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I'm going to the MD sheep and wool festival !

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For those of you won't don't really know me, I moved from Maryland to Kansas in the past few months. It's been an intresting transition, but I love my new home so I won't complain. I was really sad when I found out that my family was not going to be able to come and visit me this summer like they planed. My family is very tight knit, and I miss them a lot. But, becuase of they couldn't come out here, my parents are flying DH and I back for a visit durring the MD Sheep and Wool Festival. For those of you not from MD, it's a huge two day fiber arts festival at one of the fairgrounds. You can get anything from the sheep, to wool for spinning, to spinning wheels, to yarn, and already made items. It's great. Last year, I got a full set of Addie Thread hooks (I had most of the yarn hooks, already). It's a really big event. My mom and I have gone every year since I found out about it. I was going to miss it. But, now I get to see my family and friends, and I get to go to Sheep and Wool. I am very excited. It's still a few months away. But, that just gives me a chance to save up to buy more yarn.


I was so excited when I got the email that said I had airplane tickets out there that I just had to share it with you all.

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That festival looks like fun! I'm a little too far away to attend but it sure looks like it would be dangerous! Moneywise, that is! Enjoy your trip! It's great that your parents could fly you home for it!

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I just sent the details to my girfriend who lives in Baltimore - I am not sure if she is near this event, but if she is, it would be fun to visit her and go to the fair!!! Maybe I'll see you there:cheer

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Wow! What a wonderful thing to get to go do. I sure hope you have a good time.:yay


I didn't move as far as you did, but I've always lived in the same town as my parents until last year. I moved about 2 hours away. But I really miss being in the same town as my mom and dad. So I can totally understand how you miss your family. That's actually how I came to find Crochetville. Crochetville helps me cope with moving away....:hook

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Oh yes, it is very dangerious to the budget. But, what I do (and it seems to work for me) is a I have set amount to spend that I bring in cash. After my cash is spent, I am done shopping. It's so much easier to spend more when you are charging it to the credit card than when it's cash......



Auntbubbels - Just tell your friend that the fairgrounds are near the intersection of I-70 and MD -32. If you friend needs better directions, just let me know.... It's really not that far from her.



Shaelynnsmom - Growing up, my dad was in the navy so we moved around a lot. But, the one thing that was always the same no matter where we lived was the family. So, it was really hard to move away from them. I know what you mean about Crochetville helping with the move. I still (after a few months) don't have to many friends out here in lawrence. But, I know that I've got all of my Crochetville friends. It really helped me at frist, and it still helps to be able to log in and talk with friend whenever I get sad about not being around my old friends.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Jess- Last year you got your spinning wheel there...is there a lot of wool yarn for sale there as well? I'm almost positive I'm going and I'm trying to get a friend to go with me...I didn't know it was free-that makes it even more appealing!

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Jess- Last year you got your spinning wheel there...is there a lot of wool yarn for sale there as well? I'm almost positive I'm going and I'm trying to get a friend to go with me...I didn't know it was free-that makes it even more appealing!


Yes! There's a lot of yarn for sale, period! Really gorgeous stuff from places that most LYSes don't carry.


Here's an article on Knitter's Review that lists some of the great yarn vendors.


Brooks Farm is one I lusted over last year but never bought anything -- this year I am going to get some laceweight of theirs, darnit! :)


It's free and it's a lot of fun. Wear good walking shoes!

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Yes! There's a lot of yarn for sale, period! Really gorgeous stuff from places that most LYSes don't carry.


Here's an article on Knitter's Review that lists some of the great yarn vendors.


Brooks Farm is one I lusted over last year but never bought anything -- this year I am going to get some laceweight of theirs, darnit! :)


It's free and it's a lot of fun. Wear good walking shoes!



I completely agree...There is some amazing stuff there that I have never seen anywhere else.....


This year, my mom and I are going better prepared with a rolling bag to carry our yarn in... Last year, my hands hurt from carring around a couple of cones of yarn in a shopping bag...... And, I think I need a big hat or something 'cuase I got a pretty bad sun burn last year.....

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