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Crochet -a- Quilt


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you must be doing the same afghan pattern i am . only im anal and have to make all the squares of the same color before going on to the next one. i have close to 30 done of the 124 one. of course i have lots to go for the others. didnt figure out how many in all thought it might depress me lol:lol



not sure if its patients i have or not havnt done one that is in lots of squares that i have to put together and who knows i may get frustrated and have to start my other one i want to do. hope you all had a great day.

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All I can say is WOW!!! You girls are doing a fantastic job! Sounds like a lot of us is making great progress.

Linda H - I love the colors you're using -- very pretty! :cheer

AJ - your star is absolutely gorgeous :cheer

Queen of Crochet - this is my first CAL too - we can be newbies together here :hook


Julie - in my Around The World pattern each square is 10 stitches by 8 rows. When I'm done with the 8th row, I attach a new color and make a new square and keep going like this until I have 15 different colored squares in a strip. As I finish the 1st row of the 1st square for strip 2, I join the last stitch with the stitch of the corresponding row in the 1st strip. Did I confuse you yet? I think I just confused myself. :lol This patterns calls for 15 strips. So when I'm done with the 15th square of the 15th strip, afghan is done (except for the border). This is all done in TSS (Tunisian simple stitch).


I can't wait to get this done because I want to do a Praire Star quilt. What I've seen so far is so very pretty. I notice that the pic shown for the Red Heart pattern looks like it might have been a label on a skein of yarn. Can anybody tell me where I can find this pattern? It might have been mentioned in a previous post but there's a ton of posts on this CAL and I'm too lazy to look for it, even using the search feature. :P

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that is beautiful not sure if ill have the patience for that one maybe ill try that one during the winter. i didnt realize it was a join as you go pattern.

"Note to self, read pattern thouroughly" lol keep on going youll be finished in no time.:cheer

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queen of crochet,

welcome i as well am a newbie . good luck to you , you will find lots of helpful information in here as well as ppl willing to lend advice on anything you might need.



if you go to the first page of this section julie posted a few free pattern links and one is the praire star. good luck to you .

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Ok, I FINALLY finished square #1 tonite!!! WOO HOO! I have taken pics and the links are below. It's really navy blue not black as it appears. The last row looks all loopy as that's the row that I attach the other squares to but it is complete...


If I didn't love my dad so much I would give this project up quick!


Pinwheel #1

(The entire square)

Pinwheel #2

(Close up of the lacing)

Pinwheel #3

(Close up of the stitches)

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i just sat down to crochet today and the office gal where my husband works called to tell me that hubby had done a swan dive with a half twist off the top of his concrete pumping truck and landed on his head. so, we spent today in the E.R. doing CT scans, x-rays, blood tests, splints, slings, etc. silly guy broke a bone in his right wrist and seperated his left shoulder. not to mention the mild concussion and various cuts and scrapes. LOOOONG day. now he's been put to bed and after reading all the posts, i'm going to go that direction, too.

keep moving, gang. i'll catch up.:cheer

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i just sat down to crochet today and the office gal where my husband works called to tell me that hubby had done a swan dive with a half twist off the top of his concrete pumping truck and landed on his head. so, we spent today in the E.R. doing CT scans, x-rays, blood tests, splints, slings, etc. silly guy broke a bone in his right wrist and seperated his left shoulder. not to mention the mild concussion and various cuts and scrapes. LOOOONG day. now he's been put to bed and after reading all the posts, i'm going to go that direction, too.

keep moving, gang. i'll catch up.:cheer


:eek OMG I hope he's ok!!

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thanks. he'll be okay. he's just gonna whine alot for awhile:cry . guys are such babies. ofcourse, after he heals up, i may have to hurt him again:tryme for scaring the wits outta me. but then again, we'd be back to the whining again.:rolleyes

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looks very nice . its gonna be beautiful:manyheart

Ok, I FINALLY finished square #1 tonite!!! WOO HOO! I have taken pics and the links are below. It's really navy blue not black as it appears. The last row looks all loopy as that's the row that I attach the other squares to but it is complete...


If I didn't love my dad so much I would give this project up quick!


Pinwheel #1

(The entire square)

Pinwheel #2

(Close up of the lacing)

Pinwheel #3

(Close up of the stitches)

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well Here it is 11:20 I am going to bed but first I must show what I have done :




Plus I have all my burgandy done

woodsy green 124----------- need 107 :hook

sage green 48 -----------need 30 :hook

aran 93 -----------need 80 :hook


progress is slow but sure.

Have a good night.:manyheart


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You all are doing so great! :cheer


AJ I really like the pastel colors - wow you've gotten far. I thought I was doing well with 10 diamonds done! I started last night, while watching TV, so I kept getting distracted and the writing on that leaflet I have is SO SMALL! Now that I have done a few, it is going really quickly.


Donna lynn - your pinwheel looks spectacular - you seem to be a graphmaster!


Norma - I love the 9 patch. Is it sewn together or made as one square?


