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Crochet -a- Quilt


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it's more of a quilt wannabe than an actual quilt pattern. It's made of solid red, blue, and white grannies, which give it a quilt-like look.


However, I've been thinking a lot about my poor neglected log cabin quilt 'ghan, and I might just have to try it again. It was about half-way done, but Caron discontinued the colors I was using; so it's been a UFO for several years. I was doing the barn raising variation with red centers, one side greens, one side neutrals.



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Jump on in, Bev, and try to get your big project finished up so you can move onto this one.


Yea, that Tabby- she is one dangerous dude, so be careful not to get her riled .She can swing that bat better than Barry Bonds ...........( or so I've HEARD .... she never yet has had to use it on me. :angel



I'm a dutiful worker to the cause .:D

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Bev - both projects sound great. Can't wait to see some pictures. :)


I finished another ring on mine last night, and have some words of advice for anyone else who decides to work on this pattern. The specific pattern I'm using is an Annie's Attick booklet, called Ultimate Quilt Afghans (or something like that, can't remember the exact name right now :blush )


The pattern calls for you to create your foundation chain and then thread it through the other rings according to the diagram and then join before beginning the 1st round. I didn't have any problem joining the first ring that I made without twisting the ch, but for some reason the second ring would just not join without twisting. I must have tried 10 times :bang so what I ended up doing was to crochet the foundation ch and then crochet the 1st round flat, then thread it through the existing rings and join. It is much easier to join, to see where you should thread over and under, and to not twist the round this way. There is a small gap where the foundation ch isn't joined, but when you're weaving in your ends, you can just stitch this together.


Hopefully I can make more progress than just one ring tonight since I figured out this easier way and I'll have a picture to post for tomorrow's Photo Friday. :cheer

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Im going to be starting this pattern(wedding ring) in the next day or so for my DD and i was wondering if you worked in the bottom loop of the chain like it says??I cant get it to line up when i try that....is that what you did.

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Shaylen - Yay! I'm so excited that someone else will be working on the pattern with me :clap Now we can help each other out and motivate to keep going. What colors are you using for yours?


I am working into the bottom bar of the ch like the pattern says, but I was having a really hard time getting the ch not to twist when I joined and worked into this loop. So what I'm doing is working the foundation ch and then the first round (the all sc round) straight, and then joining it together. It's much easier to keep from twisting and also to see how you need to weave it around the already finished rings. Hope that helps.


Right now I've got the first 3 rings finished and I'm working on the small inserts.

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Well I got the first row of my quilt done. I'm going to try the single crochet joining method on this one so I'm going in rows instead of blocks. Here is a picture of the first row all layed out.


And here is a picture of all the squares I have done so far.


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Since I have nothing that i've done recently to show I decided that i'de post a pic. of the quilt ghan that started my quilt ghan madness. I did this ghan about a year ago when Julie first started this CAL. I didn't have a camera at the time so I wasn't able to share pics. that well. Enjoy!







Tabby that is absolutely beautiful. I love the pattern... well done.:clap :clap

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I fianlly got something done on my Trip Around the World. Here's the latest pic of it. I got 3 more rows around it.



That is on a queen size bed, It's going to be a huge throw :D it might end up on my double bed in the quest room. I still need to put 3 more rows around.

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I fianlly got something done on my Trip Around the World. Here's the latest pic of it. I got 3 more rows around it.



That is on a queen size bed, It's going to be a huge throw :D it might end up on my double bed in the quest room. I still need to put 3 more rows around.



Heather that is beautiful. Wow you have done heaps.. well done :clap

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Donna - that looks great so far. Remind me again what pattern you're doing?


Heather - your around the world is beautiful!


I haven't had a chance to take a picture of my Wedding Ring progress yet, but I'll try and find some time tomorrow.

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A couple of days late for Photo Friday, but I finally finished the first complete circle:



(image is clickable)


I was very happy to see it come together nicely because as I was working on it I wasn't sure that it was going to work out. This pattern is probably the most difficult that I've ever done. I had a hard time figuring out how the joining was supposed to be for the white sections. :think Then once I finally figured that out, it's a little fiddly to get everything lined up correctly and you're working with so many different pieces that you have to constantly check and make sure you're in the right place and nothing is getting twisted the wrong way.


But I think I've got the hang of it now, and hopefully won't run into any more problems. :yes

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I know you said you need motivated ,but I am the last one to do that right now. That wouldn't even be like preaching to the choir, since I have been so sluggish myself lately . All I can do is say to listen to all the others here who are making such great progress, they are an inspiration . :manyheart


Tiffany- GREAT work -- my gosh, that does definitely look challenging to say the least . It's gonna be so pretty when done .. Did you say that is the colors they are using for the wedding , or you just chose colors that you like ?

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