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Crochet -a- Quilt


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Tabby- Just stay right where you are then maybe I have a chance to catch up lol. I have been feverishly working on mine for the past 2 hours I have only one more section of white. Once I usually get that part done then I dont mind working on it so much cuz it goes faster. I end up doing all the same color around before going on to the next. I noticed you do the top half and so forth. I would pry lose my place if I did that one.


Julie- you did the rose trellis right? Did you notice that the pattern was a little off? I have done it like several times the beginning chain was wrong I had to do 21 not 18 to make it end up right and then I'm on row 5 and for the life of me I can't get it to work out to how the pattern says it should. Is it just me and its simple yet I can't follow it?

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Sorry Andrea, but i've been laying in bed crocheting for an hour or so. I got all of the blue done on bothe corners & the aspen on one. I should be done by Friday but Thursdays are always REALLY busy here so I probably won't get to touch it at all. :eek:( I just want to get it finished. I think it's because i've already done one & the excitement is gone in putting it together and watching it come together. I want to move on, lol. ;):yes



I'm off to bed for the night so this is my last check in. Nighty-Night. :manyheart

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Hi gang

Thought I'd check in quick before I hit the sack. I' m not usually up this late, but watched Idol tonite and got a real chuckle ,but now it's time to hit the sheets.


Hope you are feeling better tomorrow , poor old Tab . :manyheart


thanks for all the cheering from you guys for my PS - I will eventually finish one, you'll see .


Andrea - the rose trellis pattern you are asking about has me puzzled, maybe I'm just tired ,but is it an online pattern ? I don't remember which one it is .


Donna- me and you both. I like the Browns even if they have had a rough few years. ONE of these days they will get good again .

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Donna - would you be willing to share the larger version that you arranged? I have wanted to do a PS, but I have a king sized bed. I played with it for a short while like you did, but never came up with anything that I liked at all! Perhaps if yours is bigger, then I could do one of these! I did a baby sized one, all in pastels - but that was just practice for me.. :D

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Darski I love that blanket. It was on one of the skein wrappers from my grandma. I fell in love with it as soon as I saw it. That one is on my todo list for sure.


Melissa (afswife) I meant to tell you that you should join us here too. LOL I forgot :blush But I'm glad you found your way here. Be careful though because after you start seeing some of the pictures of the wonderful creations you will want to start doing them too :lol


Julie, Oh no your 9P was looking great. I'm sorry your now at a standstill with it. Maybe if you do pretty up their field they may start winning :heehee

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Ok, that's it, folks.


I am cracking down here on myself . Tomorrow is Photo Friday and I plan on having SOMETHING to show for my Show & Tell .





*** I hope I can get the neighbor cat to hold still long enough to snap his picture . :D

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Julie - The rose trellis is from Maggies crochet it is one you had to buy. I thought you and sue made one I may be mistaken.


Tabby- I have to work all day so no chance of me getting to work on it til later tonite. However I was a good girl and quit reading forums last night sat in there and finished all of the big white squares that is the only problem that I dred. It seems like you will be done soon. I am off tomorrow so I can work on it more. I also would like to have this done by or on sunday night I may not get there but hey I can wish can't I .


Darski - no it wasnt that one it was one that maggie's crochet had for sale a while ago . I cant find a pic of it anywhere now though but thank you.

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Oh yea, I was thinking it was some pattern here online someplace. I no longer even have the pattern, but passed it on in our swap box several months ago. I knew I'd never make another one-- all those bobbles about put me batty .


I remember when I started it, I got a little mixed up at first too , the way the pattern was worded, I wasn't coming out with the proper number of stitches either, but after taking a break and coming back to it, I saw that it was not the pattern, it was me . I was reading it wrong and it worked fine after that . :)



This is the closest I can find to it . Don't know what happened to the one I ordered . Maybe she discontinues them after awhile ?


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Good Morning All!


I only have a second before pre-school (i'm cutting it close, heehee).


Julie~I love that nine patch so I hope you finish it someday. You could always give it to me, after finishing of course. :devil How's that for motivation? :lol


Andrea~I hope you get it done soon so you can move on to something else. :hook:yarn

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julie your neighbors want to spend sometime with their cat so don`t bother your self trying hehehe


by the way how many yarn i need for a quilted afghan?

so when i finish my projects i can go shopping for it :)

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:cheer I did it, I did it, I did it!!! I made a BLOG! Now I can post pictures of my stuff!!!


I've had a problem since I started in the 'ville. I usally log on from work, but they have a blocker that won't let me see anything posted on any of the photo sharing sites (yahoo, flicker, etc.) BUT I found out I can post them to my own blog and have people go there to see them! I'm so excited!!! :clap


Soooo, go to my new blog and check out my PS, INCLUDING my plans for making it bigger. I'm thinking this shouldn't be any kind of violation...right?


(someone please let me know if it is so I can fix it).


Here's my blog. http://scubacrazy.blogspot.com/

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Well my name is Melissa as sewnsew said lol and i am using navy blue burguandy and beige to match his patriotic theme in our living room my dh is in the air force and our living room and dining room is done in all patriotic themes as well as air force things so i thought i would try to do it in those colors so far so good i have over 30 squares im hoping to have at least one panel done by tomorrow night it depends on how long it takes me at the airport picking up hubby today lol thanks for all the welcomes :hookoff to crochet

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Donna that is so cool, that you got your blog going and the great PS that you are making.


I like the way that you plan to extend the pattern as well. Excellent design on that:tup

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Julie you are so funny. :lol Go for it girl. lol I always tell dh how I would change the way they run a team he just rolls his eyes at me :lol I can't wait to see what you come up with. Hopefully the cat will cooperate.


I can't believe that tomorrow is photo Friday. I've been looking forward to it since last weekend.:lol

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How could you do this to me...now i want to do that one to...never did because of the look,now that you have changed it i love the way it looks...Jeeze...


And don't you start with me Julie....im working on the Casablanca and not stopping till its done...Ok i will run back to my own CAL now..:P

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Hey gang

It's good to hear from you guys today -- let's see where to start -


Athba- as for the quilt-ghan yarn amounts, it will depend on which one you want to do . Choose a pattern then we'll help you try to figure out yarn amounts and colors .


Tabby- talk to you later on when you have more time .


Donna- GREAT start to your blog - your PS is gorgeous and thank you for sharing the diagram you invented to make it bigger . It will be a BEAUTIFUL bedspread !



Glad to have you aboard ! My mom had her living room all in red white and blue when they still lived here. She loved those colors and decorations.


Shay -don't worry, you go ahead with your Casablanca. I don't hardly have the right to line you all up and force you all into making the PS, when I havent even completed one myself . ( although, if I tacked all mine together that I STARTED , I could at least make an afghan the size of a carport cover . :lol


Donna (sew)

We are getting several Donna's and Mel's -- we'll have to think up a good system to keep them all straight )

Yea, those men sometimes think we ladies don't know much about football. We know more than how to make Hamburg Helper, don't we ?

We could teach them a thing or two if they'd just sit still and LISTEN . :D

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