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Crochet -a- Quilt


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I must, I must take a break .... I am beginning to feel hook motion sickness. I am almost finished the white/ecru diamonds.


Diane go for it and you may find that the colours will play their own tune when you put them together. I have done lots of quilting and I find that sometimes the colours that you least expect to look good together (according to the colour wheel) look great. I was the child that always used blue with green in art work when I was a wee one in the days when the rule was "blue and green should never be seen together". Showing my age here!


Brandy No I have not seen the Baby Tumble Block. I have never made one as a quilt but it would be effective as a crochet quilt. I fell in love with your Prairie Star and it was your photo that motivated me. I had to make one! Your new yellow and blue blocks sing to me. I love that colour combination and the end result will look spectacular. The pattern is a beauty and it looks as though it will require patience+++ and tenacity ++++ with all those little motifs.


Linda that diamond afghan is classy. :clap


Patricia I am led to believe that our meat is A grade beef. I am not a big meat eater but I do enjoy it when I do.


Julie I too was programmed with an internal clock that sends me early to bed but to wake up at some rediculous hour in the morning. Usually I get all my lesson preparation done at that time. So as I am on holidays until next Tuesday I can crochet :cheer


Now if I have forgotten anyone, I will catch up next time I take a break. I must get back before my hook gets cold.


By the way, if you click on my webshots link you can view some of my work.

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This thread has got me buzzing. Although I became a member last year I have not posted as I feel that I may not have the time to keep participating. But this thread has got me hooked and yesterday I started a Prairie Star. Now I live in a location that is in the tropics and the stores do not offer a large selection of acrylic yarn colours although they do offer some wonderful pure wool. Call me crazy but what am I going to do with 100% wool unless I want to felt everything I make? So with no sage or wheat colours in sight, I bravely ventured forward with what I had at home. I am now making the white diamonds and if I am on track, I may complete it by tomorrow. I need to complete this as I am already thinking about the next one which will be either the Annie's Attic or the Around the World.


AJ - Your Prairie Star is gorgeous. Go AJ ....you will complete it by Saturday!

snbarclay - That nine patch is beautiful.


Julie I keep checking to see if you have given us a preview of your Around the World. I am sure it will be "out of this world" and it may decide which one I make next before I go back to work next week.


I hope it is OK for me to jump in and join you guys. I could not resist participating in this thread.


Welcome Ines:clap:clap:clap!!!I am so glad you jumped in!!!

Ladies if you haven't seen her work you should its awesome!!!


BTW Julie I picked the prairie star with my eyes open and I am going to do it in pastels like AJ hope you don't mind it AJ :hook


Thats it for now. First I am going to finish joining the mam strips and then I am starting the prairie star right after it!!!

Will post update later this evening!




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Julie I love your pictures!!! All sqaures neatly stored and all ends woven in!!! I should learn to weave in ends as I go otherwise the whole thing becomes so daunting that I just stash it away.


Ines Love your prairie star! the colors go well so nicely. I too can't fins a nice collection of yarn here and so will have to make do with what I have.


AJ I am sure you can do it! Will be waiting to see the completed afghan !!!


Thanks for all the inspiration ladies!!! I admire each and everyone of your work.



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Thank you Vims for that wonderful compliments. :blush I finally took the plunge and let me say so far (the last 48 hrs at least) I have not started anything else ... I have been very good and stuck with the Star. I have been tempted and resisted. :D I will finish this 'ghan as I want to show it. Now that should keep me on the straight and narrow.

Have you decided which one you are going to work on? Don't you just wish for some of those wonderful colours like sage and buttermilk and dusty rose etc etc? All I get is code numbers and different dyelots.


I am puffing along and have completed the off white diamonds ... now if only my behind would not go numb, I could go all night. I am taking a rest and will resume tomorrow.

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Thanks, Patricia -

Yea, I just decided to go HOG WILD on this afghan and use one of each of those brites .It'll wake you up anyhow, won't it ?

If you like ss and can still find it in your area, there are colors they have that would be pastels. Their pink, light blue, light lilac,light green-- something along those lines . They are thinning out our ss in our stores, so not sure how available it will be . I don't know what they're up to. I emailed the company a month or so ago and they said they'd be adding new colors to their selection so maybe they're getting rid of some of the old ones.

I have about 78 skeins laying around here in case you need to borrow any . I've been stocking up, since it looked like they were phasing out some of it .

So, do you play piano or organ, both or something else ? I don't have any musical talent, but I LOVE to sing .

