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Crochet -a- Quilt


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AJ if you're still online ... what is the time where you are sitting crocheting a mile a minute (speed wise that is not a another afghan)? Here it is 6.40 am and the sun is rising, the birds are singing and bliss the family is still asleep.Not into sport... there I have admitted it. I love walking but competitive sport is on my banned list. I did watch HANNIBAL-ROMES'S GREATEST NIGHMARE last night and I must admit there were moments in that, especially when the elephants charged that my crocheting speed increased. What a great show!

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Oohh that sounds neat!


I LOVE sports. Baseball, football (American football), and hockey are my favorites. My husband's thrilled with my love of sports because this way he gets to watch the games :) I guess that's one reason he doesn't mind my crocheting.


As far as the time -- here in Wisconsin, it's 3:46 pm and just beautiful blue skies outside. We were supposed to have thunderstorns today, but so far we haven't seen a sign of it yet.


By the way, if anyone's interested, the Sox won. :cheer:D


I'm a happy girl :c9

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:cheer for the Socks. My husband loves me to crochet as he quite often uses it to watch sports. "Just do your crocheting dear" when I might just by chance want to watch something on TV and it clashes with his sports.


I have decided to work on completing one end and then going on to the other end. Just thought I would do this to give myself variety in the colours. I am enjoying a " I do like it" phase at the moment. The colours work quite well :yay together.

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:cheer for the Socks. My husband loves me to crochet as he quite often uses it to watch sports. "Just do you crocheting dear" when I might just by chance want to watch something on TV and it clashes with his sports.


I have decided to work on completing one end and then going on to the other end. Just thought I would do this to give myself variety in the colours. I am enjoying a " I do like it" phase at the moment. The colours work quite well :yay together.


You and I have similar strategies as far as finishing this... I'm also concentrating on one end at a time. I've got about half the first end done and am slowly trickling onto the 2nd half of the first end. I hope to have it all done tonight and then start the 2nd end tonight.


But we'll see ;)

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:lol Just checking in I am getting ready to get off of work:yay and then I will go to my stitch group that meets on Thursday nights. We do a little bit of everything just what ever suits our fancy. I will be working on my quilt afghan and a baby blanket that I have also started. It is turning out real pretty I think! How is everyone elses :hook crocheting day going ? Happy I hope:laughroll :rofl ! You couldn't tell that I get a little crazy:loco :hyper:2spin when it comes time to get off of work, could you.
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Welcome Pam !

Don't be scared of any of us -- the worse part of the whole thing will be that these danged crochetalongs are addicting. It's just no fun to crochet alone after you get into these .

Jump in with both feet . We'll be here to help you if you get stuck. I'll bet a couple others will choose the same afghan you did .

* Just a note for those of you that want to do that one . I may be wrong , but I think Annie's only leaves the pattern there for one day then takes it down to replace with something else tomorrow, so you'd better print it off if you want to save it .

Drop in and tell us about your yarn trip tomorrow, Pam ... I think we hooked you ~~~


Hi JulieKay,


Thanks so much for the official welcome,


You are correct.. the pattern is only there for 24 hours.

I saved it.. but apparently I saved it incorrectly. I hit 'file' ..save as. Same as I have been doing since I started this crochet hobby last mid-December. I figured that much ink ..and paper in my house is unneeded.


So.. yesterday I saved this pattern ..also made a test square.

Was shocked to realize how TINY these squares are.. then went back and see I'm not nutz.. you have saltine squares too...:lol


Next.. looked fruitlessly for another pattern choice.

So....back to my saved pattern.. Guess what ?:eek

It only saved the graphics !!!!!! No words that I can find. :rant

Now..after spending my day working.. and feeling so out of sorts about all that wasted time since last December making potential plans...beating myself up for being such a dunce... I'm back. :P


Ready to start over AFTER seeing all these wonderful posts.. your comment to AJ about the wooden hook has sent me over the edge yet once again. :lol

( the crying has slowed down to spurts )


THANK you for being you. :hug


-Pam L-

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Hi Everyone!



Welcome, Pam! - a super sale at Joann's is a major sign - you are MEANT to join us. Brandy is right - this is a wonderful group for motivation. Caron's SS would be a great choice. Good Luck and hope to see you back in here!




