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Free Yarn AND Free Shipping!

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:rofl Yeah, I admit it, I clicked because it said free yarn & free shipping. :rofl


And yeah, this place is a pretty nice place to be. I'm glad I signed up to join. I've gotten a heck of a lot of inspiration! :yay:hook

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OK, you got me too!!!! :angry I started reading from the last post and couldn't figure out why everyone was saying all these things and nothing about the free yarn.


I agree with everyone, I am on here all day and I just love it - I need to spend more time crocheting!!!! :eek

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That is so funny! At least it wasn't just "the newbie" who was had!:blush I guess if I ever have anything really important to say I know how to get ppl to read it!:lol I am brand new here both to the forum and to crochet in general, but I can tell already I'm going to have plenty of motivation to keep working. The crochet along is such a good idea!

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Well, you reeled in another yarn addict with the free yarn deal :drool, how sneaky :devil . I've only been around for a couple days, but I agree, it's so warm & welcoming here. The people here are great!:ghug I haven't been able to get much done because i'm so hooked on this site:manyheart . I don't have much of a link to the outside world, i'm raising 4 children & a hubby, heehee. I'm to shy & different to make friends, it's so hard to find people with the same hobbies around here (I think there a bunch of closet crocheters):heehee.

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I've only been here a few months and I love this place. I'm here pretty much every day --- sometimes more :). All my family teases me about the crochet room I go to all the time. This is my little break from reality (and the teasing). I enjoy looking at all the creations you all come up with.

I especially like the free yarn AND free shipping.

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