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Crochet -a- Quilt


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Dang this is a lot more than I had iman=gined !! LOL I have had a time fighting with mine. SO I dont have much to post right now. I should after the weekend. Are we aloud to see the other ppls postsw ith pics?

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Duh after I scrolled I can see some. They all look beautiful. I am frustrated at mine. I tried to do the afghan stitch and honestly it sucks. So I am changing the pattern to suit me. I love the pattern just need to tweak it some

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Hey ladies

I'm a little late getting back in here, but tohught I'd drop in quick and thanks those of oyu who posted photos-- keep up the good work !


and Melissa - another husband story ! My gosh, those men are simple-minded creatures, aren't they ? FUNNY !!!!

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:eek :eek I have fallen of the perch again. I am working on my BS and a baby quilt then I am led astray by one of my UFOs. I cannot help it ... it was sitting there begging me to give it some attention. I knew that I was not going to complete it so I frogged. Initially I was going to transform it into a Around the World but then I got the urge to go Across the world. I am using the yarn from this and adding some from my stash and I like the result so far. I have to admit I tend to favour the "mish mash" effect of the colours and I am hoping to make this large enough for a double bed. this is what I put together last night and I now want to work on this rather than my BS. It is the wee hours of the morning here and I will begin the square dance again. The photo is not the best ... I will post one on Friday and try and take it in daylight.


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Julie do not quote me .... I made up that name. I must look up my quilting books to see if that diagonal look has a name. I just thought it appropriate to call it Across the World as I am not going round and round.:D As for an on line pic ... do not know. All I am doing is working my squares from corner to corner.

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Tabby, that's a cute look:c9 ..what colors are you using?


And Forines...the red, white and blue...well, I'm all about bright colors when it's for me:D

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thanks judianne. It has now taken on a slightly different note as I have added some bright yellow ... amazing how one colour can change the way the colours speak. I am considering electric blue but that may dominate. I always tend to use the vibrant colours and I prefer the scrappy look although I do at times co-ordinate.

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Thanks everyone! It is a tad bit little girlish but it's different from my usual so I think that's why I like it. I'm using mainstays off-white, pink var., pink & purple. The colors are pretty bright. I'm using RH lt. sage for the leaf round.



Ines~Very pretty. :cheer:clap:cheer

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I am SOOOOO in the mood for a brightly colored project!! But I have to stop falling off the perch...I'm too easily influenced by the gorgeous work I see here! You gals are :devil ly clever!!

Back to my massive to-do list:P

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Judi~That's how I felt, that's why I chose such bright girly colors. I have 4 boys & never get to use the girly pinks & purples plus there so bright. I never use colors like this and it actually is more motivating to do because it's so different from my norm. Oh boy, do I understand the big to do list problem too. :lol I currently have 3 ghans & 1 doily on the fire and several unfinished ghans in the closet that are begging for my attention also. :eek:lol:devil

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Tabby, that is so funny to me about you wanting to work with girly colors. I LOVE working with the deep blues and more masculine colors because I have 3 girls, and 2 neices and only 1 nephew so I almost NEVER get to use boyish colors.

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Hi ladies


Tabby- it sounds like you are enjoying your adventure with new colors. Sometimes that's a good motivator if you feel yourself getting a little sluggish about your crochet enthusiasm. If you can find a new or different color to try, that's al it takes .

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