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Crochet -a- Quilt


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Few hours ago, I got inspired and draw up my own design based on a quilt idea. It's based on BH&G's 501 quilt blocks book on page 14, the magic carpet template. Hope it's okay if I do my own custom design instead of prarie star ?

I might call it Tahlara's Magic Carpet as it will be so nice to own one. :wlol


I will pick up some carson pound off white and black on next stop at Michael's. I plan to do it by sections (to ease boredom) of two colors diagonal squares, one color squares and rectangle blocks. Wish me luck!

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:lol Burnt bacon - yep, would have given it to my DH, too. :lol


Dentist/cavity - my son got a cavity last may. He was 5 at the time. In between his two back molars. I was mad because he goes for regular checkups and he takes care of his teeth. How did they miss it? So, the dentist had this new "laser" thing that was supposed to be painless for filling cavities.


He used it and we went home. About 4-5 months later my son starts crying about how much his tooth hurts. He couldn't even eat. His dentist can't see us for a WEEK. I take him somewhere else and he has an abscessed tooth because the first dentist didn't do it right and the filling was worthless. So, after 3 visits to a pediatric dentist, and alot of trauma, my son has one of those molars filled (and the dentist isn't sure if the tooth will last until it falls out because it was so bad already) and the other one, behind it, had to be pulled.


My son is 6 and he's had more work done on his mouth than I have! I felt like such a bad mommy that he had to go through that. As if there was something I could have done to prevent it. All I can do is not take him to the first dentist anymore. (he's a quack!)


Whoo, sorry about that venting. :lol


Progress on the race car afghan that's "due" tomorrow - I need 18 white squares and 17 black squares, total. I have 10 1/2 white and 9 black. I also have a meeting tonight, so I can't work on it for the whole evening. My boss is in meetings all morning, so I'm going to work on it here at work and TRY to get all the squares done, so all I have to do tonight is sew them together. I fell asleep last night while I was working on them. DH got up at 1:30 in the morning and came to get me. :lol

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For the afghan stitch - I am pretty sure when they say "knit one stitch, purl one stitch" its supposed to be like this:


When you're doing a regular afghan stitch you just stick your hook into the vertical bar, yarn over and pull up a loop.


For Purl stitch it is done by holding the yarn IN FRONT of the work, insert your hook into the vertical bar, yarn over and pull up a loop.


When you do these alternating it makes a very interesting look. It also is VERY helpful in keeping the work from curling.


If you don't want to mess with a purl stitch, after you are done with the afghan, once you put the border on it, that helps it to lay flat. But, I have heard people complain that it is still a little curly, so thats why they recommend you use the purl stitch. I know I found a link that might explain the purl stitch better. Let me see if I can find it. Nevermind Donna had a good link =)


I guess there is also an afghan knit stitch. Which is done different than regular afghan stitch by sticking the hook through the space between posts (I think) and yarn over and pull up a loop. (not 100% sure on this one have never done this stitch)

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:sweat:hyper I've been crocheting since I got to work. Each square takes me more than 15 minutes, and I got interrupted alot in the morning. Soon I'm going to have to go to a meeting w/the VP...and I think I'll be done crocheting (at work) for the rest of the day. I'll have to try to finish everything up at home (and maybe at my meeting tonight).


I got all the black squares done and I only need 5 more white squares. Then I'll just need to sew the whole thing together. :faint


My hands hurt, and my neck hurts, and I feel cross-eyed. :tired:out


Go, me, go! :box


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If it were me, I'd have to get another Dentist. NO ONE would tell me I can't be present when my child is getting treated! I'd be ripping them a new.... earlobe... especially if my child was upset about it!



Well, the unfortunate thing is that this dentist is already 45 minutes away & the next closest for our insurance is about 2 hrs. so I guess i'll stick with this one. They do allow me in when he is getting a cleaning just not the work, they said too many parents get worked up when there kids are crying & make it worse. The good thing is he came out with a smile & laughing. :D

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Good Morning All! :manyheart


I'm bumping this back up since I still come in here alot. I hope that someone besides me will have a pic. for photo Friday. I will share my pic. when I get back from daycare because there will be better light. :D


Have a good one! :hook:yarn

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I will take a picture of mine after I get home from running a few errands. I'm pretty proud of it. I've gotten it almost halfway finished. I would have finished the rest of the square but I was tired so I went to bed instead. :lol

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I didn't work on my PS at all this week. I am trying to finish my son's afghan that was supposed to be done for Christmas :blush, then I told him I would be done by his birthday, which was this past Wednesday (31st). How did that sneak up on me so fast? :eek So, I am hoping to finish that this weekend, then be full steam ahead on the PS again. Hopefully I will have some progress photos next Friday.:hook

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I'm DONE! (with the race afghan) You won't believe what I went through. :lol


I worked on squares during any free time I had, since Monday. I fell asleep crocheting on Wednesday night, around 1:30 in the morning. Yesterday I went to my meeting I had to go to, at 7:30 PM. I crocheted before I went, and I stayed up until 2:00 AM crocheting and sewing the squares together after the meeting. (There was alot more work than that, but anway...:lol )


I just gave it to him today. He seemed like he was pretty choked up about the whole day. But I made him pose with his blanket anyway. :lol


I put pics in my blog. So those are my Photo Friday progress pics. Now, I'll try to get back on the PS wagon again.

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hello everybody, I thought I will share my update. I can't find right colors for my magic carpet at few LYS and Michael/Wallmart. I end up ordering some from LYS with a huge membership discount. Here is the colors I get: natural white (MC), blue, red, fuschia, turquiose, black, and yellow. I decide to go with cotton, dishcloth kind. They should arrive in a week in mail. :c9

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Thanks, Melannie:manyheart


...and I thought I saw a post from you, but did you do what I did originally with my pics- which is post it on another CAL!?:think

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he sure did... knowing that was HIS breakfast.


I just stood there looking at him. We had not been married very long. My mother-in-law said it was probably some passive aggressive bassackward attempt at training me not to ask him to do anything around the house but it backfired on him.


I put the burned bacon on his plate. LOL


He didn't eat it of course, but the look on his face was priceless.


usually I just lurk this thread to see how you ladies are coming along, but after reading this, and then catching my breath after laughing so hard, i just had to post.


My hubby was at home from work one day, and I called him and told him to put the clothes that I'd washed that morning before work, into the dryer. He did. and that's all. they were still wet in the dryer when I got home, he'd never turned them on. "you didn't say turn it on".......:eek I just looked at him like he'd just grown an extra set of ears. dumb@#$$.

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Well here is my TAW so far. I got the yellow, red and dark blue on it since last Friday. I'm also 4 rows into a block I'm making up for a baby. It's going to be a 4 tulip block.





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