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Crochet -a- Quilt


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Wow, Donna. I Googled "summer twist quilt" and I found her ebay page. The quilt is very pretty. It looks like something my mom would make. She's SO good at making quilts. :)


Good luck with it. I never have the patience for it...but I have the patience for crochet. lol

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Thanks, I'm going to have my MILs help making the fabric one. I'm planning on getting some yarn on payday. I might get to go on a yarn binge if I get some birthday money. hehe Then I can start the crochet version of it.

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Donna, the summer twist quilt look so wonderful. I also googled for it and found the ebay page. Please keep us updated on the crocheted version ?


Psst... I can be nudged into doing it along with you. :wink


I expected that my CAL projects will slow down by next month. By then, I will have my magic carpet quilt and maybe one more CAL (if someone else dare to create a new one! :P )

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Donna - My magic carpet quilt is basically my own design based on a magic carpet template in a quilt book.


Here is all the posts about Tahlara's magic carpet if others also want to know.

# 3152 page 316

# 3166 page 317

# 3225 and #3227 page 322


If you have more questions, please feel free to ask away! I am not able to work on my quilt until I complete two more projects this month, cardigan and a shawl.

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Hi Ladies

It's good to see a little action in here again. I think a lot of us are in the same boat-- we started lots of projects and have maybe had to lay down a few of them to work on others. The good thing about this project is ,it is good for winter and summer. If you have to make lots of little squares, they are easy to do while sitting out in your yard , riding in the car or on a vacation, since they are portable and the basic square pattern is the same for most of the quilts .

Anyhow, I will try hard to get my buns in here more often now to keep things moving.


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Hi Donna

Thanks for asking -- the reunion is going well. I seem to have a problem knowing when to QUIT .

Once I get a good running start on it, I keep thinking of more and more ideas I want to try -- more decorations, more games, more prizes -- I just go overboard with it. I always try really hard to make it as much fun as possible so everyone has a good time .

I MAY have someone to do the kid's games this year, which will take off a big load . We divide the kids into age groups for games, and have 3 games per age, so it can get kinda hectic, making sure there are enough prizes to give everyone one( win or lose, they all get a prize ) and thinking of games that each age group would like.

The biggest challenge with that are the teens-- they are different now than they were in my day-- we loved playing the games at reunion, but now, most of the teens don't really wanna play, unless we just have groups things like baseball games or basketball-- the boys like that .

Anyhow, I won't consider myself OFFICIALLY done til reunion gets here . I'm all the time trying to TWEAK it and make it better . :lol

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yeah it sounds like it will be tons of fun. Maybe for the teens you can do a teens against adults softball game or something. I know some teens enjoy that. You sound so busy, I'm the same way with adding things on up till the actual event.

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Hey Julie, will you adopt me? Your family reunions sound super fun! Our's consist of stuffing our faces and playing only one game which goes like this, "Oh yeah? Well, I'll see your kidney stones and raise you by bunions on both feet and a herniated disc." "Bah! I've got you all beat. I've had this growth since 1975....well, here let me show you." :rofl

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Hi Donna

Thanks for asking -- the reunion is going well. I seem to have a problem knowing when to QUIT .

I'm all the time trying to TWEAK it and make it better . :lol


Julie, I hope you get to have some fun with your reunion. But it is good to see you peeking in here, too! :)

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I like your idea about the teens vs adults in baseball. The only problem with that in our family is that we kinda have strange age groups at the moment. Our family has had this reunion for over 60 years .

They started it when my mom was a girl . When she was born, she was kinda a SURPRISE !!!! My grandparents thought they were done with babies ,in fact. My mom's brothers and sisters were all married by the time she was born, so it has kinda set our family up as always having a GAP someplace in ages . For example, right now, there are hardly ANY babies in the family . THere are only a handful of people my age range , a BIG

group of people in their 60's and up . Another small group in their late 30's,middle 40's , then the teens, of which we have about a dozen I'd say.... so for a block of time, we won't have many babies ,then BAM ,when all the teens get going on the weddings and babies, we'll have a truckload of little babies again .

Anyhow, I got a little off track about the baseball. Right at this point, there really aren't very many people who are in the condition and age to play baseball against the teens .

Last year, we did a men vs ladies ( kinda like Family Feud ) and they had a blast with that, so I think we'll do that again .We have so many people in the older group right now that most games need to be sit -down or very little activity .

