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Any one SEE Annies today/men who crochet (merged posts)

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The article on male participation with crochet is really exciting. Since "Men are from Mars and women from Venus", we will definately be seeing some interesting and exciting new concepts with crochet as crochet evolution occurs before our very eyes. And as for the Crochet Dude, in my eyes, he is the Father of Crochet.

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The article on male participation with crochet is really exciting. Since "Men are from Mars and women from Venus", we will definately be seeing some interesting and exciting new concepts with crochet as crochet evolution occurs before our very eyes. And as for the Crochet Dude, in my eyes, he is the Father of Crochet.


I prefer the term "Big Daddy"... :rofl

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I see nothing wrong with men who crochet, since my husband crochets also, he was taught by his mom when he was a child.


I actualy like the idea that men crochet.. Heck we have some male memebers here.. look at Drew :) Maybe Drew can help convince my finance its ok to crochet LOL!!!



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I actualy like the idea that men crochet.. Heck we have some male memebers here.. look at Drew :) Maybe Drew can help convince my finance its ok to crochet LOL!!!




You might want to think twice about that... you would have to share your stash!!! :rofl :rofl :rofl

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I have taught my 12 year old to do basic stiches. He likes to make bracelets, and bookmarks. Plus he chains a long chain to attach a toy to play with the cats. Both my boys see how much enjoyment can be gotten from this craft, as I crochet every day. Now my older son, if I could get him interested in doing it, he would probably design stuff, cause he has a really great artistic side. But, alas, I haven't been able to get a hook in his hand yet!:lol He does help me pick out color combos which is a step closer!

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I love it! I followed the link to the BBC article


and I am considering trying their pattern (I am studying physics, although my field is not chaos theory...). Maybe my department will put it somewhere on display, at least for Christmas.



Actually there was an article in the New York Times about 3-4 months ago about a professor (female) at Cornell who's been teaching physics for years using chochet!

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  • 1 month later...
The article on male participation with crochet is really exciting. Since "Men are from Mars and women from Venus", we will definately be seeing some interesting and exciting new concepts with crochet as crochet evolution occurs before our very eyes. And as for the Crochet Dude, in my eyes, he is the Father of Crochet.


I have 2 books on crochet stitches created by and written by a man,

The Elmore Method and More Elmroe (I think). Way before the Crochet Dude. I think it's great that men want to crochet, knit or do other "woman" things.

"To be truly liberated, one must give up all preconcived notions."


Ellie 13

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I don't think there's anything wrong with men who crochet, and I don't think that the majority of crocheters out there - be them men or women - think there's anything wrong with it either.

I do, however, have to admit that I've felt SURPRISE at the thought of men crocheting. Society has, for generations, taught us that crocheting is a woman's thing - just as (for example) being the primary caretaker for children has been a woman's thing. Society's views on that are beginning to change, and I think that the views on men who crochet and/or knit will eventually change as well.

If anything, I think other MEN would have more problem with it than women crocheters. (And that's my personal opinion only - based on the men I've personally known in my life - so please, don't take offense, guys!)

But I think it's GREAT that more men are beginning to crochet and feel quite comfortable letting people know that. I see it as society in general - not just the mini-society of crocheters - moving along with the times, in a GOOD direction.



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Ken Jones, as well as the talented "Big Daddy" are both fantastic.


I use to hang out in the yarn section a lot when my daughter worked at AC Moore nearby. When the girl that worked in that dept. started to do demos in the front of the yarn all the young boys would pull their Mom's over to learn, and try. I think it is wonderful. The girl that taught would also point out that it is also very good mathematically for kids to learn.


I just loved seeing the prides on the Mom's faces that their boys were so curious.


There never should have been a double standard for either sex to feel bad about having a great hobby. Hey girls play lots of sports that were once deemed only for boys.


Everything is fair in love, and fun! :hook

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Oh Tami, Just think of the Yarn Stash!!!! :eek


I actualy like the idea that men crochet.. Heck we have some male memebers here.. look at Drew :) Maybe Drew can help convince my finance its ok to crochet LOL!!!



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A story I heard a time or to is that it was men who did the crocheting and knitting for their family as they sat and watched over there flock , the women would spin the yarn and dye it and the men would make articles such as shawls and socks mittens that their families needed for winter

I know of a lot of doctors that knit and needle point to keep their hands from

getting stiff

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  • 2 months later...

first; I would like to say that (in the U.S.A at least) there is still a stigma attached to men who crochet or knit (a homo-phobic phenomena). since I crochet and knit I don't consider that I am party to this train of thought, though I have encountered it in my lack-luster career. the concensus on this is that a man must be "gay" if he does either. (imagine my affrontery at actually doing both!) when someone proclaims my "gayiety" in crochet or knit, I can not deny that it does still affect me. I'm six feet tall and weigh in at just under a grizzly bear (I assume that I have a public picture in my profile?). the desparaging feelings soon pass when once again upon completion of a project people are scratching tooth and claw to get to it first.

having said that I will say that the MAJORITY of people who know about my (classically feminine) hobby have overwhelmingly supported my choice, one lady in particular even went so far as to claim that I am "gifted" in this area. (aren't we all?) I won't endorse that particular claim, but will not dispute anyone who makes such a preposterous claim, either. (I'm basically non-confrontational.)

second; I, personally, am not in "persute" of a "macho" crochet hook. (my love affair with "Susan Bates" hooks is fairly legendary here in the "tick woods".)

third; I do what I do with a crochet hook for the beauty of the finished product. the artistic side of yarn crafts (crochet and knit for me) is what inspires me. at least, the artistic value of what my grandmother would create when I was a child, was that which inspired me to learn in the first place. she did so from necessity, but she created wonderful works of art. (she also embroidered and cross-stitched [mostly pillow cases and table runners in these instances]).

fourth; I will always search for the rare or uninvented patterns. I will always be inspired to change a pattern to suit what I want the finished product to pro-ject. I am partial to patterns with a picture so that I can see where I need to change it to make it more my "creation". (where my work goes, so goes a small part of me.)

finally; I love the feeling I get when I have taken anonymous yarn and made something both practical and beautiful, with the potential of becoming a heirloom. it may not last "forever" (there have been knitted articles found among the relics recovered from ancient egypt), but certainly will outlast me by many, many years. and, hopefully, bring pleasure and comfort to whoever has claim to it at the time.

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