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Crocheters Anonymous

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I live in a small apartment with the hubster and three cats. Some days I swear the yarn is sneaking up on us to dominate our little world. My yarn addiction appeals to my husband's practical side. He loves the idea of making blankets and clothing for our chilly winters. And even the silly stuff has a certain appeal to him too (he has a twisted sense of humour, which is a good thing) so I guess I'm pretty lucky.

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Guest Catlizg

Sigh - my husband is my enabler in all this. Crocheting is the first "hobby" that has lasted more than a couple of weeks with me. In fact, we're now going on a year and it's gone from hobby to passion. He encourages me to buy different hooks and yarn and whatever I need/want to expand stash. Doesn't mind that I have multiple WIPs at one time. In fact, I think he takes a certain pride when he sees something I've made being used or worn. I came across an article recently that talked about crocheting and knitting lowering anxiety levels (any of us could have told them that). I think DH really appreciates that side-effect.

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My hubby just told me I need to go to crocheters anonymous (CA). He threatened to take my yarn and crochet/knitting supplies away and I started yelling. I told him if he takes my crochet/knit supplies away I take his brand new laptop. Then he said I was acting like a drug addict, that crochet was my drug. Then he said my yarn was evil. How dare he compare my creativity to drugs or evil things. He continued by saying that because I crochet everyday and will not stop that I am just proving my addiction by not doing as he commands. So I started laughing... ok I admit it I am addicted to crochet and all the supplies that go with it. ROFL :rofl

:think Jeeze, I find it so hard to imagine living with someone who didn't support me in all my endeavors. As long as my crochet addiction doesn't take food from our table or cause me not to pay my debts. Where the Everlovin is the harm of our passion. There are so much worse things in life to be addicted to. My creativity is such a part of me, to take it away would almost be a cruelity.


I am so Thankful that Marv as always been supportive and encouraging. :hug If I want or need yarn or thread he never questions my choices. In reality I am probably more careful of my purchases, as I never want to endanger that freedom by taking advantage of it. Oh I make the occasional whim purchase, :shop but normally I think about what I need or want. And He always double checks with me to see if I need to stop anywhere when we are out. I love the fact that nine times out of ten when someone comments on one of my purses or chokers he's the first to say (She Made it.) :manyheart It's no wonder that I value this man in my life and would never do anything to endanger the relationship.


But to ask me to give it up,:tryme I couldn't and since there is no real reason too I not going to. :hook


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I call the first meeting of the Crocheter's Anonymous to a close. We will meet again in two days...LOL :lol. Some addictions must be dealt with on a very regular basis. LOL :lol


My hubby is great :king. I have went through many hobbies :blush and he has never once really complained. Now I have found my calling CROCHETING! :hook woot!:cheer So I am now selling :ebay all my candle making, sewing for various people/organizations :sew(I just can't stand cutting out material...I'm a bad girl :devil) and hand quilting (it falls in with sewing.) So I am actually very lucky. He has always given me the space to be creative. However heLOVES to tease me. He is absolutely horrible :devil about teasing me when it comes to All my hobbies.



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However heLOVES to tease me. He is absolutely horrible :devil about teasing me when it comes to All my hobbies.




My hubby teases me too he just likes to see me get fired up :lol It's all in fun and I know that but I usually fall for it and lay into him :box

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My hubby teases me too he just likes to see me get fired up :lol It's all in fun and I know that but I usually fall for it and lay into him :box



Exactly, I am so willing to fall into that trap :blush. He always gets me riled-up that I can't help myself :tryme. I always fall for it.

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If he doesn't like your addiction to crocheting I suggest you look for another husband. :eek only kidding...:lol :lol :lol :lol


My husband loves my crocheting and is forever pointing out sales in the Sunday paper plus he bought me a truck load of yarn....see my pictures


Linda :hook



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It sounds like we may have more problems than I originally thought. I think some of you may have more than one addiction... Crochet Addiction AND Yarn Addiction! :devil


I remember seeing someone's stash room that had more yarn in it than my local Wal-Mart :eek (maybe not as much as Hobby Lobby ;) )!


Well, I don't need no stinking intervention, lets get hooking! Who's with me???



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Ok, I will happily join Crochet Addiction Group. I can be the treasurer, ok, we have zero money but as long as we have yarn, patterns, hooks, computer, and Crochetville we are fine. If your husband really thinks you have too much yarn, you need to learn rule number 3. HIDE EXCESS YARN. The magic thing to do if your husband says you crochet to much is turn off the tv and say, LET'S JUST TALK. (LOLOLOLOL). Just kidding, I have a great supportive husband. ONE time he made the mistake of saying the 5 worst words to me. You have too much yarn. I have pictures of friends of mine that sent pictures of entire rooms filled to the top with yarn. If I am not crocheting while watching tv he says, "What's wrong?" :lol

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I too am a crochet and yarn addict!! My hubby never says boo since one time he said "how much yarn do you need, and there is no way you will ever crochet all those patterns you have" to which I replied "you have 5 cars but can only drive one at a time and 2 only in nice weather, why do you need them?" He has not said a word since LOL!!! But really he never complains about my hobbies, he know how much I love them so hes all for it.

