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Crochet -a- Quilt


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Hey Wendy

I hope you guys have a real nice time. We'll talk to you when you get home , and good for you, bringing your crochet with you ! Making use of your spare time.

I hope to have a nice photo to post of my progress for this coming Friday . :)

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Thanks Julie! I'm just about finished with the diamonds. I have a couple more halves to go the just the border. I hope to finish it up tomorrow. I spent most of today trying to wake up & getting my crochet groove back. :lol I hope your new PS works out for you, good luck.


Wendy~Have a safe & fun trip. :manyheart

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Good Morning All! :manyheart


I went to bed early last night so I feel a bit more refreshed but not completely yet. I'll get there. :yes:D


I did get some more of my PS done before going to bed. I have 4 white diamonds left & then i'm off to the border. I thought I was done with them & then noticed it looked a little off & *DOH* I had forgotten the corner white ones on the top. :lol Told ya I was tired. :eek



Julie~I hope you're making good progress & I hope you accomplish what you're trying to. :yes:hug:hook:yarn

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Hi :)


I'm playing hookie today...I have so much to do, it just didn't make sense to go to work! :lol


My kitty has been sick all weekend (Neko, the one in my blog) :(


I'm getting ready to pack him up and take him to the vet. They're going to check him in to the "hospital" and run some tests to see what's wrong. He was throwing up all weekend and crying. I didn't see him eat anything, or drink. This morning I saw him drink a little, though. He's been losing weight lately, so I hope they find out what's wrong with him and get him better. He's 11 but he's been there through thick & thin. I found him as a stray when I lived by myself in Detroit. I took him off the streets right before a bad winter storm. I love my kitty. :(


*sigh* Anyway, I will try to work on my PS today, too. I did want to mention that the borders on the design I made are not totally to scale and when I get to that point it's going to be trial & error to see what fits the best. Maybe I'll have to make the blue borders wider than what's shown, so the diamonds fit. I'll have to see. When I get to that point, I'll let you know what I found out.


I've noticed that a few people have said they want to try it, and I don't want anyone getting that far and getting frustrated. (Hopefully I'll get there before you do, since I'm almost there. ) :lol


Ok, off to the vet. Wish us luck.

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My kitty has been sick all weekend (Neko, the one in my blog) :(


I'm getting ready to pack him up and take him to the vet. They're going to check him in to the "hospital" and run some tests to see what's wrong. He was throwing up all weekend and crying. I didn't see him eat anything, or drink. This morning I saw him drink a little, though. He's been losing weight lately, so I hope they find out what's wrong with him and get him better. He's 11 but he's been there through thick & thin. I found him as a stray when I lived by myself in Detroit. I took him off the streets right before a bad winter storm. I love my kitty. :(

Ok, off to the vet. Wish us luck.

I hope Neko feels better soon...let us know. I love all furry critters and our first pet was a beautiful tiger striped cat...but my 2 German shepherds might think a cat was a snack:(

I know your kitty feels your love...

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Well, that was stupid. I asked my good friend what pattern she wanted for her birthday afghan. She had seen the P Star I did for my brother and wanted a quilt looking one. SOOOOOO, I found a great pattern. 2 1/2 inch squares. Over 500 of them. Now I am going insane. The sewing required is making me nuts. I find crocheting relaxing, but with this I feel that I just get started and it is time to weave in ends and sew a lot. Any advice? It needs to be done by spring. With the frustration I am feeling I can see it turning into a 3 year project.

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I had to leave Neko at the vet. They're going to keep him for a couple days. The vet mentioned cancer a couple times. I'm hoping it's not. I'll keep you all posted. :(


I'm so sorry Donna. I hope Neko will be okay. My thoughts are with you both. :manyheart:hug:manyheart

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I had to leave Neko at the vet. They're going to keep him for a couple days. The vet mentioned cancer a couple times. I'm hoping it's not. I'll keep you all posted. :(


I'm sorry to that Neko is sick...i don't know what i would do if my kitty got sick...my prayers will be with you and Niko.

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Poor Neko...and poor you...we've been through that with a couple of our dogs. My prayers for wisdom for you and the doctors, and healing for Neko.:hug

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Thanks everyone. The vet called and said his liver levels are elevated and his sugar is over 250 and should be about 150-ish. He said he thinks Neko go into something, but I don't really know what it could be. He's lost 6 pounds overall.


He's still going to keep him there to keep him on an IV and other medicines.


I did get a little done on my PS but I've been a little out of whack today. My other cat, Nikki, is wandering around the house meowing. Poor kitty.


I think I'll go crochet some more. Maybe it'll help. :)

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Thanks everyone. The vet called and said his liver levels are elevated and his sugar is over 250 and should be about 150-ish. He said he thinks Neko go into something, but I don't really know what it could be. He's lost 6 pounds overall.

Does Neko go outside or did he get into the garage? I'm wondering about anitfreeze getting on his paws

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Sorry to hear about your kitty being sick. I hope the vet can pinpoint the problem and get him shaped up soon .





Qupid - about all the advice I can give you is to say good luck -- if you have that many squares, it'll be lots of weaving in ends and putting it together. You can do it in time if you have a lot of time to work on it.

If it seems too overwhelming, maybe you should choose a different pattern .

Maybe if you'd make bigger squares, it'd take less weaving and joining .

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Donna I'm so sorry about Neko. I hope he is feeling better soon and can come home.


Tabby that is awesome that you finished it. I can't wait to see the finished picture.


I hit a snag today on my quilt. I accidently made a square wrong and didn't catch it till it was in the quilt. So I spent today ripping it out. Oh well now I'm off to fix what I ripped. lol.

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Hey there, good old Tabby

I am ok, how about yourself ? Getting your steam back yet ?


Congrats on finishing your next PS ~~~ You are my hero .

Believe it or not, i now have one whote section done and about 4 diamonds on the 2nd . I think I'm finally gonna get one of these done . :)



Donna- sorry to hear you found a mistake and had to take some of yours apart -- good thing you have the patience to do that !

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Thanks Julie! :hug Yep, Stellas got her groove back. :lol I still feel tired & crappy but i'm going to see the Doctor hopefully tomorrow. Glad to hear you're doing well. :manyheart And WOOHOO on your PS progress, good for you! :yay:clap


Donna~Thanks a bunch! I'll post a pic. tomorrow when there's more light. I actually like this one better then the first even though the colors aren't personally my faves. It's going to be hard to give this one away. :(

I'm sorry to hear you hit a snag. You'll get back where you should be in no time. Good Luck! :cheer

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i`m so happy for those who are done or kept the great work

i really wish to join but some spell has been thrown on me to make the snowflake afghan

someday i`ll make the casablanca and quilted from the the quilt cachet :)

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Well I'm determined to finish this one off. Especially as it's a gift, lol that helps to make me finish it. I'm about where I was this morning :lol dh is home and he will want me to stay up late watching tv (he loves wrestling and always wants me to watch with him:rolleyes ) So I should get some good crochet time in. I went to check out Misa's new pattern and darn if I don't have another one on my to do list :yes So I'm definitely on a mission to get this sucker finished. Right now I'm about halfway done with the third square. I'm hoping to be almost done with the fourth before I head off to bed tonight.

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