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Crochet -a- Quilt


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Wendy -

Well, I think a lot of us that like to crochet and have the YARN BUG seem to have the same disorder . If you see a new color of yarn, or a new pattern, sometimes I feel like a JUNKIE,only it's not a DRUG, it's starting a new project. You just CANNOT ignore that gnawing in your brain-- if I see a yarn color I want, I might as well get it NOW, because I'll go back and get it anyhow .If I see a pattern , the longer I think about it ,the more I want to make it.

I think it's the EXCITEMENT of starting a new project, or even just assembling all the EQUIPMENT you'll need for it .Once you have it, then it drives you BATTY til you start it, then you kick your own rear for starting afghan number 39 ,when you only have 7 rows done total on the other 38 .

It's just like riding a roller coaster that never stops.:eek :eek

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Thanks Donna- yea, I'm really excited bout it, I have made TONS of those little squares for it just since Monday. I'll have to count how many I have done. I think it's gonna be real PURTY .


and yep, I put them aside today to TRY to catch up to Tabby on the PS- something tells me she is leaving me in the dust once again .:lol

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I doubt that Julie. :lol I haven't gotten much done in the last two days. I've only gotten one section of the white done. I just started the second section & am hoping to get that section done today. I have pre-school tomorrow & Friday morning so i'll be a little delayed. ;)

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:yawn morning everyone, another beautiful day here in oz. Just having breakfast then have to get ready to go to my mums for the day.


Im taking the girls to the movies to see Happy Feet and mum is coming with us. Then we will probably have McDonalds for lunch. My oldest daughter has stayed at my mums place this week and she will be coming home today as well. So there goes the peaceful household.


So I wont get much done today.

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Do you all have this problem of wanting to start something new but cant wait till what you are doing is finished.

:lol :lol

Absolutely! I think I have ADD (attention deficit disorder):P

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Julie, it IS an addiction...and also a rush when you start a new project:hook

Could be an addiction to something unhealthy - like chocolate or :morcoffee:D

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After perusing the boards for a while, then finally joining last week, I am in this CAL. I actually found the 'Ville while seaching on the Prairie Star, first to find the pattern (I had seen it while browsing a few weeks back, then couldn't find it!), then to try to see real completed ones. I have been amazed by the beautiful work I have seen on all the projects from everyone!


So, I was going to finish my other two WiP's before I started this, but as it seems is a common "problem" on here, I just couldn't stand it! It must be something in the yarn...I just love burying my nose in fresh skeins of yarn. *sigh* I practiced the pattern before starting, so that I was comfortable. I am making this for my Mom, hopefully in time for her bday next month, but more likely...maybe for...ummmmm...Easter?


Anyway, looking forward to getting to know everyone better. I am using the original pattern colors, substituting Fiest Meadow for the Fiesta Light Sage. I think it will look alright. Depending on how this one goes, I will branch out on other colors if I decide to do another.


Here is my progress so far...:hook




I don't know if that will work or not. I haven't posted photos on message boards (much). When I tried to put it directly in my post it was HUGE, even after I tried resizing it. I will play with that more later. :think



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:welcome Brenda

Glad to have you join us. Everyone is welcome . Your progress so far is very nice ! Lookin good !


Judi- Yea, if i bought and drank LIQUOR like I buy yarn, I'd be drunker than a skunk every day of my life . :lol


Wendy- enjoy the movie- Cam got to see it with his mom and he is so cute-- he does the penguin dance now .


Tabby ( Yea, I started a new one ) :shrug:badidea

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hehe I caught that too Julie.:lol


Here is the first set of white squares for the first square. Does it look like I attached them right? I'm a little nervous since it's my first time whipstitching.


By the way it's soft white. I was messing with the flash and such on my camera. lol.

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Donna- It appears you are doing the whipstitch right so keep it up.


Brenda your ps is off to a great start, and you may have it done in a month if that is all you work on it goes pretty fast until you get to the large white sections I can only seem to get one section done in a night when I sit and work on it, then the rest seems to go faster again. I like this pattern cuz I can see it forming as I go, I think that is what makes me want to finish it .


Julie - like you I am ADD so I have so many crochet and xstitch projects going now I broke my own rule already about doing one at a time, I think it only lasted a week lol. We want to see pics of your ps.

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Lookin good, Donna !



I thought I'd type it WEE little that I started a NEW PS ---



Anyhow, my colors are all fall colors-- as follows -

Center- Carrot, then painted desert, hunter green, gold, coffee, and aran for the white parts .


I will post a photo as soon as I get the center star done. I have 2 more points to finish, then I am at the aran part . :manyheart

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:cheer yea way to go, I thought about fall colors as well. I think after this one I will be done with the ps for a while, there are to many other things I want to do. The quilt selection is never ending. Plus I won an Annie's attic Ultimate book of Quilt ghans that I love theres the wedding ghan in it plus the Amish star that I absolutely love and want to do. Then theres the cathedral window and oh my I need to stop before I start another that I shouldnt.
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It sounds like you will be quilting afghans til the cows come home ! Good luck on them all, and I don't blame you if you wanna take a rest from the PS after this one.


I think I have made 73 of them total ( ***** If you just count the number of them I started and number of diamonds I made )


Too bad I don't have one complete one to show for all those thousands of hours of work .

THIS TIME I WILL though .Watch and see .:hook

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