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Crochet -a- Quilt


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Julie I'm not sure yet what colors I will be doing the DWR in yet. First I was thinking jewel tones, then fall colors, and then went back to pastels...just not sure! I want to make a few more quilt ghans for our new house we are supposed to start this spring, I've always loved seeing quilts and afghans at the end of a bed, but I'm not sure what colors yet in the house but then I was thinking it really doesn't matter because I can always change with the seasons and that just makes me more confused about what colors to use! LOL

Tabby, Donna, and Jadyn...thanks so much for your compliments on my ghan and your thoughts for our family....fil is missed much but we all know what a blessing for him to go so peacefully...thank you.

dsabol...so sorry about neko, it is hard to see a loving pet suffer, I hope he surprises everyone too, I will be thinking of you all at this time.

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I know what you mean about colors -- you might get one idea in your head, then start it and change your mind, or you might not like how it looks ,then want something different, or the next time you go yarn shopping, you may see some other colors you think you'd like better .

It's a constant challenge.

You are right, though, you could actually make SEVERAL afghans, and change them with the seasons. Good idea !

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:hug Thank you to everyone for being so supportive. I feel a little silly being so upset about cat, but he's been there through so much and he almost seemed to be more "human" than he really could be. I keep thinking about one night recently when he came and put his head on my shoulder, while I was laying in bed, and he wrapped his paw around my neck. Like he was hugging me. He just layed there and purred in my ear. He was so sweet. :manyheart :manyheart :manyheart :manyheart :manyheart


We'll be ok, though. Sincerely, thanks for all the love. :manyheart


I got alot done on my PS last night. DH went out with a friend he hasn't seen in a long time. I was a little disappointed about his condition when he came home, but what can you do? :lol


I still need to get some more Navy, and I found an AC Moore coupon last night that I can use at Michaels. So, it's off to Michaels today. I can get lost in that store. :)

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Donna, can I ask what program or ... whatever it was ... that you used to create your extended PS? I've fiddled with a few different programs but can't get it. Would love to make other quilt designs - and I've even been thinking about tempting a prairie star cardigan - using the diamond pattern but I'd rather be able to test colours and such before starting to crochet them.

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:) I've gotten alot of questions about that.


I "tried" to explain it on my blog. I don't know if I did a good enough job with the explanation. I've been doing things similar to this for a long time, so it's something I know how to do, feel comfortable doing, but don't know really how to explain it.


My short answer is I used the Autoshapes in Excel (found on the Drawing toolbar). Then I copied it over to Corel Photo Paint after it was done, just so I could turn it into a jpg file, so I could post it online.


Check out my blog and see if what I say there helps you at all. The address for my blog is in my signature, below. Let me know if you have any other questions. :)

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Morning Donna-

yep, tomorrow is Photo Friday -- so ladies , get your cameras warmed up and ready to snap a photo of your progress ~~~


PS-- as for the husband coming home in below-par condition :

I think I know what you mean. Mine has never come home in that condition , but he DID go play paintball once in the snow and ice and came home with a sprained ankle.

After taking him to the ER and getting x-rays and paying 500 bucks , I told him the next time he pulls a stunt like that, they'd have to

X-ray his BACK END to locate my foot .


See if THAT advice works .


Have a nice day everyone ~~~ :D

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I had to stop last night after a while because my finger was hurting where I poke it through the loop. I push the hook against the side of my middle finger, and it's getting sore.


I'm thinking about getting a leather thimble. Does anyone have another suggestion?


q8 - You can do it!! :clap:cheer:clap:cheer

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Good luck, Athba ! If I can do it, you can :)


Donna- try a bandaid on the sore place on your finger. Last year, I made a couple projects with double strands and an N hook and it made my finger really sore. A Band aid kinda cushioned the spot a little so it wasn't as sore . :yes

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Actually, for the yarn going over your finger, I saw some people who said to crochet a little sleeve to fit over your finger. I thought that was a good idea. But for the tip of my middle finger I was kind of stumped.


I was thinking about a bandaid, too....:scrachin

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When the yarn bothers me rubbing on my finger I just put some first aid tape on it the RH yarn sometimes rubs my finger raw and irritates. For a sore finger I hadn't really found anything that works it's usually not sore but one day but I would think a leather thimble might help I have one for sewing and it's pretty comfortable to wear.

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LOL Julie! :lol I like the foot response, too funny. :lol



I still have NO idea what ghan i'll being next, i'm just taking a ghan break for now until something catches my eye. As far as my finished PS #2, i'm going to make you all wait until tomorrow for the pic. :devil This way I have something to share on photo Friday. :P

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Thanks Julie & Donna. I'm sure i'll get my groove back soon. I'm just so tired lately & I have no idea why. I hope it doesn't last too much longer otherwise i'll go stir crazy. :lol:eek



Athba~Post them when you want, whatever's more convienent for you. :D

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Hi everyone :waving Happy Friday!


I haven't made much progress on my PS. Part of it was that my boss was out of the country when I started on it, so I could take it in and work on it at work so I made amazing progress when I could do that. Also, it is a little bulky to be taking with me places now, so I just mainly work on it at home. I am pleased with how it is coming along though. I should be able to work on it more this weekend.


I have also joined the 2007 Charity Blitz, so I work on the blankets during lunch. They are small and easy to take with me.


Hope everyone has a great day!



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