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Crochet -a- Quilt


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morning everyone.

Tabby Im glad you got your yarn so now you can start.


Darski wow 1728 squares thats a lot of squares.


I worked out that if you make 5 a day you will have it finished for xmas. It is very nice. Im still doing the 9 patch and I havent worked out how many squares i need for it.

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Wow that Casablanca pattern is awesome, if only I had the patience for something like that.. Hubby got a glint in his eye when he saw it and I told him forget it unless he'd like to join all the squares (he can crochet and well I suppose that'd be sewing, the joining, but anyway). Think that squashed it for him =)

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I will not...emphatically will not be tempted by that CASABLANca...I do not care how exotic a name or how gorgeous a quilt :D


Wendy have you had a show with your tell of the 9 patch square one you are making? What colours are you using?


Happy crochet- quilting to all.... this thread is buzzing... I cannot keep up.

... Welcome to any new members.... :hug

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Yah I am fortunate I suppose but I have sooooo many different projects that I want to do lol he just wants me to finish ONE =)


Just today he made our 18 month old a hat out of homespun, he was so proud of himself and simply LOVED that our son really liked it and kept putting it on..and taking it off of course =)


He's made afghan squares before...an irish rose type square, he did it in his own unique colors though, he didnt want to do it in the cream, rose and sage...he did it with black red and green hehe He also bought the carebear doll book, with intentions on making one but found out he wanted to practice some more before attempting those...he's also bought a 101 snowflakes book because he wants to try his hand at thread lol

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Hidey Ho ladies- long time, no see. I had Cam here all day and he just left a little bit ago, so no computer time for me today. I am about ready to make my final count of posts to see who wins this week's Golden Gabber Award .Something tells me it won't be me, since I only got to post like 3 posts today .

We shall see here shortly. :D

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I have to go to the shop shortly. Do the banking and get some milk. Going to the last shop I know to see if I can get some half ball shank buttons for teddy eyes. Emma wants to go to the library. My eldest daughter is staying with my mum for a few days so just have the youngest home. Its so peaceful here and of course Im on holidays as well. Doesnt get any better than that.

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And the winner is......... :sstar:mdust:sstar:mdust:sstar


Tabby ,with a total of 91 new posts since Friday evening.


Wendy-- I said the contest would end at 7:30 our time, so there's still 30 minutes to beat her. You now have 87 , so you are a VERY close 2nd place .


I am ashamed to say I only had 31 posts . My gosh, I have lost my touch. I feel like Helen Keller .

Or like Andrea Bocelli trying to sing The Thong Song .

Or like Julia Child ( Rest her soul), making a grilled cheese sandwich .


This may take some counseling , ladies . :(

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Thank you for showing us the nine patch . Very pretty ! You have quite a bit done on it . Good for you ! Keep up the good work .


Howdy to all the rest of you out there. I am so far BEHIND on posts, all I can say is hello and keep on moving . I'll have to get my rear in gear and back in the saddle again in the morning . I am WAY behind in all my areas I read daily .

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Not to put any pressure on you, as I know you have many things going at the moment but as soon as I saw the Casablanca pattern, I thought of you. You are SO talented at these Quilt-ghans with the small squares .


Maybe it can be "on down the road " at some point ?

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Aww, Julie I have noticed you weren't around alot this weekend. Congrats to Tabby for winning the golden gabber.:clap Unless of course Wendy decides to post lots in the next 20 minutes:lol


Wendy your nine patch is beautiful. I love the colors as well. I know what you mean about not knowing how many squares. After I learned how many squares I have to do I got a little overwhelmed. lol Hopefully once I get my blues and get one or two squares done I'll feel better though.

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**** I could have beaten tabby. My daughter was bugging me to go to the library so in the end I went. Oh well.


Congratulations Tabby you are Queen of the Gab.

In Australia a person that talks a lot we call a gasbag.

so Tabby you beat Julie and I at gasbagging.... hehe

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Wendy~That is beautiful. You're doing great. Nice colors. :cheer:clap

I started my PS today. :cheer I got the first 2 colors done so far. :yay

I will be starting squares for the Casablanca soon. I already have some buff and will buy some more of the yarn this week.:devil

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