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I Hardly Ever Lose My Hook....

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Well.....as long as I remember that I put it in my hair that is!!! My hair's always up in a pony tail....and I stick my hook in it....ya know, so I won't lose it!!

But...ummmmmmmmm...it doesn't always work.

One night I tore my couch apart thinking it fell down in between the cushions....and well....it didn't. It was in my hair!!! Needless to say, hubby had a GREAT laugh at me!!!!

Do you lose your hook often?

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I lose hooks almost everyday! My secret pal sent me this neat around the neck thing which I attached scissors to so I wouldn't lose them. I told my DH that all I need now is some way of attaching the hook I'm using to it so that when I put my crochet down for a moment the hook doesn't go MIA!


The crochet hook people love me! I keep buying more and more! :hook

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:lol I do misplace my hooks fairly often. Usually I (or one of my children) finds it though. Poochie, your post did make me think of my car keys though. Just yesterday I was tearing through the house trying to find them, and finally found them in my pocket. :lol Oh, what do they do for people with senior moments who are still in their 20's? :reyes
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All the time. Since I almost always crochet in the same spot, the usual thieves are the couch cushions, the coffee table and the space right under my butt. :D Fortunately, I have doubles for the ones I use most often, so I can just pick the other one right up if I get too frustrated looking for the one I lost! They always find their way back eventually.

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I just lost two this past weekend. A small thread hook and my favorite 'I' hook. I didn't take them outside so they have to be in this house somewhere, I just can't find it!



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I don't seem to lose my hooks. I have them.....stolen. My DS (2 1/2 years old) likes to take them and hide them and his Sister (1 year) is learning to do the same. One time I thought I had lost my hook forever! I tore the house apart and could night find it. Well, when I started to finish my project I found it. He stuffed it into the skein of yarn!:lol

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I'm glad I'm not the only one who loses their hooks....LOL....guess it's just a right of passage that comes with crocheting....:hook

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I went to bed last night thinking about the lost hook problem. I too have a hard time remembering where I left it. The grandkids pick them up and relocate them all the time! I'm going to try a few things with this and I will let everyone know if I come up with something. I'm tying on my thinking cap right now:P

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Well, gang, it's a good thing I don't try the sticking it in my hair idea-- I have short hair so it'd fall out if I tried it, unless I used a staple gun to keep it there and that would hurt like heck ! :lol

There's always Super Glue too, but then I'd have to learn to crochet with my HEAD instead of my hands ... that might be a problem . :hook


I guess I'll just have to dig in the chair cushion . That's where mine always ends up .

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I used to loose hooks daily until my DH bought me a tall ceramic shot glass that I keep on the table beside me. I think he did it to keep me from making midnight runs to buy more hooks. :lol

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You guys are too funny!!! The other night as I was crocheting all of a sudden my hook just wasn't there! I hadn't moved and I know I hadn't set it in my yarn tote (a big no no!) but it was lost! I got up and looked on the chair, under the cushions, you name it! I was so upset because I left the rest of my hooks in the car and of course at this point in the evening I had on my PJ's! I had resigned myself to no more crochet for the evening when Fozzy jumped in my lap for attention. As he climbed on something stuck into my tummy and it was my hook! I had on a big, flannel nightgown (it was cold that night!) and there is a little pocket in the front where you can warm your hands. Somehow my hook fell right into the pocket! My DH was just laughing so hard! I have plenty of senior moments! :devil

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I've given hooks away (to potential newbies) and had to replace them. But my home is almost entirely hardwood floors, and I work in a school with cement flooring. Anything that falls on the floor (especially aluminum hooks) makes itself known very LOUDLY! So I haven't 'lost' one yet.

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