Donnalynn -It looks like there are two others (Angie and Pam), who have fallen in love with the Annie's Attic...it is a very lovely afghan, and so is your choice. Maybe you can do 2? (I have 8 afghans going now because of patterns I keep seeing - I'd better stop looking - but I have faith I will eventually get everything done:hook ......maybe.....one day...)


Well, I'd better get to the fun of crocheting!


Diane !:cheer


Thank you so much !

I have been reading this thread from the beginning.. like a book .. I am one to not spoil the ending by sneaking a peek at the end.

I had no idea DonnaLynn and Angie where ahead of me here.

You have brought me up to speed.. and taught me to do as I say..and not as I do on my regular list/boards.. which is non-crochet. Hate it when something bites me in the hiney that way. :lol :lol :lol


Hope you had a good crochet day !:hug

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Hi Pam. You can use whatever yarn and whatever hook. That is the nice thing about doing a quilt one and somebody is sure to give you help if you need. Everyone is really nice I here. Still kinda of new to this myself and they have welcomed me....Sure are lucky to get a store like that....WE have nothing around here. I have to drive for days to get to the yarn store....Well maybe not days......But you get the picture...Good luck.



Pam, what a great way to jump in (the water's fine, by the way)! A grand opening sale at JoAnn's, and one of Julie's patented, hoppin' crochet-a-longs!


Thanks for the welcome Patricia !

I'm in a false start..but will catch up. :)


Brandy !

My very first welcomer here.. and the quick reply was much appreciated. I was so busy doing a happy dance about yarn and such being OK.. I went straight to testing if I could follow the pattern and make the square. No problem on that part.


As far as yarn stores.. that may be your blessing in disquise. This JoAnnes has the huge parking lot.. right next to the huge parking lot of a little WalMart. :eek Dangerous for the pocketbook.


I love your part of the country. Sent some time living in Decatur ..many, many years ago. So long ago..I'm not even sure if I spelled that right.

Showing my age. :grandma

Thank again!


-Pam L-

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Vims the IC pink (my name for it) is a free project on the net and I cannot find the URL at the moment. I only saw it the other day ... so it is still available. I will try and google it. It was made 2 yrs ago and I did finish this one.



I found the site. Here it is:



Boy I knew I had this one printed out too!!lol! Thanks Ines!!!




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Vims - So what do you guys do for your new years celebration ? Is it like here, where people wear the party hats and blow their party horns , have fireworks and drink ?


**** ( NOTE - when I said HERE I meant the US as a whole ..... In OUR TOWN , the main thing they do is the LAST one on the list . What makes it different than any other day, you ask ? They just drink MORE ):D


No Julie this one is more regional so its very very subdued and just tons of good food to eat and visit loved ones:) but this year we are in a neighbouring state and there is so much going on with our extended family that we wouldn't be able to visit them right away . My parents are visiting my sis in UK and in-laws are busy settliing in after their visit to Dubai with their daughter..So its just eat something and lie low:) I had mentioned about the riots yesterday and indeed the scene was quite bad . All shops were closed and the city resembled a ghost city! And I just have eggplants and onions in my pantry and a few eggs!!!!! I guess I just have to ruslte up something interesting with these:)




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AJ your ghan is absolutely stunning!!! Now will mine even come close to yours:scrachin? But I won't give up till I try!! I just picked up the yarna nd collected all in one place :D so now I am off to crochet my :heart out and get back here with my progress.. Julie if you see me posting without the pictures of my ghan don't hesitate to bring out your bat!!!!


love you all:ghug




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Your afghan is so beautiful I ended up going and printing up the pattern. Although I still need to complete my nine patch. Not sure I'll have the patience you do to finish the praire star one but it is so gorgeous. Good luck I'm sure you will have it done in time. :cheer

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Ladies I feel the need to show or I will loose the plot. This morning has not been good... guilty conscious as I really should be doing something else.


AJ how are you going with yours?


Vims glad you are doing the diamond dance with us.


Here is a preshow of the Star.....



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Crochetlady and Andrea, thanks so much for the wonderful compliments! Crochetlady, I'm sure yours will be every bit as beautiful -- please show pics when you take some!


Andrea, I know you'll have the patience. It's really not as bad as it seems. LOL weaving in all the ends will take more patience than anything!


Forines, oh yours is so pretty!!! You're making wonderful progress! I LOVE your colors!


Give me a few minutes and I'll post a new pic of mine. We are at about the same pace. :cheer

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Evening all. Just checking in as I am taking a break from crocheting and what to type something real quick before the storms get here....They are coming fast so I need to hurry.


