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Starting A New Ball Of Yarn...

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I hate it! I don't know why....but I ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS have a hard time finding the beginning end of the yarn....never fails!!!! Grrrrrrrrrrrr....LOL.

Ok...I'm off to hunting for that end now....wish me luck!!

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I'm with you. Sometimes it seems half the skein comes out when I tried to pull "just a little bit" out to try and find that end. I then end up pulling out half of that, and half thereof, on and on like a matryoshka doll to find it. :lolThen I try to put them back in so I don't have clumps of wound skein connected by a strand, which doesn't always work. I hate it when the center of a new skein is really tight.

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Oh yes, the clump of yarn that some skeins spit out. :eek Hate 'em. After searching and locating the actual yarn end, I usually wrap the remains of this clump around the outside of the skein. But, man, it's a pain.

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Yeah, I hate it too. Along with my belief that crochet patterns are written more difficultly than they need to be comes my belief that the twits at the yarn company do it on purpose!

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I know what you mean. Now if I can I try so hard to buy just the skeins that I can see the end sticking out of the center of the skein. Doesn't always happen but most of the time I can.

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i thought i was the only one with this problem. i really thought there was something wrong with me. i really hate it when have the skein comes out of the center just trying to find the end, or when i do pull out just the end it is all knotty and i have to keep stopping to untangle it.:(

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or when I pull the end out, and suddenly there are two ends coming out of the center and they keep tangling around each other and I have to stop and wind a ball and cut out the big knot in the center!

I hate that!

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I save those kinds of skeins for my good days, when such things don't bother me. Otherwise, I'm too tempted to drown the whole skein in fingernail polish remover and set it on fire just to vent my frustration :-)



some days my fuse is just way too short ...



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Boy, I sure know what that is like! I recently bought 5 skeins of the Lion Brand Colorwaves yarn at Hobby Lobby and when I took them out to begin a project, I was unable to find the end or even the beginning strand on any of the skeins. I did everything except turn them inside out -- maybe doing that would have worked?


I did not feel like rewinding each skein, so took them all back to Hobby Lobby and exchanged them for another brand of yarn that was similar in texture and weight. When the lady asked the reason for the return, I showed her the problem and when she tried to find the ends, she could not find them either! So that was how she wrote it up for the store -- it would be nice if they would forward copies of these types of complaints to the manufacturers. :-}

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I'm convinced that there are evil yarn rollers at the yarn companies, employed just to mess up some skeins of yarn on purpose! I can see their evil little burning eyes and laughing evil mouths as I fight the middle of the tangeled skein! I can almost hear their demon voices saying "look, look - we got another one!":blush




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