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Crochet -a- Quilt


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Thanks guys-- now I just have to stay on task and not toss them in the corner.


I'll keep plugging away - these 2 patterns have been hanging over my head for a long time-- time to get them out of the way and on to something new . :)



I have to be like one of those horses with the blinders on-- just walk straight ahead - do not look at the other yarn in the closet. do not look at the other patterns waiting for you to try them .

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Yesterday was a great day. I took my mum and the girls to see the movie Happy Feet. What a beautiful movie. The music and all the penguins it was just amazing. Then we had Mcdonalds for lunch.


My eldest daughter came home with me after spending the last few days at my mums place. Guess how long it took before the girls were fighting.

Yes you were right.... straight away. grrrrrr.

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Gosh, Thursdays are sooooo busy here. By time I get done settling in from pre-school the Hubby comes home. He wanted to go to Dunkin Donuts for coffee & donuts (I only ate 1, I swear) and then we came home and the kids were home shortly sfter. Then off to cash the paycheck & paybills. Geesh, by time I get home & feed the kids it's now. GRRRRR!!!!!!!!! Now it's time to put them to bed so i'll have to talk to ya'll later. I just wanted you to know I didn't drop off the face of the earth. Nighty-Night. :manyheart

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Hey Tabby


I know you said you only had one donut . Was it like the ones you can get here at one of our grocery stores ?


They are called Texas donuts and are as big as a dinner plate . :D


No! :no But boy does that sound like my kinda donut. They don't have those here. :( Our donuts are little, boy have you ruined my day. :angry




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I'm going to try to get a pic up today of my progress. I got down to 65 of 80 squares done and ran out of yarn! Luckily JoAnns had what I needed but I couldn't get it until yesterday! I am going to try to lay out what I have done and take a pic sometime today though. So close, yet so far! I can't wait to get this done! It's been fun and I have enjoyed every minute, I'm just anxious to see it all together!

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Okey dokie, Smokies


I'll be watching for pictures from those of you that have photos to share, if not, we'll do Photo Friday again next week . :)


Welcome to Katie ! I'm glad we kept you interested enough to read clear through all those pages of mumbo-jumbo !

Hope you'll stick around and join in with us. We are always looking for fresh CLIENTS ......


I was trying to think of a funnier word, but wait til TAB gets back -- she'll have a better one .

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Well, I've gone and done it again. I read through the posts, and fell in love with another afghan.

It's the Double Wedding Ring. I have always loved this quilt pattern. And besides the little dutch girl (don't know if that's the right name), it is my favorite. So when I saw mention of it and then a link for a pattern, I got excited.




But then I saw a post about another version that came from a booklet. So I asked her for the info on it, and now I have gone and ordered it!




So thanks to Tiffany (bookchic29) for that info!

I kinda know what colors I am going to use. When I get the booklet and yarn, I will let you know.

How do I get myself into these things?


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Ok...here are a few pictures of my progress on my quilt ghan. The first is a close up of one square, then a couple of the incomplete ghan. The only rows sewed together are the first three, the rest of the squares are just laid out, I only have 14 more to finish and the border and sew them all together! I have all of the squares started now I just have to add the other four colors, which none of them showed up very well, but it is dark and gloomy here today. This is the best I could do!







(all clickable)

Thanks for looking!

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Theresa WOW! What a Fabulous quilt you will have and a brilliant way to do it. i always liked that effect in a quilt.


Micky, may I ask which Wedding Ring you are doing? I know of a couple but there must be another one out there if you are doing ebay. is there a pic for us to see?


:welcome Katie. Did you have an idea of a quilt you might like to try or should we fit you for one of those little :cheer skirts we all have to wear? :wlol

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Theresa, it's beautiful!:clap

The shading and neat stitches give it such wonderful depth. From a distance it looks like a fabric quilt:cheer ...

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Micky I love those in the quilts I haven't seen any in crochet form yet.


Theresa that looks so pretty. I think your colors look great together.


Well I was hoping to get at least one sqaure completely finished today in my quilt but I went to Walmart and they were completely out of country blue (still :angry ) and my second choice light blue. :( So I will be trying to head over to hobby lobby this weekend sometime to pick up the country blue. I did pick up my windsor blue though. :hook

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Down in Amish country, they actually have cremesticks called JUMBOS that are as long as my arm .


Almost worth an hour drive just to get one of the peanut butter ones with nuts on top .


SHOOT, why'd you have to mention donuts ?:(


ME??? I'm not the one who mentioned HUGE donuts. What a tease for me since we don't have anything like that. The biggest thing we have is a chocolate eclair. PHOOEY on you!! Hey, bring me back one of those donuts from amish country, would ya?? :devil:lol

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