You are more than welcome Pam. :D


Forines your Prairie Star looks awesome. You and AJ are doing a great job.:cheer AJ keep up the good work and you will be done tomorrow nite...


I really feel like I am lagging way behind. Well I am going to go back and get my butt in gear and start crocheting my fingers to the bones. Will have new pics tomorrow. I think I may change my colors around. Will let you guys be the judge. Have a great nite all. Happy Crocheting....:hook

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Yayyyyyy!!:clap i got to crochet some today. the last 2 days were so hectic. today was sort of a 'stop the madness' day. do a few dishes, cater to the hubby, crochet, water the greenhouse plants and move some of the houseplants outside.

i've got groups A & B done. of course, A was just 1 square. 32 of group B. now i've started group C. i've got 21 centers of the 40 squares and i think i'm gonna work on the second color of the group. i get tired of doing the same color all the time.

i thought about joining as i go. but then i'd have to keep changing color combos and counting how many i got left to do. so, i'm gonna do a few groups before i start joining.

well, i don't know about you, but i'm confused. :think i think i'll go make squares.


and i love the pastel star. diamonds look hard to do. maybe i'll look up the pattern someday and try it.

keep up the good work, everybody:cheer :cheer :cheer

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LOVE those colors together! Its coming along beautifully! I should be working on mine instead of being on here/



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Ok here's where I'm at so far with mine:




sloooooowly working up the sides to the top side. BUT it's getting there! I've done 49 diamonds today, just 7 less than yesterday and I've still got energy for more.


Bring it, Prairie Star! :dance:woo

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Finally - I'm finished reading this busy thread and I have SO much to say!


Brandy - You are not a lagger, because if you are, then I am! I haven't even started yet today. I got home from work about 8:30 and have been reading here ever since. You will definitely have company working on your quilt until you finish...ME! I Love your square (I peeked on your blog), The last time I tried a diagonal 2 color pattern, it was not a success. I admire your talent.:)



AJ - Let me add my compliments about your beautiful afghan. It is one spectacular gift. How nice to have an encouraging son - what a cutie he must be! I have been reading your and Forines'posts and,- there is an advantage to being behind others. You can pick up tips from the speedy, focused people - I learned to work one side at a time while doing the Prairie Star, AND watching exciting TV can really pick up the pace! Thanks!:ty

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Thank you Diane! And lol, yup, exciting TV or radio broadcast definitely motivates me!


Heck, last night I put on Stanley Kubrick's "The Shining" to have on in the background while I worked on it... I figured the spookies in the movie would keep me up and alert. ;)


But I've found I work the best (and enjoy it the most) when I'm listening to the Sox on the radio. I just :manyheart the White Sox. Been a long time fan since I was about 10 or 11. All those home runs Thome's been hitting lately have inspired me :D

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Forines - I took a peek at your photos and I think your work is beautiful too - and very versatile. I think your bears and dolls are adorable.

It is a wonderful thing to have such a fan in your family...my mom was my biggest fan too. I miss that a lot, and I am very lucky to have a husband is very appreciative too. It's so much fun to make something for someone you love who is thrilled to get it. :)

Your Dad's afghan is very unique too- I love it. I can't believe how you've progressed on your afghan - it's gorgeous. Hopefully, I'll make enough progress to post a picture soon!

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AJ I just adore your colours and I think you are doing great.... I am just slightly behind you. I will make one in pastels eventually and I think I will only work the pattern to the end of the off white and then work an edge around the hexagon. I think it would make a lovely lapghan.


That can be my project number 1008!!!!:D

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Forines, thanks! The next one I make will definitely be bolder colors, probably earthy tones, similar to yours. I just love those deep rich tones!


I like your idea of the hexagon! How much more simple that would be!


LOL I have lists going of patterns I want to do someday and I can SO relate on the "1008"! There are just so many beautiful patterns AND scrumptious yarns!

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Lynn - I am the last in my line of crocheters, but I picked it up from my grandmother so it skipped a generation. My 3 nieces have NO interest, but they are starting to have babies - so maybe a grand niece or even a nephew!


BTW, I am a leftie, and I learned mainly by myself. I was so disappointed when no one could teach me when I was young, but it did help me to mirror a teacher... that is, have your granddaughter sit across from you, instead of next to you, and mirror what you do. I hope this might help!

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