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Crochet -a- Quilt


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Theresa that is just stunning. I've always loved those tumbling blocks and the like. I might have to try one some day although I'm not real good picking colors so I probably won't get the shading right.


Julie- That looks great. I think my next 2 projects roaming around in my head are going to be quilts.


Here's what I have done so far on my Trip around the world.



I've still got 4 different colors to add before repeating the pattern.

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Thanks Heather...it was a really easy pattern and I used the colors (or as close as I could get) that the pattern called for. I'm no good with shading, etc., either. Your colors are so bright and cheery..I love um!

Athba...3 in one month? I hope you meant a year, dear!

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forines13 - I love the Jewel Box quilt you did. What squares did you use or pattern? i found a pattern for a material quilt, but not crochet. I want to do that one!! :)


robynbird I did not use a published pattern but I am sure there is one out there somewhere. Just make a granny square with solid dcs rather than clusters on your second row (each tiny square is made up of 2 rows) .

These quilt afghans are not difficult ... the only tedious part is having to join all the small sections.


q8 crochet I agree with Julie, you will have to start immediately and be prepared to crochet as you sleep if you want to finish 3 afghans in a month. Good luck!


Tabitha you are close to finishing this PS .... :cheer :cheer :cheer

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I did not use a published pattern but I am sure there is one out there somewhere. Just make a granny square with solid dcs rather than clusters on your second row (each tiny square is made up of 2 rows) .

These quilt afghans are not difficult ... the only tedious part is having to join all the small sections.

Ok, thanks. I'm still fairly new so I rely on patterns. I'll go search for a granny pattern for the two tone square. :) thanks!
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oh badley i didn`t start yesterday can i start when i get the yarns first hehehe


forine we were kidding i`m gonna buy the yarns then start crocheting :)

but the QUESTION is

whan i`ll go to buy the yarns hehehe

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Well I got nothing done on mine in the last two or three days :no I'm being a bit childish and not doing any more till I get my blues :blush But tomorrow my plan is to head to Hobby Lobby right after I drop dh off at his football game party :lol Then it is off to home to work on this quilt.


Everyone's are beautiful so far. Great work on all your quilts. Tabby that's awesome that your PS is almost done. :cheer

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I once did 10 afghans in one month. (like 15 years ago of course) they were mostly granny variations but they sure were fun to do.


Say what you will about Granny... she is versatile ! :yes:hook

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I missed show-and-tell yesteday, had a hard time finding time sitting down at my computer. Now that I have done enough of these little motifs though, it is going faster, cuz I don't have to read the pattern anymore. I don't have to work tomorrow or Monday, so hoping to make some good progress on my PS then. I have to finish one of my WiP (Cuddly Chenille) by tonight, as it is being given as a gift tomorrow, so hope to have some pictures of that to post. Only have like 4 more rows to go and to add the fringe. At least it will be one thing marked off my list!


Anyway, here is my PS progress...(hope the image is not to big :think , I resized it to fit the requirements...I think?)



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Thanks everyone but I still have a ways to go. I have 4 diamonds left on the last soft white section. :yay I prefer color, it makes it more exciting to work on or atleast I think so. I spent most of my day watching movies & trying to stay awake. What a dark & rainy day. Is it time for bed yet? :lol



Brenda~You have your PS off to a beautiful start, great job!! :cheer



Julie~I hope you had lots of fun playing with Cam today. I'm sure you did. :manyheart

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Hi Brenda - nice job ! Very pretty too .


Tabby- you are way ahead of me at this point. Maybe I can put in a little time to mine today ? Not sure yet, I may have Cam again. He spent the night last night ( part of it, til he got an earache and sore throat, so I had to call his mom since she didn't bring any medicine for him and I didn't have any here. )

Anyhow, if he is feeling better today, I told her I'd keep him this afternoon .

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Julie, Poor Cam he is certainly getting his fair share of being sick. I hope he is better today.:manyheart


I havent done any of my 9 Patch, been busy with the casablanca. Im loving it at the moment. Im a bit square eyed though.


Im going to bed now and instead of counting sheep I will be counting squares.



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Hi, everyone!

I made a decision: I need to FIND my cat quilt afghan squares (and the pattern) - and then join you gals as I attempt to put these little squares together. I think I have a handful of squares to finish, too.

I have 2 CALs I want to do already, but this long forgotten project needs to be done! You are all such an inspiration:c9 ...as well as a temptation:devil .

Happy hooking:hook

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Brenda, your PS looks beautiful. The picture is a good size. I love the colors so far.

Wendy I can't wait to see pics of your progress on the casablanca.

Julie, I'm sorry Cam isn't feeling good. I hope he gets better soon.

Judi, I hope you find it soon. Aren't these ladies great at helping us want to finish our quiltghans. :)

Well once dh gets up we will be going off to drop him off and I will not go home till I get that yarn lol even if I have to go to all 4 stores that sell yarn in town.:lol

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hehe yep. My girls start rolling their eyes when I tell them we're going to the yarn aisle.Then I start hearing "Agaaain, we always go there":lol Although once we get to the aisle they like to pet it too. They are 3 and 5 so hopefully I can make them like the yarn aisle yet. Everytime I go to Walmart or Hobby Lobby it's one of my main stops just to see what they have.

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oh yeah me too although i don`t have daighters my mother and sisters always tells me (finish the yarn shop in your room first) <<< because i have a lot of ysrn they call it yarn shop hehehe

and my fiance always tells me ( dont tell your going to buy yarns you have a lot am i sopposed to give you money for yarn every time you just want to buy and keep :\)

but to prove that i can`t resist once i asked for knitting sticks when he went to buy them i received 2 big bags of cotton yarns coasts in the us maybe (120$) hehehe

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My "yarn shop" is why I'm using leftovers to make a multi-colored BS in the CAL! Then I can be guilt free when I shop for yarn again...or sort of guilt free:D

My reasoning is that only someone who crochets can ever POSSIBLY understand our addiction;)

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Good Morning Everyone! :hook:yarn


Julie~I hope Cam feels better today, poor little guy. :(:manyheart


Wendy~I can't wait to see some of your Casablanca. :cheer I'll be joining you soon. I just want to finish up this PS first & boy has it been a challenge not to get started yet. :eek

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Hidey Ho ladies

Thanks to those of you who inquired about Cam - he is feeling better today and will be here shortly. He is sick like this a lot every winter-- he's pretty frail-looking and doesn't seem to have a lot of resistance to fight things off . He still had a touch of that last viral flu stuff and I think he is still trying to get rid of it, but he is better enough to come up today for a few hours.

Today is Thomas Trains Day - :lol ,so, we will be playing trains this afternoon .


I'll check back in here later this evening -- hope you all get a little crochet time in today . :hook

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