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Crochet -a- Quilt


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Misa, my heart is full of gratitude that you have been given this gift again.


We here may joke and have fun but we all know that this ability is a gift and we value it. That is why we feel the pain, literal and figurative, of those who can't participate. i am so pleased for you.

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Good Morning All!

I have to do laundry today. :( My Hubby is home today so he'll kepp Jaden so I may be able to bring my PS to the laundry mat & get something done. :cheer Did I ever mention how much I HATE doing laundry. I wouldn't mind so much but I have a washer/dryer set right here that I own & we're not allowed to use the washer here. :angry What a waste.

Anyways, I will try to get a pic. before I leave but it'll depend on the lighting. I promise you'll get one today, scouts honor. LOL! :lol

Wendy~Will you be joining us with the PS? If so, do you have colors chosen yet?

Julie~:devil :devil :devil :devil :devil

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morning Tabby and its morning here its just clicked over to wednesday. I am struggling to keep my eyes open.


I have been so busy doing my 9 patch squares today. Talk about square eyes, I will be seeing them in my sleep.


No at this stage I wont be doing the PS. But I said earlier today the Casablanca is calling me. As I have frogged my BS I will have to use that color and maybe a light pink and might make it for my youngest daughter who is pink mad.


Have fun at the laundromat. Hope you get a bit done on your PS. I look forward to seeing a pic.

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Anyhow, my hands have been aching this winter and get stiff when it's cold, so I have started laying a heating pad on my lap, and laying my hands on it every once in awhile, also the hook, so it's even warm. It really does help keep my hands loosened up and they don't ache .


If you have a heating pad, give it a try .


Julie you're a genious! My right hand was bugging something awful last night from holding the yarn (I'm a leftie) so I came back here while I whined :blush and saw your suggestion. It worked very well! I'm a bit sore today but not anything too bad. I'm sure this'll work once I'm used to it and make sure not to go overboard, but I was just so excited yesterday :devil . Anyway a great big :hug to you for sharing that tip!

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MIsa- I just want to compliment you on your patterns, they are beautiful. I am going to do the casablanca, and I had started the County Fair quilt, I found after sewing millions of squares together for the 9 patch that when I was playing with colors for the county fair one that if I did all the little squares that make one big square and then sew them together it was a little easier for me then it actually seemed like I was accomplishing something. However I didnt care for the colors I used and will stick with the original colors when I tackle it. You do wonderful work and I'm glad that some of the ladies suggestions were working for you and you are able to do some more crocheting.

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Good morning, Misa :)


I'm glad the heating pad idea worked for you . I know it's done wonders for me. I havent had the problem with aching hands up til this winter, so I hope once spring gets here, maybe it'll not be as bad, but I do worry about getting the arthritis in my hands because my mom has it so bad ,so I guess I am trying to plan ahead for the day when(or if ) I have it to the point she does .

I bet it feels so good to be able to crochet again . :hook

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You ornery thing you --- what are the devils all lined up for ? You look like you're in an ornery mood today. And just look at you whipping out the 2nd PS faster than a speeding bullet !


Mine is faster than a speeding senile snail who is blind in one eye and can't see out of the other . :D

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for some reason when i put it on the cpu you can't see the off white sections but you can on the camera hmm . well anyway I have 3 sections of the white part done so only 3 more of them to go then it will start going fast again, i started with a darker rose, then a mauvy color, then bright pink, the other corners are 2 taupe to 1 coffee. the pink ones cant think of the exact names its in the other room. but you get the idea.

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Andrea~Your PS is beautiful! :cheer


Julie~I was just being me. :devil


I didn't get anything else done on my Ps today but will be working on it after dinner. I spent my day organizing my yarn stash into bigger bins. :eek It was my Hubbys idea so it what was spilling over in grocery bags could be put into something. We got a huge plastic tote. I guess you never know how much you have until you're forced to go through it. I now have a tote full of baby yarn. The huge one of all my RH yarn and a mesh hamper that stretches, lol full of odds & ends and all of my balls of string (that's what my Hubby calls it, heehee). I also have my wicker hamper thingy upstairs & my big wooden chest downstairs filled. And I still have my 4 bags on the side of the couch with my current projects. :eek :eek :eek :eek The lady at the yarn shop told me to be careful because hers kept expanding until she ended up with a store. :yarn:devil

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I have to go cook dinner now but i'll leave you with my PS pics.

I still have that ruffle effect & I have NO idea why. I took a close up so you guys could see what I mean. The colors are country blue, aspen, frosty green, cafe & coffee. So, was anyone else's ruffling like that? It should lay flat, right? GRRRRR!!!!!!




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Tabby its looking beautiful. The colors go well together, the blue really stands out against the browns. I wish I had the knack of choosing colors like you all can. Didnt you have the ruffle problem with your first PS. How did that look in the end.

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Wendy~I did have that problem but I thought it was because I accidentally used 2 different size hooks with it. I used the same one on this & it still does it. Everyone liked my first one but it bugs me ALOT! :angry

Thank you Wendy, I did have some help with the colors from Julie. Thanks Julie! :manyheart:hug

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Thanks everyone for the compliments. I can't take credit for the colors though cuz I told Brandy all the colors that were in my stash and she picked them out and told me what to do with them. What that girl can do with color is amazing I tell ya.


Tabby - now that I have actually done this one correctly I too have ruffles and its okay I like the way it goes together more than my 1st one to me that one was to holy and I know know that its cuz I didnt do it exactly right but Im the only one that knows it (well cept now I told all you) LOL. Your color choices are great you are moving right along great job.

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Tabby and Andrea-

Great work . I love both of your PS's -- they are both pretty ! I actually HAVE been working on mine this week, but got a little bit of a dumb idea ( which turned out to be a GOOD idea, ) but still dumb, because I wanted so much to make THIS my PS week -- work on nothing other than that .


Well ,let's just say the 9 patch has also been in there clanking around .It's another that will bother me til I make it and a color scheme just slid into my head ...SO, to make a long story short, I have been working like the devil on the 9-P and working a LITTLE bit on the PS. I WILL get them both done though. I have made up my mind and I am as stubborn as an old mule, so once I make up my mind ,it'll get done, you watch and see .


If you get tired, grab a blanket and pillow. I'll blow a whistle and wake you up when it's done .:lol:D:lol

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Julie Im glad to see your getting your 9 patch done. Its hard to start new projects when you have so many unfinished ones, I know, look at my list.


I am doing the stripey ghan, the 9 patch, amigurumi critter, casablanca and when the book arrives from the states the blue star:eek


I say to myself I need to finish some but have a look, they are projects that wont be finished that quickly. Do you all have this problem of wanting to start something new but cant wait till what you are doing is finished.


Julie I will be grabbing my pillow and blanket soon as its nearly bedtime here but you would need a mighty loud whistle to wake me up from there.:lol :lol

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Wendy I definitely have the same problem. I just want to work on it all. But I'm trying my hardest to not start any more blankets. lol I have 4 afghans in the works and they all take a while to make. So if I start anything it will be a small project lol.


Julie that's great that you are getting some of the 9-P done. I can't wait to see pictures of the color scheme.

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