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2006 Crochet Resolutions!

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1. Start and COMPLETE the Cathedral Window Afghan.

2. PLAN Christmas projects and start in Summer rather than mid-November.

3. embrace the idea of thread crochet. All my attempts at it have left me wanting to jam the crochet hook in my eye!

4. If I'm successful at #3, make snowflakes for my tree for next year and to give as gifts.

5. Make a pillowghan for my cousin.

6. continue to try projects that scare me.

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1. Not to overextend myself with swaps, charity and other projects. Pick and choose the swaps I can do and will enjoy.


2. Finally make my son and daughter the afghans they've been wanting. I have the yarns carefully stored, and the patterns ready...just to make TIME for them.


3. To DECREASE the yarn stash!


4. To know my limits and not lust for thread crochet projects when I know it gives me the heebie jeebies working on it, makes me say bad words, and is generally just not a pleasure to do anymore.

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My New Years Crochet Resolutions are:


1.) To Finish my thread wrist bag that is half done.

2.) To make myself an afghan.

3.) Make a couple Baby outfits/sweaters for my new nephew or niece coming in August.

4.) Make my son blanket with dumptrucks on it.

5.) Maybe learn to crochet snowflakes, maybe make enough to give as presents next year for chirstmas.


There are lots more, but there just isn't enough time in the year.

Happy New Year!!!

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1-Finish WIP's

2-Stop buying pattern books/magazines until I have completed the intended projects from the ones I already have

3-Find more time to crochet and blog...It's always the first thing to go when I get busy.


Happy New Year everyone! :hook

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While don't do New Year's resolutions (I have a pretty bad track record with those, and you may have noticed my thread on how I took up running on the 29th, so I didn't fail miserably), but I do have intentions around this time of year.


My intention last year was to take up a hobby, which ended up being crochet. This led to felting, knitting, dying, spinning, a brief interlude with macrame and a now overwhelming desire for a spinning wheel and a sheep.


My intention for 2006 is to keep doing all of these things I love so much.


I'm starting my PhD on 20 Feb, and during my undergrad degree, I stopped doing most of the things I loved to do because I needed the highest grades I could get so I'd have the best chance possible at a scholarship for my postgrad. I don't want that to happen again. I have a feeling that over the next 3 years I'm going to needs my hooks more than ever!

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1. Learn more stitches, like DC and Clamshell.


2. Successfully follow my FIRST pattern.


3. Make a pair of socks for my boyfriend by christmas.


4. Finish my "me project"... an afghan and post photos of it for everybody.

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My Resolutions:


1. Organize my nasty yarn stash/junk room, which my husband now calls "Yarnopolis."

2. Brave some bigger projects. I'd like to finish a sweater and an afghan.

3. Do one RAOK per month.

4. Blog more.

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Crochet Resolutions

use up stash

organize and plan future projects (I am going to try three olives suggestions on working on a large, med & small at a time and using a planner to keep track of projects)

not allow friends to take advantage of me (I get a lot of "...oh I love that can you make me one?")

spend more time with hook in hand, less time reading about patterns, etc.

make only things I love and enjoy making

start to document time and cost to finish a project so I correctly quote price when asked

have fun, it's my hobby and passion

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My only crochet-related resolution for 2006 is to spend more time actually crocheting than I spend looking at patterns, reading about crocheting, surfing crochet sites, enhancing my stash, etc. :blush:P


I cannot say it better.. this is my crochet resolution too


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Oops, forgot one resolution -


To stop hearing my Mother's voice telling me how ugly crochet is every time I pick up my hook.





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My crochet resolutions for 2006:


Work up the strength in my hand to crochet for longer than 45 minutes a day.


Finish the Sunrise Ripple afghan I am making for my self.


Finish the 63 square crochet along that I joined in March 2005.


Make 3 baby blankets for the Family Service Center to use in their complimentary layette bundles for new parents.


Make a very girlie baby blanket for a geed friend of mine who just had a little girl.


Hopefully, possibly (if we are able to have another), make a new baby blanket and layette set for DH and I.



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Hmmm lemme think here.


My "crochet" resolutions are...


...to update my blog more often.

...to finish several of these WIPs. (i.e. my 63 squares. especially

...to learn some new stitches and not be afraid of asking for help when I get stuck instead of calling it quits and putting it down to never touch again.

...to learn some things with thread.

...I want to make at least 1 color bright creatures afghan.

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I resolve to make alot of scrap afghans this year! I spent $100.00 at a yard sale and got 2 black trash bags , 2 boxes and 9 kitchen garbage bags full of yarn! :eek


I am sorting through it and am gifting the seniors my dad eats lunch with with some. The rest I am making into scrap afghans since most of the colors are discontinued and I can't really do much else with it afghan wise.


Merry Christmas 2006! :manyheart



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My crochet resolutions are:



To make something for myself, for once.

To make an afghan (Hopefully for me, see above).

To make a form fitting piece of clothing (not a hat, but maybe mittens)

To attempt thread crochet

To make some crochet Christmas presents this year (only made 1 this Christmas past)

To get more use out of the books and patterns I have and not get more (unless I absolutely have to! :) )

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  • 4 months later...

Okay, below were my resolutions. How am I doing?

1) Have one Christmas present done (1 tote down, just needs to be felted) and am working on another (a Christmas tree skirt)

2) Started a doily, but have run into problems with round 9 of 11! :think

3) Am going on a cruise in July, and am taking my thread and hook to make snowflakes then, since they won't take up a lot of room in my luggage

4) Okay, I've failed miserably on the budget resolution.

5) Made myself that sweater from SCC, but haven't finsihed my bed jacket.:(

6) see No. 3, that may help. :lol

7) Well, I've sort of tried to do this. It helps right now that I'm following a complicated pattern so I can't be distracted at all or I make a BIG mistake! So that means no TV.

8) Well, I've made 3 Project Linus blankets in 5 months, so I have fallen behind in that resolution.


Not too bad. I think I'll pat myself on the back for accomplishing some and working on others. Anyone else want to 'fess up how they're doing on their resolutions? Patty


Make a doily

Start my Christmas 2007 (nope, 2006) presents next week (already on the list--2 tree skirts, 4 felted tote bags--see why I need to start now :P)

Do something like Snowflake Sundays the whole year, so when December rolls around I have more than 12 snowflakes done

Budget yarn acquisition better

Finish the bed jacket I started in July and make myself that sweater from SCC

Get better at thread so I stop stabbing myself in the left forefinger as I crochet

Stop listening to mindless TV while I crochet and listen to some beautiful music instead (might help my tension, too)

Try to make at least one blanket for Project Linus each month (budget permitting)


Wow, that's a lot of resolutions (and they're just the crochet ones--yikes!).


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This seems a long time after to post my goals, but I did actually make them at the beginning of the year. My goals are:


Finish all knitting and crocheting UFOs

Finish Mom's Rose Afghan ON TIME

Finish CrochetDude's 2006 Calendar Afghan ON TIME

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