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Crochet -a- Quilt


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I just did the math and the Casablanca takes 1,728 of those little squares. :faint



Hmmm, I seem to be causing a stir :devil That Casablanca is my design:bow And yes it's for someone quite devoted to the project....glad to see the buzz though :manyheart

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Guess what I did............:eek


I decided I had better do something so I started doing some squares for my 9patch. I was wondering why some squares werent the same size as the others and couldnt work it out. I realised I must have put my 4mm hook away and started using my 5mm hook. That wouldnt have been so bad but I had already made 30 of the squares using the wrong hook size.:angry


Well going to watch some tv and redo the squares.:(

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OOOH Wendy that hurts... I remember going from a 4mm to a 4.50mm once and frogged even though the difference is not as obvious.


I always say that people who crochet (knit, sew etc) develop refined patience skills.


Look on the positives... it could have been 50 and the squares are of solid colour and not that huge and you are going down in size not up so you will have yarn to spare on each square .... :hook May the hook fly as you attack these squares.

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Hmmm, I seem to be causing a stir :devil That Casablanca is my design:bow And yes it's for someone quite devoted to the project....glad to see the buzz though :manyheart


Oh please know that I love that design and all of your patterns. I just know that I am not that dedicated.

"The fault dear Brutus is not in our stars, but in ourselves".


I am glad that you are here to receive all the kudos your designs deserve. They ahve been the buzz for a while now.

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I'm glad you came in to visit . I , like the other ladies , just LOVE your designs. Wow, are they pretty ! It's hard to even pick one that I like more than the others.

I keep watching to see if you'll be adding more .... Hope you do !

You could be helping to make the Quilt-along go on for decades !


Thanks for sharing your patterns . :)

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I can't believe I missed all of those posts about my gabbing, geesh. Well, thank you all. :bow:fame:lol

Wendy~Bring it on babe because I didn't even try. HeeHee! I got bored & decided to crochet instead. Really, how many times can ya type "hello & welcome" before you die of boredom? :lol

Misa~I love, love, love :bheart your patterns & will be doing the Casablanca shortly. You are a true crochet quilt-ghan Master. :nworthy

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Misa, I, too want to thank you for your patterns...my next major project will the Casablanca...in those colors or not...I have to see what speaks to me in the store. They would complement my bedroom - esp if I made the border bigger for my king-size bed! Then I'll have something nicer for my bed when I want it.



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Oh please know that I love that design and all of your patterns. I just know that I am not that dedicated.

"The fault dear Brutus is not in our stars, but in ourselves".


I am glad that you are here to receive all the kudos your designs deserve. They ahve been the buzz for a while now.


Nope, no offense taken here. Never thought you meant it was bad :hug. :rofl Even I agree it's a monster...only reason it got finished is cuz DH wanted it so bad :rofl .


Haven't crochet in 4 hrs...can't hold a hook w/this arthritis :cry but thanks to these boards I learned about the Clover Soft Touch hooks and they will hopefully be in my mailbox today *fingers crossed*. :emptymail


Don't wanna take up all your time but I did want to give a big Thank You to you all...I'm so very glad I found the 'Ville. Hopefully, I'll be bugging y'all for years to come :manyheart.

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I'll cross my fingers for you that those new hooks will be the trick to help you. I was wondering how they'd work .Let us know if they seem to be easier for you to hold and work with. If so, maybe you'll be able to join us in here for a CAL someday . You are always welcome. :)

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Morning everyone,


How is everyone today. I had such a great day yesterday, doing housework and watching Dr Phil and Oprah while crocheting.


Im seriously thinking of doing the casablanca as well. I tried the bi color granny and it was quite easy. The square is a half the size of my 9 patch squares.


Tabby what colors are you doing for your casablanca.

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I would like everyone to know that I have just completed my first granny square in four years :yay! If it hadn't been for the 'Ville I would've probably never found out about these Clover soft touch hooks!


I've had to modify my grip some but they seem comfortable enough for me to use...at least I can hold them :rofl I can't even hold a traditional hook :cry


I actually have tears running down my face right now :blush, but I can't help it, I'm just so happy. I give all the credit to all you wonderful, WONDERFUL people here at Crochetville for so generously sharing caring. Y'all are the best :manyheart

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Good for you, Misa !!! :manyheart


I know how hard it must have been for you not to be able to crochet . Try this idea too :


I am a little worried that I may get arthritis in my hands, too, because it runs in my mom's family and she has it in her hands now pretty badly . She has never liked doing crafts, so it doesn't affect her in that way, but she can't even open jar lids now since her hands are so bad .


Anyhow, my hands have been aching this winter and get stiff when it's cold, so I have started laying a heating pad on my lap, and laying my hands on it every once in awhile, also the hook, so it's even warm. It really does help keep my hands loosened up and they don't ache .


If you have a heating pad, give it a try .

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Misa~I'm glad to hear those hooks are allowing you to crochet. :cheer

I finished my inner star on the PS and will take a pic. tomorrow. Of course getting the amount done today that I did my hands are very crampy. I have tp put Jaden to bed soon so I won't be crocheting anymore tonight. I'll be starting tha white sections tomorrow. I'm on a roll. :2rock



Nighty-Night All! :night:sleep:yawn

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Misa, Im so happy for you.:manyheart Its great to know that you will be able to continue doing the craft you love. Julie's idea does work so try that if you still have some pain or cramps. I get sore hands when I have done too much in one day and the heat pads really work.


Tabby Im glad your going so well with your PS:yay I cant wait to see a pic.

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Misa, I'm so happy for you. I have carpotunnel and what helps me too is those hand aids theratonic support gloves. I've worn mine out and neat badly to get another one. It heats and massages your hand as you work.

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