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Crochet for a living

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Yesterday I received a pattern book I had bought on eBay. It is the first one I have seen with a page devoted to caring for your hands and shows exercises to do for your fingers and hands.


Before my blood pressure went crazy and I had to give up work, I used to be a data entry operator - so am very aware of the dangers of repeating the same actions constantly. Double bind situation there - we were supposed to take a five minute break every hour - but were frowned upon when we did. We weren't good workers if we cared for our data entry hand, and risked losing compensation for damage if we didn't.


Your aunt obviously has great faith in your abilities, god love her, but look after yourself, whether you work one afghan a day, or one a month.

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I have an idea - tell her you are seriously considering her idea but think you need to beef up your inventory. Could she help you make a couple of quick afghans for opening day. If she doesn't know how, teach her to crochet. If she survives that phase she'll have some appreciation for the time, effort, and pleasure that go into handmade afghans - maybe. Then again, some people will never "get" it.


Here's an even faster way to shut her up. In addition to the above, tell you you don't have enough money to start this business. Ask her since this is such a great idea, maybe she would like to invest in it to get you started? Then come up with the price you'd need for rent, utilities, permits, phone, yarn, your salary, and you'll need staff to make things to keep up with your sales, etc.


And here's the best part! Don't forget to tell her that she can have all the profits coming in from her business venture too! :laughroll

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It always amazes me how someone that doesn't do crafts doesn't have any idea of the time & work involved with making great creations! My Mom too tried to get me to do more for money & it's just not feasible what they want!:eek

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There are a few people who make their living knitting or crocheting, though I don't know how they do it.


Oh, but this does remind me, I was reading someone's blog who said their goal for this year was to make 100 afhans. 100 in 1 year! What? And the crazy thing is, this was back in Feb. and she was like "I've already done 12". What?


:rofl Had to laugh at that one!! It took me a year to make my first afghan, and not much less time to make my second and third! (tho mine do fully cover a king sized bed.) What size are those afghans???:eek

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hmmmm - am I quick? It took me three weeks to make my 6' x 5' afghan. Only one I've ever made mind. I still wouldn't like to try and price it up though! I AM hoping to make a little bit of income from the "Molly Weasley" style bell sleeves, but that's for the pattern I designed, not the actual sleeves.


I wonder if we shouldn't all get together and do a bit of selling of our wares somehow - seems a shame to hold onto those finished articles we decide aren't QUITE us anyhow! :D

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If you could crank out that many ghans in a week you won't have the energy to open the store on saturday...maybe she can take care of it while you sleep.


p.s. When you find that magic wand let me know!:lol

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