, but it made me feel good

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Good luck! We tried it at work every Wednesday at lunchtime (bring your own lunch) and the first meeting had about 15 ladies. Next meeting about 9, next meeting about 5 - 6. Now it's just me and two others who get together. That's not to discourage you because these other two ladies and I have become very friendly now. We trade everything from patterns to yarn to family photos, to stories, worries, laughs and concerns.


So even though we are a wee group I am sooooo happy we tried it! I really look forward to Wednesday lunchtimes.

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