No one likes to LISTEN . I think I've ruptured a few eardrums with my singing, so I guess I can understand people's reluctance .:D

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Hi Brandy- Very pretty ! That is going to be a beautiful afghan !


Frann - don't worry, if you get in over your head, we'll throw you a rope . :lol


AJ - Just a small question -- you're not using a wooden hook are you ? As fast as you're going, the friction could start a fire . Keep a glass of water close to your chair . :lol



I can tell you're gonna fit right in here -- great crocheter, great poster ! I'll come in later this morning and look through your photos !


Morning, Vims !

Glad you decided on a pattern ! Can't wait to see and hear how your progress is going .


My update as of this morning - 289 squares done . :)

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Julie that Red Affair was a labour of love. My mum decided that she wanted a spread for her Queen size bed. It weighs a ton but she loves it. She claims many of my afghans. She is a treasure and I do not mind when she suggests that my latest one would look nice in her lounge, in her bedroom, in her car, in her shed, etc. I just made my dad a lapghan with yarn that was sitting in her garage. She used to crochet and still does but has slowed down. My dad is not well I thought I would I would make him a cheerful one with recycled yarn. Most of this yarn was from half finished projects. When I mentioned that this is what I had completed and that I would give it to him when I go home this Easter, she placed an order for herself. She claims that she needs another one for when she is watching TV. Didn't I make her one for TV viewing?


Here is my Dad's Swirls .... I do work on 6 projects at once. Always have except now I have to make note of the hook size I used. The old memory is not as sharp as it used to be.



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Forines -

That is also pretty -- looks like nice colors that a man would like . You are lucky your mom takes such an interest in your crocheting. My mom hates crafts and thinks they are wasting your time . I don't know where I picked up the interest in it myself . I only have 1 sister and she also thinks it's stupid ..

I think I am like this because of my dad. He loves to "tinker around " with stuff- anything to keep himself busy . He is never just sitting doing nothing. He likes to keep occupied all the time .

I also think I enjoy it because it keps me occupied. If they ever had WORRYING in the Olympics, I'd win the Gold Medal every time . The busier I stay, the less time I have to worry !



Thanks, Gleda !!! I kinda like them too. Not sure yet just where this afghan will find a home . It certainly won't match anyone's house ... I'm thinking I may donate it to our family renuion in June. We always have an auction to raise funds for the next year and I usually make a couple afghans to donate for that .

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Well, group,

I know we have had this discussion here lately about the lack of yarn in our local stores. I am happy to report that our walmart had 3 new colors today !

Hallelujah and Pass the Gravy !


One is a little gaudy -looking , but it was GREEN .

Why did I buy it ? Because it was there .

It is called Spring green . I am a sucker for green ,as some of you know . I LOVE green . This to me, would be better named NEON GREEN . As I watched my hand grab it and put it in the cart, I'm thinking -- what in the world are you ever gonna MAKE with this color ? But, as I saw it go INTO the cart - I thought -- WHO CARES ? IT's GREEN !!

They also had 2 variegated, which some of you may have seen before when RH had their pounders out awhile back. These are in the Super Saver size -

I got all they had of Bon-bon, which is a beautiful color, especially if you're wearing sunglasses . It has all different shades of bright pinks and like a peacock blue type color.

The other color they had was also variegated , called Candy print I think. It had all shades of pinks and reds . Doggone, I didn't get any of it , but the day has just started . I may go back and grab some -- only because it's THERE .

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Julie, your ghan is looking great! I love those colors!!!


Well, I still have 2 rounds to do on my 2nd square so I should finish this today. I'm wondering what the best way is to take care of all the loose pieces of yarn hanging off the back. I don't want them to weave back out and there are limited places I can weave them due to the way the graph works. I may have to PM one of the gals here who is wonderful at graphs. Tampa Doll comes to mind... I don't want to leave this til the end as I'll get frustrated and won't finish it. If I can find the right way to do it, I may not even get started on the 3rd square today so I can do the finishing on the first two.


So, am I correct that I am the ONLY insane one here to do the Pinwheels? Nobody else wants to do this one too? Well, if anyone decides to, please let me know as I have found a much easier way to do the weaving and finishing rounds that aren't nearly as confusing.


