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Crochet -a- Quilt


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Good Morning All! :manyheart


I think I will be posting my progress on my tetris ghan here from now on. It is made with solid grannies so it looks kinda quilty. It gives me reason to post here & hopefully keep me motivated with all you cheerleaders. :cheer:D

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Donna: What wonderful colors. Can't wait to see more!


Tiffany: I clicked on the picture before I read your post, and my first thought was "WOW, that's complicated!" Great job, and the colors look great!


Heather: Your ATW is just beautiful - and so big!


Tabby: I'm being good, I promise. In fact, I've made quite a few more squares. I had a (surprise) root canal on Friday, and I had to sit in the office for an extra couple of hours; so of course I had my crochet! Then I crocheted yesterday while traveling to visit a friend whose mother had just died. I kept telling myself, "Keep working, there's a bat headed your way." :P I'm really looking forward to seeing your Tetris ghan. I've been keeping up with that thread, and it's a really exciting project.


Just to clarify one of my earlier posts, I didn't join this thread until after I finisihed my huge wedding afghan. IT's DONE! I posted about it on the WIP thread, but I don't think anyone is visiting over there. (I don't have a picture.) I even finished it ahead of time - the wedding isn't until April 21. Hurray! I've been working on it since October.



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I'd like to see your tetris, and I don't usually take much time out to go to the other CAL's , or very rarely do, so I haven't seen anyone's photos yet .


Bev- I'll have to drop on over to try and find your wedding -ghan . Is it in the show & tell afghan section ?

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Bev~You better be! :tryme:haha



Julie & Athba~I will post pics. soon of it. I have much more done then my last pic. in the tetris thread anyways. I just figured it would be better to be with my friends that will actually talk to me. :manyheart

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Thank you for all the wonderful comments on my Wedding Ring :hug


Tabby - I'd love to see a picture of your Tetris afghan. Like Juli, I usually don't check out the other CALs that I'm not in, so I haven't seen it yet. :cheer

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well I have not been here for like a LONG time!!! I have been good and have been working on my bedspread! I have about half of it done and my mom is getting anxious for it to be done. lol I could tell her I ned 300 more skeins of yarn and shed get it lol!!! Remember me I am making a checkered flag for my step brothers son!

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Thanks everybody, I've been falling down on the job of checking in here. Been a little down in the dumps but it's getting better and hopefully I'll get more squares made soon.

I would love to see the tetris ghan Tabby I've been thinking of doing one myself for my Mom maybe I don't know there are so many I want to do lol.

All the others look great too.

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Well today is photo Friday so I thought I'd add my picture from this week. I actually got alot done this week. I didn't think I would but it is actually going pretty quickly. Here is my picture.




I can't wait to see everyone elses pictures.

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Hi :D


I haven't been in this CAL in a while...I've gotten wrapped up in other things. (you remember me, right?) :D


I'm trying to finish a skirt I'm making for a friend of mine. She saw my Victoria Secret skirt I made from the Victoria Secret Skirt CAL and she demanded a skirt of her own. :lol


I just thought I'd stop in and say hi to everyone and brag a little about my son. Check my blog and read the top story about the Derby Champ. :D:manyheart


I'll try to get back on the quilt wagon very soon!


Have a great weekend everyone!! :hug

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Hi Jimmie

Long time, no see. Yep , of course we remember you and the black and white afghan you are making . Hope you get a photo posted soon !


By the way, have you heard anything from Donnalynn ?I haven't seen her around in several weeks or longer .


Donna- very pretty colors and nice neat work ! Thanks for sharing .


Heather- I hope you are soon doing better. I think we all have those times. Know that there are other people out here that care about you . :manyheart

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Thanks everybody. I'm feeling much better just was a touch of the blues. :) I haven't gotten anything more done on mine. I started the yellow squares and found the color didn't match so I had to go buy another one matching it to a good square. I'm ready to move on from it course I don't know what the next one will be lol.

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