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Crocheters Anonymous

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My hubby just told me I need to go to crocheters anonymous (CA). He threatened to take my yarn and crochet/knitting supplies away and I started yelling. I told him if he takes my crochet/knit supplies away I take his brand new laptop. Then he said I was acting like a drug addict, that crochet was my drug. Then he said my yarn was evil. How dare he compare my creativity to drugs or evil things. He continued by saying that because I crochet everyday and will not stop that I am just proving my addiction by not doing as he commands. So I started laughing... ok I admit it I am addicted to crochet and all the supplies that go with it. ROFL :rofl

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My husband asked me why in the world did I needed so much yarn. He was referring to my "stash". He doesn't understand that I pick up yarn when it is on sale or clearance. He also doesn't understand that I usually have more than one project going at once. I finally started taking him with me so that he could see how much I save when I buy the yarn on sale. I know he understands the savings but he still doesn't get why I have yarn and no one particular project in mind. I tried to explain that I never know if I need to whip up a baby shower gift or a comfort shawl or just a pick me up gift. I really rather to give my crocheting than trying to buy something everytime.


I just told him that I could have worse habits. I told him he likes to golf (not sure why) and I like to crochet (at least I have something to show for it at the end). :lol

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hey we all have a crochet addiction

Hi My name is Jimmie Lu and I have a crochet addiction! I have been useing for many years but hey who cares

My husband is my supplier if he hears there is a sale he takes me(smart on his part) he gives me a spending limit and is very helpful! He has been wanting to post here about said addiction.

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My Hubby threatened to clean out my stash room.

I told him firmly that if he touched anything in my

room then that gave me permission to go into his shop

and clean out whatever I wanted.

I haven't heard another word. LOL



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My hubby just told me I need to go to crocheters anonymous (CA). He threatened to take my yarn and crochet/knitting supplies away and I started yelling. I told him if he takes my crochet/knit supplies away I take his brand new laptop. Then he said I was acting like a drug addict, that crochet was my drug. Then he said my yarn was evil. How dare he compare my creativity to drugs or evil things. He continued by saying that because I crochet everyday and will not stop that I am just proving my addiction by not doing as he commands. So I started laughing... ok I admit it I am addicted to crochet and all the supplies that go with it. ROFL :rofl


Gawd! I hope this is all tongue in cheek! Otherwise, I'd say, Common ladies, let's go kick some man-booty!


:lol :lol

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'm single and live w/two cats. The cats don't care how much yarn I have, as long as I let them curl up in it. They don't threaten to take my yarn away...if they did, I would threaten not to feed them in return:eek. They don't give me a spending limit: I know how much disposable income I have to spend on yarn, just like any other adult does; besides I'm the one that buys them their catnip:D

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I'm addicted....sign me up, too.


I love yarn and patterns and all things associated with crochet. It's my hobby and passion all rolled up in one.

My kids are great and understand. My hubby is the most considerate and wonderful man on the planet. He helps me get yarn and patterns and always listens patiently when I get a bright idea.:scrachin My hubby, well, I'm married to a computer man and computers are his life. So he can't say much about my passion as he has his own and I married it many years ago.


He also loves video games....:lol

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:jumpyayI am additcted to crocheting and proud of it. I :drool over yarn and patterns and hooks.

John (Tampa Guy) and I have a understanding. I do not bitch about his cigars and he doesn't bitch about my chrocheting.

Actually, John is like Jimmie Lu's husband. If we are out, he ask "Do you want to stop at Joanns, Michaels or Walmart?" Of course he usually gets whatever I make or a copy of it. He keeps telling me that he has more room.:lol

Ah we laugh and make fun about our addiction, but I only have one thing to say.


Keep away from my stuff and no one will get hurt.:lol

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I bought two large lined baskets that are on either side of my couches piled high with yarns. I cant get enough of it. Even when my Aunt and Uncle go to Italy and France they bring me back yarns. Everyone knows I have a problem. :lol

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My husband has 6 guitars Nough Said :lol




My hubby supports my addiction. He figures the more time I spend crocheting the more time he can spend playing on-line poker...:)

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My hubby supports my addiction. He figures the more time I spend crocheting the more time he can spend playing on-line poker...:)


He also has a Harley & a four wheeler ;) I once had to point all this out to him now he says nothing when he wants something he asks what I want :lol

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I'm glad to have found this group of yarn lovers today! I am so addicted to yarn it's not funny... buying it, storing it, putting colors together, designing new patterns, making blankets, everything. And to make it worse I have a great excuse for purchasing and storing it because I'm a coordinator for a charity called Project Linus (making security blankets for seriously ill children). I work with about 50 crocheters & knitters in my area who deliver blankets to my doorstep and in the mail. It's like Christmas every week! (Quilts & fleece blankets also). We share and have Show N Tell meetings down at the clubhouse. It's so much fun to have fellow addictees.


