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Crochet Mind Games

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I have a mind game I play when I crochet an item that has more than one component.


For instance a sweater. I will chain and work a few rows of the front , put it down and do the back. In my mind this makes the project go more quickly because I already did some of the front. Weaving in ends before I finish the piece makes me feel like I am getting there faster too. I think because I hate working that first row into the chain and hate weaving in, once they are over with I feel GREAT.


Rationally I KNOW I am not saving any time but it makes me feel better:lol


Any of you play mind games?

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I dont know about it being a mind game, but somebody told me to do that with anything that had multiple peices. It helps one to crochet with the same tension and gauge. For instance I made a Christmas stocking, it had a front side and a back side made in two parts. I made the entire front then went on to make the entire back. Well when it came time to sew the pieces together they didnt really fit. Well I thought that I made a mistake, missed or added rows somewhere. Well, it was the fact that the tension and gauge were slightly different. I was showing somebody the stocking and they commented that I should have had both sides going at the same time.

~ Elizabeth

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I agree with Elizabeth, if you have two pieces that are the same like sleeves work on them both at the same time, you need two hooks that are the same! Then do one row...increase or decrease as per pattern....and then do the same row on the other piece! This will prevent problems where you miss a row on one and not the other or where you increase or decrease differently etc...hope this has been helpful!

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  • 2 weeks later...
My rule is I can't start a new project 'til the one I'm on is done. Sometimes I crochet like a mad woman to get done and get the new one started. :)

Wow TerriJo I am impressed that you FINISH stuff before you start something else!!! I wish I had that much discipline!!!!



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I agree with Elizabeth, if you have two pieces that are the same like sleeves work on them both at the same time, you need two hooks that are the same! Then do one row...increase or decrease as per pattern....and then do the same row on the other piece! This will prevent problems where you miss a row on one and not the other or where you increase or decrease differently etc...hope this has been helpful!


WOW! *smacking forehead* That is a GREAT idea! A way to make the sleaves close to the same size! You guys are GENIUSES!!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...
My rule is I can't start a new project 'til the one I'm on is done. Sometimes I crochet like a mad woman to get done and get the new one started. :)


Wow - I wish I had that much discipline. I get too easily distracted by sites like this with new patterns and ideas and can't stick with just one project.


Thanks for the suggestions about working on both pieces of something. That's a great idea. I'm working on a top for my mom right now, and maybe I should start doing that so it will be the same size when I go to put it together. :ty

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If I am doing a large project, I "can't" put it down until I do X amount of rows. It really helps get me through the afghans, etc.


I do the same thing. If it is really big, I say between 5 and 8 rows for the night and if it is, say a baby blankie, then I do about 8-12 in planning. I use a marker to see where I start and then count from there.


Also, I mark the halfway point so that I know I have made it at least half way down the row. And then I have to finish the whole row before getting up for anything. You never leave a row in the middle.


When doing a border, I place a marker at the second corner, So that I know I only have half a blanket left.


Just little mind games to play.



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I chant a little ditty in my head to keep my rhythm up. Sometimes it's just counting stitches, or sometimes I'll add random words.

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Not really a mind game, but I like to have two projects going (sometimes three). A large one (like the afghan I'm making my hubby), and then something smaller (a bag, or a bib or a gift). That way even though the afghan seems to be taking forever, I can quickly work up something else and get the satisfaction of completion. If I'm working two things that are both taking awhile, sometimes I'll whip up a dishcloth just so I can say I've finished something. Keeps my motivation up!

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