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Note about baby bassinet

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I am so happy!! My baby bassinet sold for 25.00, and I have people in line waiting to buy them as many as I can make.(my husband works in a hospital with mostly all women!)

I don't want to turn my hobby into a job, though, so I am only going to make them If I really feel like it. But I was so happy that people like my work and want to buy it, especially since I only consider myself a beginner crocheter.

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Congrats!! It is nice to get the ultimate compliment and the boost in confidence! I feel the same way about making crochet a job. It's no longer fun when you HAVE to crochet. Especially the same thing. I have a hard time just making 2 of everything for my twin Gdaughters!!

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Good for you!Way to go!! That reminds me of when my first husband worked in a hospital and took in a stuffed dinosaur I had sewn (over 17 years ago) and someone bought it for $15. Everyone else wanted them. I made over $900 that month!!! They took off like crazy....never had anything sell that well again.

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That's great!!! Is there a pic somewhere on C-ville? I think I remember seeing one recently - might've been yours. :cheer:clap:yay

Nevermind, I found the original post. The pics are so darling!!! You did such a neat job.

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