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Crochet -a- Quilt


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Howdy again gang !

Just a couple more patterns to tempt those of you that haven't found anything yet to catch your eye -- scroll down to the bottom of this and take a look :




:eek :eek :eek :eek :eek

That is amazing and ridiculous all at the same time!!! I can't imagine doing ALL of those yoyo's in a year. I'd be :scared:thair:grumpy:bang:tired etc.

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Thanks Julie and thanks also for the yoyo and joining pattern. Someday, someday, someday! I'll probably die and half the patterns I have saved online will still not be done! No granddaughters to carry on the tradition of crocheting either. Well, have to clarify that - I actually have 8 granddaughters! Only one is interested in sewing and crocheting (so far) and she is left handed and finds it too hard to learn, from me anyway. Lets see ------ one (18) is only interested in her boyfriend and school, another (18 - the one I'm making the fan afghan for) only interested in her boyfriend and cooking (she is going to culinary school), another one (17) only interested in her job, one 16, only interested in clothes, another 16, interested but is lefty, another 16 yr old only interested in her horses (she is going to be a vet), one 7 - maybe have a chance with her, one 6 months - think I'll start training her right now!:lol




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Jullie, what pattern are you using for your squares? I just got on the computer and saw a picture of your afghan. I'm doing Around the World and would really like to do something different than a regular granny. Carol

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HI Julie, Its 8:45 pm Thursday April 13th:) Tomorrow is Tamil new years day according to the hindu calendar and celebrated in the state of Tamilnadu which is way doen south (INDIA) so can't get much crochet done but since its just me the kids and hubby I might try to sneak in some time:) (Usually my in-laws would be there too..)




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Jen and Lynn

I agree about all those yoyos . I keep thinking of weaving in THOUSANDS of ends -- the joining actually sounds kinda easy . It's SURE pretty ,though !


Lynn- Don't give up on the granddaughters just yet. Sounds like most of them are into the "boyfriend" stage right now --- give them a few years , then maybe they'll find domestic-type things a little more interesting !


Vims - So what do you guys do for your new years celebration ? Is it like here, where people wear the party hats and blow their party horns , have fireworks and drink ?


**** ( NOTE - when I said HERE I meant the US as a whole ..... In OUR TOWN , the main thing they do is the LAST one on the list . What makes it different than any other day, you ask ? They just drink MORE ):D

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morning Brandy -

Who are you off to see ? You left that blank and just made a brick wall. I know lots of people I could call Brick Walls too ! We must know lots of the same people . :lol !


Sorry guess I was still trying to sleep this am....Got done cleaning for my sister in law....Now need to pick up here a little bit and shower and you know the normal stuff....Maybe a little crocheting.....HOpefully. Then I am off to take care of the lady I help/work for....She is the :bang Maybe I will just open my own yarn store and that would solve a couple of my problems....Well off for a little while be back later hopefully with some progress...:hook

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You quilt is beautiful! Can't wait to see the finished product! LOVE the colors!

Are you keeping it or is it a gift?



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Oh, I had such plans for the day

but Murphy's Law took them all away!


Got lots of sleep, didn't work last night

and was ready to go at first light.


Had to pick up my daughter at a friends.

then to pick up my check and then


cash my check....then to WalMart we'd go

and I'd find all my yarn...I know!


Out to breakfast was planned

but that was not the end.


I have goat feed to buy and veggies to clean

a cake to bake and find time to scream!


To the Doctors at three, wash the car too

come home and clean till I'm through!


But what you may ask

threw a wrench in my tasks?


I can't cash my check until four!


This is a holiday week and we don't have to work Friday so we get our checks one day early....but they won't let us cash them until Friday! (which starts at 4pm today) If we do they will deduct $25.00 from our next pay check! They just decided to start doing this with this holiday....no warning...just a note attached to our checks. What a bummer...Oh well...now I am planning to go get yarn after the Doctors appt. and after picking up goat feed. I have my coupon from Joann's and am ready to go! Everyone's ghans are gorgeous! Welcome to the newbies too...this is such a fun cal. Hopefully tomorrow I will have a picture ready to post of one block! Everyone keep up the good work!

Theresa "2"


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Does anyone ever call you Tabby ?

Good luck on your yarn journey !


Yes, alot of people call me Tabby, even my hubby :o) I've also been called Tab, Tabby cat, T.Rex(yes, my last name is really Rex). So, feel free to call me whatever you like.

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Julie thanks for the link to the yo-yo and joining it! It will sure come in handy for me for another ghan I will be joining later.


AJ....that is gorgeous! I'm sure she will treasure it!