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From the minute my friend taught me to crochet I was addicted. My husband still gives her a bad time for teaching me. Just about that time Walmart had a huge sale on the Red Heart Pounders. I would go practically everyday and buy another color. I stacked it up under my window in the bedroom and dh still tells everyone about the "cord of yarn" I had in the room. I made almost every person in my family (dad, sisters, brother, neices, nephews, sons and daughters) and anyone I even remotely liked an afghan. All I wanted to do was crochet! I had so much fun surprising everyone with their own afghan. My family just takes it in stride that I will always have a hook and yarn in my possession. I have a project going all the time. And along the way I did find out there was other yarn than Red Heart. :P

What do other people do with their hands when they're in a car, at the doctors office or watching tv???:think

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Well, I don't have a hubby threatening to haul me off to meetings, but I do have a kitty who is highly jealous of the attention my addiction takes away from her! I do have my friend Phil who likes to tease me about it, but then again, he likes to tease me about lots of things (especially things like my tendency to panic when my supply of bathroom tissue runs dangerously low - he just doesn't get it!). And then there was the time my daughter was over for a visit, and I got a shocked "MOM!" out of her when she viewed the stacks of bags of yarn on the unused side of my bed, as well as the large plastic crate piled high next to the bed. :blush I figured it'd be best if I didn't mention that the area under the bed was also crammed full. This was after she'd already seen the piles and stacks in the living room... Good thing she didn't also go snooping in my closets! :lol


Speaking of under the bed, funny story: my cat loves to dash madly about the house every now and then. One day, she went racing through the hallway and started to charge under the bed (which was one of her favorite hangout areas, at one time, ahem!) and had to haul up real quick, almost skidding into the bag barely peeking out from under the spot she'd targeted. I got a real nasty look from her that time :rofl but she has resigned herself and made the adjustment - now she just charges across the top of the bed and leaps to her pillow in front of the window. Whether I'm in the bed or not. :2eek


Yesterday, I decided to take a rare nap as I wasn't feeling all that great. It was around the time that she usually likes to go outside, and after the usual commotion (flapping her paws through the slats of the bedroom blinds) didn't get the expected response, she came into my computer room and found the aluminum J hook I'd left on the little table next to the computer, which she knocked onto the hardwood floor with a nice loud clatter, figuring "this oughta wake her up!" :lol But she knows better than to mess with my yarn - besides, it doesn't make any noise!

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OK - I've heard all of these same comments from my husband too. The only place that I have in our little house to store my stash is under the basement stairs. Last week he told me that he thought that under the basement stairs would be the perfect place for ....I odn't remember - - something of HIS! Well, I reminded him that he has 2 sheds and a garage for his "stuff" and the least I could have was the space under the stairs. Well - it all worked out great because he gave up a really big storage cabinet in said garage and so now I have more space. Gotta go to AC Moore and Michael's. Bye -



Oh wait there's a PS


PS I have two secret stashes - - shhhh..... I bought two carefully measured garbage cans. Use the top round only of one of those round wooden tables that were so popular a few years ago. Fill the garbage can with yarn, patterns etc. put the round on top and cover the whole thing with a nice round tablecloth. Put a lamp on it and when the hubby comes home proudly show him your new accent table! He'll never be the wiser.

Regards from a fellow addict.



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I have two secret stashes - - shhhh..... I bought two carefully measured garbage cans. Use the top round only of one of those round wooden tables that were so popular a few years ago. Fill the garbage can with yarn, patterns etc. put the round on top and cover the whole thing with a nice round tablecloth. Put a lamp on it and when the hubby comes home proudly show him your new accent table! He'll never be the wiser.

Regards from a fellow addict.




Now that is just tooo funny:rofl What a great idea :idea . I really must remember that one!!!

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My friends & relatives LOVE to get afgans from me as gifts, and if I get the yarn at a good price, I can make a beautiful afgan for as little as $10.00 in materials. My husband understands that I am actually saving him money because if I would go out and buy a gift, I would spend a whole lot more!

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Karen, your trash can/table/secret storage idea is tops!!!!!! Even if we don't have to hide things from people, it's still a nice way to keep things neat around the house.


Of course, if it is your secret stash, you have to remember not to raid it when anyone's around.

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