Well, I'm off to get ready for work. Just wanted to say good morning and see how everyone was coming along! :morcoffee

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Just wanted to say Good Mourning to everyone as I am getting ready to go to work. We have been so short handed lately it is really wearing me down. But there is a light at the end of the tunnel. They tell me anyway. :bang :bang :bang:yell


They should know by now that I need my extra time to crochet:hook so I can keep my sanity. Oh well I will chat in again in a little while. Happy:hook :hook :hook everyone. :clap

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:yayJulie I love your pattern and all the color that you picked. That is going to be so pretty can't wait to see the finished product. :cheer:clap You are always such a delight:hug


Here is one of UFO's that I have finally finished. Yea!!!!!!:cheer:clap:cheer:clap




Julie, found the one you were talking about:)


Linda Love your diamonds afghan. What pattern is tha from?


love it!!




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Hey Vims- glad you found the photo . I was looking through the posts trying to find it, when you came on and said you found it ! Pretty , isn't it ?

What time of day is it over there ? I just wondered what the time difference is between here and there .


Thanks for the compliment, Donna. You are braver than me. Someone else who may be of some help is Olga (Irikel) she has made several graphghans lately . Wish I could help you, but I have never screwed up the courage to try one of them !


Linda - good morning -- hope your day at work goes quick !

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Good Morning all. Just dropping in for a min.

Linda Love your diamonds....:c9 That is very beautiful....


Thank you forines. I will have the blue on it this afternoon. It is very time consuming. But I promised my hubby I would get it made for it. The other one I was thinking of doing took even longer. So I said forget about it. Maybe next winter I can get it going. We will see.....:think


AJ you are doing great....:cheer You will have it done in no time flat.....


Well I am off....Have to clean my sister-in-laws house and then off to see the :bang Hopefully she wont change her mind too much today....:thair


Have a great day all....Will check in later....Happy :hook

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Good Morning, i'm going out to get my yarn today, YEAH!:cheer I hope i'll be able to start on it today, but I have this pesky bunny I have to finish for my 4 yr. olds easter basket. I will get that done today & hope to start my ghan soon after. :o)

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morning Brandy -

Who are you off to see ? You left that blank and just made a brick wall. I know lots of people I could call Brick Walls too ! We must know lots of the same people . :lol



Does anyone ever call you Tabby ?

Good luck on your yarn journey !

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Morning all!


First off, I want to say thank you to everyone who offered me encouragement after my post last night. I really appreciate it.


When I went to bed last night, I was so drained from working on it all day. :( I was really upset at thinking that it wouldn't be finished, which is a shame because it's so pretty and I know my niece would love it. But waking up this morning and taking a look at it with fresh eyes, I think I might have a chance. It's going to be cutting it close (uggh those darn ends! lol) but I think I can do it.


My 7 year old son is also being a WONDERFUL cheerleader. When he woke up this morning the first thing he asked me was how many diamonds I got done yesterday. Not "Hi Mom" or "morning" or "I don't *wanna* get out of bed" but "how many diamonds did you finish yesterday?"


What a sweetie! He's probably the one who is most proud of anything I make and says he loves them all. He's also kind of placed an order for an afghan in this pattern in all shades of blue which I'll probably make him for Christmas, unless he finds a pattern he likes better.


So thank you again SO MUCH to everyone here who been supporting me. These CAL's are WONDERFUL for that! :ghug


When I get a bit more done, I'll post some new pics of my progress. :photo

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Good Morning Ladies!:D


Well, I can't wait until I get this afghan finished! Its driving me crazy! It is a fan design with the fans going in opposite directions to kind of form a wavy line. Multi color brights and background white. This is an afghan my granddaughter (Bless her little heart!) wanted for her newly painted bedroom (orange and lime green!!!!) As my daughter says, its only paint and can be covered if they ever decide to sell their house!:lol Well anyway, Its a hard pattern to put together as your eyes begin to do tricks on you and you think you have the square lined up right and after getting it together you have to frog it and start over again! Done this 2 or 3 times now! I used Caron Simply Soft yarn because of their bright colors and I simply HATE using Caron Simply Soft! It splits, knots where you don't want it to and when you try to knot it loosens! Well, I have 3 strips out of 5 done and then it gets a HUGE border. I'll try to post a picture later of what I have done so far.


Have a great day!:hook :hook :hook



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Hey Aj- your son does sound like a little sweetie pie .


Lynn - hang in there. I know different people prefer different yarns. I used to be a RH fan and still do like it. When I first started using SS I didnt like it either. It takes some getting used to since it's so slick and thinner than RH and it does split .

I guess different strokes, as they say !

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