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AJ - it's looking great! I just love the colors! I think your niece will cherish it forever! :manyheart


Ok, progress report: I have finally finished square #2 and am starting on #3. I still don't like how the squares are turning out wider than they are tall but there's not a lot I can do about it at this point as THERE IS NO TURNING BACK NOW!


P.S. Did I mention that I picked up Interweave Knits Crochet at BAM last night? It's killing me not to get started on the Lacy Leaf Cocoon. I must stay focused, I must stay focused!!!

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Boy, this place is hopping ~




AJ- that afghan is stunning, there is no other word for it . :c9


Theresa - sounds like you are putting in a long day today ! Hope you'll soon get to cash your check and buy your yarn . Let us know what you get !

PS- thanks for the catchy poem ~


Tabitha - well Tabby it will be then if you don't mind. I always like to use nicknames for people if they have one . Tabby is cute ~


Donna -you must have a stubborn streak if you are able to stick with that pattern . I give up really easy if a pattern is real complicated and hard to do !

Keep up the good work, it'll be worth it in the end .

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Wow ... that star does look fantastic in pastels AJ. I can relate to how you felt crocheting those white diamonds... they go on for ever. I have finished mine (off white diamonds)and I would say that we are at he same stage of this quilt. Your niece will love it. I do not have nieces ... only nephews and they love anything I make for them. I have two sisters and they do not have my addiction. One of my nephews is very skilled and he is the only one I have been able to teach to crochet. He is 12.

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Thanks!! I love the colors you picked for yours. Saw it yesterday and thought it just looks stunning. I can't wait to see more pics of it!


So are you seeing little diamonds when you close your eyes, too? ;)


I swear, if I get this done by Saturday, I'm going to have to take a few days off just to give my eyes and wrist a bit of a break. lol

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good afternoon all


All of the quilt ghans look beautiful. I am making slow progress. I haven't put together anymore patches yet but I have quite of few squares done.

I got all my burgandy done . over half of the woodsy green and the aran . Thanks for all the encourgement and support this group has . Julie you really are a good cheering squad.


The yo - yo is easy to make I made one of the squares for the monthly swap and it turned out really nice. I started to make all the little yo - yos to make a afghan and got bored with it . That is the problem with doing big projects I get bored easily . Well I am gonna work on the birthday afghan for a while . JUst wanted to say hello . And keep up the good work everyone. :hug

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AJ I began seeing green dots last night .... I think it was my brain was telling me the diamond file had crashed big time. This morning I have a new lease of life but I think my brain is still recovering ... I am suffering with a "joining" syndrome. I have incorrectly joined 3 diamonds so far.


Now I can understand why you are labouring away but I do not have a deadline.

I know I said that I would finish today but...... stop .... I will not listen to those voices calling me to try just a few motifs for my next project!!!


I finished all my endings as I went along as I suffered the penalty when I made my Dad's Swirls lapghan. You have probably been hard at it for hours ... you will make it. Many a times I complete projects in the car as my husband drives us to the destination. Now if only I could sew on my machine in the car.... my sister wants a chenille pillow for a friend and I still have not made it. I might just have to put this 'ghan on hold and sew like crazy today.

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AJ I began seeing green dots last night .... I think it was my brain was telling me the diamond file had crashed big time. This morning I have a new lease of life but I think my brain is still recovering ... I am suffering with a "joining" syndrome. I have incorrectly joined 3 diamonds so far.


Now I can understand why you are labouring away but I do not have a deadline.

I know I said that I would finish today but...... stop .... I will not listen to those voices calling me to try just a few motifs for my next project!!!


I finished all my endings as I went along as I suffered the penalty when I made my Dad's Swirls lapghan. You have probably been hard at it for hours ... you will make it. Many a times I complete projects in the car as my husband drives us to the destination. Now if only I could sew on my machine in the car.... my sister wants a chenille pillow for a friend and I still have not made it. I might just have to put this 'ghan on hold and sew like crazy today.


LOL I'm suffering from joining issues too! I've done two wrong and had a bit of trouble the first time I did one of the half-diamond motifs.


As for the ends, I WISH I had started out weaving them as I went. I have done about 40 of them (I got bored yesterday doing the diamonds and took a while to weave ends. That tells you how sick of doing the white diamonds I was. I HATE weaving in ends and yesterday was much happier doing that than crocheting more diamonds with the white.) ;)


Thanks for the support and believing I'll get it done. I sure hope so. It's looking good, but oh MAN my wrist is getting a bit sore. I'm not flying through the diamonds like I was yesterday. I timed myself yesterday afternoon at 7 minutes per diamond. I think today I'm at about 12.


I've been crocheting for the last three hours while listening to the White Sox game :socks... the game's been so exciting that at the high points for the Sox, I've been flying through the diamonds and the low points I'm too busy yelling at the stereo to actually crochet. lol

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