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I need some advice.....HELP!!!!

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I made this solider a flag afghan and sent it to him no charge I done this cause I wanted too .

well few days later after he gotten the afghan he email me and asked me would I make anther one and ask me how much would I chargeive his him for it he was wanting to his mom afghan . well I said sure I told him I would charge him hundred dollars well he said thats a deal.

well ive working my hard in getting this afghan done by the end of april and close been done with it well this morning he emails me and ask me could i go down on it for 50 dollars . what would yall do ?:(


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I would not. You had established the price before you began and have put a lot of work into it. Maybe explaining cost of supplies, etc., he would understand.



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Well, as a military spouse, I will admit that we don't make a whole lot of money and really, that could be the issue. $100 is a lot of money, my guess, for him to come up with. Maybe you could come up with a payment plan for him while you are working on the afghan? Just explain to him that $100 covers the cost of supplies and labor, and you feel it is a fair price..but if it would be easier, maybe he could send you $25 at a time while you are completing the project.



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I would not let him have it. You gave him the first one out of the goodness of your heart so maybe he should give that one to his mama. It is really up to you though but I would really think about it hard.

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Yes, military does not, but this is his mother, she should not be living off his $$. I think it is fair. I sold one about 5 or 6 years ago, and charged $80, the single mom of 2 that I sold it to, who was giving it as a gift to a friend, was very satisfied with the price. Thought I was underselling.

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I'm sorry but since he could've negotiated the price before you started it he should've then. It's no matter what he makes and you shouldn't let that come in to play. To me he's trying to take advantage of your kind nature. He should pay what he agreed from the start. Buisness is just that and you should not be made to feel guilty about the price that he originally agreed to.

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That's hard. I"ve done a couple American flags, and I know they take some time and effort. I understand him possibly not having the money, but he did agree. Maybe a payment plan would work? $50 would cover supplies, but doesn't leave much for the labor. Maybe you could tell him that you really wish you could but it takes so much time that you can't be below $100. maybe over a period of time though he could pay?

Let us know how this works out!

How far from done are you on the afghan?



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Yes, military does not, but this is his mother, she should not be living off his $$. I think it is fair. I sold one about 5 or 6 years ago, and charged $80, the single mom of 2 that I sold it to, who was giving it as a gift to a friend, was very satisfied with the price. Thought I was underselling.


The way the post read, it did not say his mother was requesting the afghan. It stated he wanted it for her..meaning as a gift.


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Well, as a military spouse, I will admit that we don't make a whole lot of money and really, that could be the issue. $100 is a lot of money, my guess, for him to come up with. Maybe you could come up with a payment plan for him while you are working on the afghan? Just explain to him that $100 covers the cost of supplies and labor, and you feel it is a fair price..but if it would be easier, maybe he could send you $25 at a time while you are completing the project.





I sure like Donna's advice. It's kind, it's tactful, and yet it still lets him know that you want to be paid for the price you originally negotiated. When you think about it, since you gave him the first one for free, he's really getting two for $50 each, so the $100 is not unreasonable at all. If you were to go down to $50, that would only be $25 each! Using Donna's approach, you could gently (but firmly) tell him that you just can't afford to go down to $50, but you are giving him a way to work inside his budget. Good luck! And my salute to you, Tasha, for supporting our soldiers with your hard work and kindness. Way to go! :hug:cheer

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Well, as a military spouse, I will admit that we don't make a whole lot of money and really, that could be the issue. $100 is a lot of money, my guess, for him to come up with. Maybe you could come up with a payment plan for him while you are working on the afghan? Just explain to him that $100 covers the cost of supplies and labor, and you feel it is a fair price..but if it would be easier, maybe he could send you $25 at a time while you are completing the project.






i agree you could agree to set up a payment plan with him or something that he could aford..



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I sure like Donna's advice. It's kind, it's tactful, and yet it still lets him know that you want to be paid for the price you originally negotiated. When you think about it, since you gave him the first one for free, he's really getting two for $50 each, so the $100 is not unreasonable at all. If you were to go down to $50, that would only be $25 each! Using Donna's approach, you could gently (but firmly) tell him that you just can't afford to go down to $50, but you are giving him a way to work inside his budget. Good luck! And my salute to you, Tasha, for supporting our soldiers with your hard work and kindness. Way to go! :hug:cheer


EXACTLY what I was thinking - two afghans for $100 - what a deal!!!-Glenda

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I would find out why he is trying to renogotiate the price. That might help you make a decision on how to handle this. Also, If you decide to make more afghans, you might want to consider taking a deposit.


One more thing to think about, what would you rather have $50 for the afghan or the afghan?

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I'm with the others. Offer the payment plan. I've always struggled with what to charge folks. You can't charge what your labour worth or you would never sell a thing but you don't want to "give it away" either. Price was agreed upon before work began. It isn't fair, in fact a bit rude to ask you to cut your price in half. Please do let us know how this turns out.



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:cheer If you walk into a shop and buy anything, you do not ask the shopkeeper to justify the cost but maybe in this case, so you shouldnt need to either but maybe you can explain how much the yarn has cost YOU and how many hours of work you will put into it before it is finished, then ask him if he would be prepared to work for $1.00 an hour or whatever it works out to be.

Surely, with you having given him the first one, he should not be so cheeky as to put you in such a spot. His mother does not deserve a nice Afghan because she did not teach him good manners.

Tell him $100.00 or nothing, even if you end up keeping it for yourself.

Now, next time someone asks you to make something for them, be sure to ask for 50% deposit (half of this re-fundable) to purchase the yarn, then if they dont front up you sell to someone else, then give them back half their deposit. You should not be out of pocket for someone else.:cheer

Good luck.


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