Dazy - I can relate. My poor husband has a neck ache and I know it must hurt, but he just spent the last 10 minutes before he fell sound asleep, GROANING, every few seconds, in between conversation with me.


Evelyn - I second AJ, you really don't need too much of any one color to do the Prairie Star. I had a lot of the original colors in my stash, and was just going to supplement from the store, but I can't find Fiesta yarn anywhere around, so I may have to find something in my stash!


Everyone -Do the stores seem sort of depleted of yarn supplies to you all? I went to Walmart, 2 Joann's and a Michael's looking for yarn, and found a scarcity. Walmart had the most.


One more question, then I'll stop - How do you all manage to stay on top of this thread and get any crocheting done! I will have to try crocheting and reading at the same time. :hook

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Dazy - I hope everything is ok with your hubby. :hug


AJ - I looked thru your blog and was truly amazed at the sheer volume and prettiness of the projects you've made. Did you really start and finish all those in the span of a month???


Rddugan - I've found the stores inventory pretty slim lately myself. Walmart is either doing inventory, or just finishing up around here. Joann's had a big sale on RH yarn that ended 2 weeks ago, so that probably cleaned them down to low levels as well. I noticed their inventory was pitiful earlier this week.

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Good morning group !

What better way to wake up than to find 3 new PAGES of messages ! Wow ---


Great job keeping this group alive, guys . Can't do it without you .

( Well, I COULD , but I'd be posting to MYSELF, showing photos to myself , and answering myself, so it'd get pretty DULL after awhile ) :lol


Anyhow, here goes -


Tabitha - Thanks for joining. We'll wait to hear what you decide on . Don't be afraid of me. My bark is worse than my bite .


Dazy - Sorry to hear about your husband's mishap and glad he'll be ok . I have a message for him : If he wants to be in the Olympics doing the SWAN DIVE, tell him that WATER is really a better substance to dive into, rather than concrete .


Donna - your square is really nice ! Those are our school colors . Your dad will treasure it .


Norma- love your first 9 patch ! That is gonna be a beauty .


yep, our walmart is very low on yarn . They said they're doing inventory and will restock once it's done . I'm getting a little impatient . As often as I'm over there, I could do their inventory and load all the new yarn on the shelves for them faster than they could ...


Well, maybe I'd load SOME of it into a cart for myself ... or two carts, depending on how much cash I had with me and how long we could go before needing milk , bread and gas again . Oh, payday was just yesterday ? We don't get paid for 13 more days ? We could make it with one loaf of bread and one jug of milk .:D

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* Speaking of husbands and injuries : My husband, 48 year old man that he is , plays paintball . One day , he pulls into the driveway and sits there beeping his horn til I come out . WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU GOING THAT FOR ? says I ?

Why didn't you come in the house and SPEAK to me rather than annoying the neighbors a little bit and ME A LOT .......?


Well, says he .... I fell and twisted my ankle playing paintball. I need you to drive me to the ER . Hmmm.. What is wrong with this picture ? He drove HOME from paintball that's about 30 minutes away . But he needed a DRIVER to take him to the hospital 5 minutes away ( By the way .... he drove RIGHT BY the hospital on his way home ). Men are so simple minded sometimes , aren't they ?

Anyhow, I think he had second thoughts about asking ME to go along, since I chewed his rear out the whole way there .

When we got there , they did the x-rays etc and found that it was just severely sprained . I proceeded to tell him , the nurses , doctors and anyone ELSE within hearing distance that if he was ever out in the dead of winter in the snow and ice playing paintball again and fell and got hurt , he was gonna have TWO injuries next time :

1- Sprained ankle

2-Surgery to remove my FOOT from his BUTT . :D

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if or when you do put you foot in your husband


I waould love to see a picture of that.


that what I told my husband when he broken his

finger playing basketball with teenager instead of

playing with men his age. which is 48.

men think they can still do things that young guy do.

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you have hook another fish.

I really like quilt that you can crochet.

If I have to make a quilt from fabric

it would not look right.


I really enjoy all of your poems.

it nice to enjoy seeing want everybody

is going to work on.




I'm glad your husband is okay.

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Norma - I love the 9 patch. Is it sewn together or made as one square?



Everyone -Do the stores seem sort of depleted of yarn supplies to you all? I went to Walmart, 2 Joann's and a Michael's looking for yarn, and found a scarcity. Walmart had the most.


One more question, then I'll stop - How do you all manage to stay on top of this thread and get any crocheting done! I will have to try crocheting and reading at the same time. :hook


rddugan: the nine patch is sewn together . Its a whole lot of squares sewn together . I couldn't wait to see the finished product so I put one of the patches together.

I agree on the yarn thing . My walmart hasn't put up any new yarn at all . It frustrates me to no end. Makes me think they are gonna quit selling it . I hope they restock soon.

Least but not last I don't get much crocheting done because I am always so nosey trying to see what everyone else is posting ..:devil


But its all good.

Oh donnalynn . I agree about the A.A . pattern . I would love to do that one but must finish what I have at hand already . (I keep telling myself that, maybe it will sink in .... ) :manyheart

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