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Crochet -a- Quilt


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Each square is about 12 inches roughly. It will be three across and four down and then I will add the trim around all of them. So I'm thinking (complete guess) that it will be about 40 across and a little more than 50 down once it's complete.


Thanks for the complements ladies. I'm very happy with how it's turning out.:hook

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Ok I started my Double Wedding Ring. I am using Caron Simply Soft in Grape, Orchid and Soft Blue. I thought I would go crazy making all those white pieces, so I changed that to the blue. Here are my yarns and first pieces done.






The pieces are going pretty fast, it's just going to be the putting together that will take forever. But you do put it together kind of as you go. So we will see.


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Donna wow that looks really nice so far. The colors go well together.:yay


Micky those colors are beautiful. I cant wait to see more pics to see what it will look like.:yay


:photo Well photo friday went well and we had heaps of photos to look at. I think everyone looked forward to it to see what everyone is doing and where they are at with their project.


Yesterday I spent all day watching the tennis and making squares for the casablanca.


Guess what everyone, :rain it rained here yesterday and its raining again. We havent had any rain for such a long time that when it finally did we went outside to watch it. With our water restrictions in place(only allowed to water on Saturday) this rain from above was very much welcomed.:rain

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Good Morning/Afternoon everyone!


I haven't disappeared, I swear. ;) I did work on my PS yesterday for a little bit before feeling like I was going to fall asleep. I think I have 7 full diamonds & 8 halfs left. :yay :yay :yay


Do you know how hard it is to have the Casablanca yarn & not touch it until this is finished?? It stinks. :yes:( If I could keep myself feeling awake & alert long enough to work on my PS then it would be done by now. :eek Well, i'm off to make the kids lunch & see if I can finish this dang thing up today. I'll check back in later. :hook:yarn

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Hidey Ho Wendy

How are you this fine day ? It is grey over here and sleeting out, which would make driving a little scarey. Luckily, it's sunday night and we'll be home safe and sound .

Yes, I have decided on a pattern and have been working hard on it.

It is back to the prairie star ,but I will be attempting to do Donna's version, which is bedspread size . I need to go back to post 1 and post my info on it . I like it, the colors are pretty and I almost have the center star done .

How are you doing over there ? Still hot ,or has it cooled off any ? How are your crochet projects all coming ?

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Well, Andrea, when I get a certain place in the project, if I don't like the colors, I know I won't finish it, so why keep working on it ? I guess I'm just picky . I need to learn to not even BUY certain colors, because I don't like them and won't end up using them.

It'll be ok .. I don't mind starting again. I don't have that much of a booked up life that I have anything else to do . :lol

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Julie Im glad you have sorted out what you want to do and I hope it works out.


The weather here has cooled a bit and we finally got some much needed rain. I have been busy with the casablanca and have put another row on since photo day.


Im now busy with the blue star so I can try and put a photo on the board before I go away on my trip tomorrow morning. I am taking my 9 patch with me so I can do squares in the car on the way to melbourne. Im going with my aunt to watch the australian open tennis. We have tickets to the mens semi final on friday and the womens grand final on saturday.

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