One year ( about 10 years ago ) I went to garage sales and bought the stupidest looking clothes I could find , like old lady dresses, old prom dresses , hats, purses, gloves, etc) and we had a PRETEND fashion show. I put each outfit into a grocery bag, picked out a group of ladies , and wrote out a speech about each outfit. Made the ladies Walk the Runway , and everyone had a REALLY good time with that, with lots of laughs .

Or one year , I had a group of men sit in lawn chairs up front, made them each put on a pair of oven mitts, then gave them each a pair of panty hose and the first one to get theirs on won a prize .

Last year, I took 3 men's t-shirts, soaked them in the sink, folded them up and put them in ziplock bags and put them in the freezer . Reunion day, I called for 3 volunteers ,and told them all they had to do to win the game, was to be the first one to put on a shirt -- then I handed them the frozen shirts--- now THAT was funny, watching to see how they'd get them thawed out enough to wear .

Anyhow, it keeps me busy trying to come up with new things to entertain them and let them all have a good time .:)

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Wow Julie those are great ideas. I wish I could think of neat games like that for parties I'll have to come up with things when my DD gets older for her birthday party games and I don't look forward to it lol.

I made a lot of squares this last week but haven't gotten any sewn on to my TAW to show.

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Nothing to report on my baby quilt - joining the squares for my hospital project have completely obsessed me!:P:eek


I need to try and get back to doing my CALs at least a little every day.

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Wow Julie those are some awesome ideas. It sure sounds like you guys always have tons of fun.


Nothing to report on my quilt yet. I did pick out the color scheme for sure but I've only bought one color. I'm hoping for some birthday money :lol Then I can go nuts and buy all the rest of the colors for it.

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Cara- you are more than welcome at our reunion . We have visitors every year. People bring their friends and neighbors every year, so we always have extra people, which is a lot of fun .


Heather - there are TONS of really nice websites online for kid's party games-- if you just do a search, they will give you theme ideas and games, menus, the works . That's where I get lots of my ideas .


Judi - I know where you're coming from -- it is hard when you get signed up for so many CAL's --- it's hard to balance them all out so you have time to work on each of them .


Donna- I'll keep my fingers crossed that the birthday fairy leaves you some yarn money !

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I'm working on an Americana afghan in red, off-white, and blue. It's made of solid grannies, which gives it a quilt-like look.


Could I come in here to play? I've always wanted to make a quilt afghan, but this is the closest I've got right now. Several years ago I started on a log cabin pattern, but Caron discontinued the colors I was using - so the pieces are just sitting in a bin, neglected. Poor pitiful afghan.



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Bev - Welcome!


I've been MIA on this thread for a while, but will be jumping back in soon. One of my friends from college is getting married in July and I want to make the double wedding ring quilt for them. I'm going to look in some stores this afternoon for yarn, but I think that I'm going to use the following colors of TLC Essentials Yarn:


Baby Yellow




The Island is a variegated with some white, yellow, blues and greens. Her wedding color is yellow, so I thought it would be nice to make a ghan with that as the primary color.


I'm really hoping I can find the yarn in some local stores rather than having to order online so that I can get started soon.


How is everyone else coming along? If there's anyone else who wants to, or is already working on the double wedding ring, speak up and we can motivate each other. I'm going to have to really focus on this project so that I can get it done in time.

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Thanks, Judi. This has been my take-along project for the past month, since I've been on the road a lot. I thought I'd get bored with the grannies, but that hasn't happened yet. I'd post a picture, but I'm no good with that. (I bought it on eBay, but I don't see another picture of it on there now.)


I've loved looking at everyone else's quilt-ghans. And the ones at "Every happy house needs . . ." too.



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thanks for the welcome.


I've looked at the double wedding ring pattern several times. What a lucky friend. And the colors sound yummy.




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Welcome in, Bev

We'd love to have you join us . :)


Rachel - I wish I could help you out there with the wedding ring, but it looks a little beyond my patience quota right now. I am lucky if I stick with the things I already have going. Just going through a crochet slump and trying to re-charge the old batteries .

I will be very excited to watch your progress though . :manyheart

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Tiffany~Those colors sound pretty together. I bought a skein of island yarn awhile back but they only had one skein left at the time so I still am waiting to get back to get more. I want to do the blue star ghan with it, it's such a pretty color. Good Luck on your ghan & I can't wait to see pics.



Bev~Welcome! :D

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