I live in a retirement community and have recruited about 5 of my neighbors who have also become addicted now. They are not quite as bad as I am yet though, although their husbands are starting to complain about the yarn in the closets, piles of crocheting projects, cost of yarn, etc. I've been nurturing this addiction for over 30 years so my hubby is used to it. He's gotten over the embarrassment of me crocheting in the car and bringing bushels of yarn along on vacation.


It gets worse... Recently I started receiving discount coupons from JoAnn's & Michael's on a weekly basis from several neighbors in my community (some even give a cash donation) and then I get to go shopping for even more yarn for all of us crocheters in the neighborhood. What fun we have! And what a great addiction with a great purpose. :cheer The children love the blankets and we love making them. Life is good!


Happy Crocheting!


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he says nothing when he wants something he asks what I want :lol


They are smart sometimes like that lol. Dh gave me money to go to Hobby Lobby one time & the next day mentioned he wanted a new golf club. :lol


He is pretty good about my yarn addiction though. He even built my yarn cabinet for me. But he knows I love yarn & crochet. He loves golf, playing games online, etc. Sometimes when we are on an errand & pass HL, he says "sorry babe..no time to yarn shop today". Awwwww....


He probably wonder why I need so much when some of it sits there for a long time without becoming something lol but he doesn't ask me why...


he probably understands a little since he has a golf hat collection, rarely wears any of them, golf tees from different greens he has played that he'll never use....


so to him it is a collection...a hobby. Then when yarn turns into a project I show him what that "old" yarn sitting around on the shelf grew up to be. :D

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They are smart sometimes like that lol. Dh gave me money to go to Hobby Lobby one time & the next day mentioned he wanted a new golf club. :lol


He is pretty good about my yarn addiction though. He even built my yarn cabinet for me. But he knows I love yarn & crochet. He loves golf, playing games online, etc. Sometimes when we are on an errand & pass HL, he says "sorry babe..no time to yarn shop today". Awwwww....


Yours sounds like mine he says the same thing sorry we're in a hurry ;)


But now when he say's what do you want I say no the question is what do you want or what have you allready ordered :lol

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I'm glad to have found this group of yarn lovers today! I am so addicted to yarn it's not funny... buying it, storing it, putting colors together, designing new patterns, making blankets, everything. ...


You forgot to mention caressing it, smoothing it, gently squishing it, hugging it, pressing it against your face.....


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You forgot to mention caressing it, smoothing it, gently squishing it, hugging it, pressing it against your face.....



and untangling the kitty from it and then giving up & giving her her own skein.

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I'm addicted....sign me up, too.


I love yarn and patterns and all things associated with crochet. It's my hobby and passion all rolled up in one.

My kids are great and understand. My hubby is the most considerate and wonderful man on the planet. He helps me get yarn and patterns and always listens patiently when I get a bright idea.:scrachin My hubby, well, I'm married to a computer man and computers are his life. So he can't say much about my passion as he has his own and I married it many years ago.


He also loves video games....:lol


You guy sound like mine. He never minds that I spend so much on yarn and pattern books. The only time he did have an issue was when it was in HIS closet and he didn't have room for his stuff. But I re-organize the apt and got it out of his closet and now he can careless. But than again I only use my money to buy the yarn and not our money. :):hook

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My husband has his private pilot's license and I crochet. So who has the less expensive hobby? LOL! I do of course. :devil


I second that, my DH doesn't complain, in fact he encourages me because his hobby is just as, if not more, consuming than mine (fly fishing/tying flies). He is anxiously awaiting the weekend because it is the first day of fishing season. I plan to spend the day working on a new bag with my *brand spanking new* Jimbo hook!!

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He is pretty good about my yarn addiction though. He even built my yarn cabinet for me.


What a great idea! My boyfriend does woodworking and he keeps asking me what furniture he should make.


He modifies his car as well, so my hobby is MUCH less expensive. Just imagine how much yarn I could get if I spent the same amount he spends on performance car parts :P

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Oh I am definitely addicted! No doubt about it. I am, however trying to "tone it down" a bit as I am having a house guest next week and my house is in serious need of spring cleaning and it is because I rush through my chores and do a half-you-know-what job so I can get to my needlework! I have even blown off the gym (and I am a life long fitness/exercise freak) to finish up a project.


I see no problem with being addicted to crochet but there is a limit!:lol


Now, the yarn stash thing...hmmm...don't see THAT addiction going away anytime soon!

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