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2006 Crochet Resolutions!

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My list:


To be a thrifty shopper: use coupons, find good sales, get better price/value ratios. Online: find free shipping, maybe try the mills ends or industrial yarn. :cheer


Experiment a lot: try new stitches, more challenging projects, make more new patterns, use nicer yarns, finer threads, etc. :yay:juggle


Show more people how beautiful and fulfilling and generous crocheting is! :c9

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I am bound and determined to overcome my "failure" factor... in the past I have kept myself to easy projects... and if something stumped me I would frog and not try again... resorting back to the easier projects... so this time I will learn from my mistakes... and not feel bad about having to try LOTs to accomplish something I want to do...



AND.. I think I want to do that with threads....


I also want to try different yarns.. I bought some Nashua the other day and fell in love...of course I'll ahve to be alot more frugal to work with yarns like that...hope dh likes lots of mac and cheese :P

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i am new at crocheting and have done scarves, which i just love doing and i am completing two baby blankets - dc


i am going to try my hand at new stitches and bought videos to help me do slippers and ponchos!!! i have the entire year to work this out. I would also like to make dishtowels, I got one for xmas and think they would make great gifts


i am also making granny squares and keeping them on hand so when someone needs them for a comfortgan, I can just send them off.

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My goals for the new year are:


*finish my WIPs (what an unrealistic goal!)

*design my own graph ghan

*learn how to use a knifty knitter

*be organized (Ha!)

*use coupons more


*learn Spanish

*spend time reading the Bible everyday

I'm exhausted already from just typing my list. Maybe my goal should be: start a new project every month but only finish half of them. :devil

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My crochet goals:


Complete three CALs (Joined my first one just now, also will work on GFG)


Complete GFG gradually as my "in between" project


Make a sweater vest or cardigan, depending on how brave I get!


I also have a pattern of burning out on crafts quickly, so one of my goals is to still be here next New Year's!

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:clover I hope to start Christmas earlier! I don't want to feel so much pressure so close to Christmas! Then again, I did keep adding more projects to the "must do this year" pile.


I want to make towel toppers. It sounds simple enough, but I've never made them. I like the ones without buttons.


I want to use up more of my stash and buy only what is absolutely necessary. I have way too much space taken with yarn!


I want to make something out of thread. Maybe snowflake ornaments. I've always used yarn.


I'd like to make something just for me. I always give everything away. I don't know what, but something.


I want to get more exercise. I spend so much time sitting crocheting, knitting and stitching, I get stiff and achy. That's just not healthy. Ok, I'm done.

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Okay the new job is really cutting into my crochet time... but I have a few resolutions for the new year.


:hook Make a pair of socks

:hook Make a sweater

:hook Make a really cool felted purse

:hook Make myself a new Christmas stocking (The pattern is printed. The yarn is bought!)

I think that is all for now.


Oh yeah ....

:hook Finish my SIL's scarf and mail it with the other Christmas presents.... she won't know the difference. (It is a really cute with granny squares. All squares are made... just have to put the darn things together.:lol )

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Only work on one project at a time.


Learn to crochet socks.


Learn to felt.


Stop losing my crochet hooks.


These are exactly my resolutions for 2006 also. Happy new Year, everyone!


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Fun thread!



I am going to STOP buying yarn! Every time I see a pretty color I want it!


I will complete the excruciatingly boring sweater I started


I will begin Xmas presents in June


I will do that complicated pattern for a capelet! Just have my glass of wine close by;)


I will make sure my house is clean, the dog is walked and meals cooked BEFORE I pick up my hook!

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My work also cuts way too much into my crochet time:lol:lol...but here are my resolutions:


*Finish my cathedral window afghan

*Make a graph afghan

*Make a BIG doily

*Learn to make socks

* Do more ROAK's, both here and with other people in my life


Happy 2006 everyone! My it be happy, healthy and full of fun for you!



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Well...My new years resolutions are ....

1. Atleast finish 3 WIP (that's not so unrealistic!)

2. Learn to use knitting looms and knift knitter

3. Make atleast one thing from each ctegory of craft that i do.

4. Keep a check on my YAS and PAS....its getting tougher by the day

5. Exercise

6. Pray regularly

7. Learn a new skill

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My Crochet resolutions for 2006


Enjoy My Crocheting to the fullest. :hook


Complete the Masters course for Thread from the CGOA It should be here soon I hope.


To try and stay focused. Not to let myself get too distracted by all the wonderful things every one else is making here at Crochetville, Easy to do I want to make this and I want to make that.


Finish all the projects that I start on.


To document my designs as I go and not tell myself I will get to it. It doesn't happen as the next inspiration grabs hold and I off.


Persue submitting more of my designs. I find myself with sticky feet on this one. Fear of failure syndrome. Not everyone is as nice as you people. But I do intend to push myself on this.


To Roak someone as often as possible.


I sincererly hope we are all able to honor our resolutions. :hook

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My 2006 Crochet Resolutions will be:


• Finish all WIPs laying around


• Start Christmas presents in January (goal is to make everyone on my list, which is quite extensive) a crocheted item (mostly afghans)


• Finally get to secret projects (designs are done, need to actually make these items)


• make tons of American Girl clothing (design/share)


• attempt new crochet stitches, crochet with multi types of yarn together, challenge myself


• get my books/magazines/patterns (print outs) organized & cateloged (so I know what in each book/magazine and don't have to spend hours going thru all to find one item)

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Have more confidence in my abilites and try some of the patterns I think are too difficult for me.


Make more of my own designs.


Start making christmas and birthday presents earlier.


Finish the pair of socks I'm winging out- I didn't like the first pair I made following a pattern so am halfway through making a pair my own way.


Work on a black thread shrug.


Try to finish everything I start, but at the same time not be afraid to abandon or rethink a pattern if it isn't working.

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My Crochet Resolutions for 2006



:mdust First, to start making Christmas gifts in January! Just do a little each month. I stressed myself WAY out this year and vow to NEVER do that again!


:mdust Second, to do charity crochet. I've signed myself up for "25 things" - start with simple things if I have to.


:mdust Third, to make a pair of crocheted socks.


:mdust Fourth, to finish at least one afghan for the family room


that's all I can think of right now........have to keep it simple!

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Make a doily

Start my Christmas 2007 (nope, 2006) presents next week (already on the list--2 tree skirts, 4 felted tote bags--see why I need to start now :P)

Do something like Snowflake Sundays the whole year, so when December rolls around I have more than 12 snowflakes done

Budget yarn acquisition better

Finish the bed jacket I started in July and make myself that sweater from SCC

Get better at thread so I stop stabbing myself in the left forefinger as I crochet

Stop listening to mindless TV while I crochet and listen to some beautiful music instead (might help my tension, too)

Try to make at least one blanket for Project Linus each month (budget permitting)


Wow, that's a lot of resolutions (and they're just the crochet ones--yikes!).


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Make a doily

Start my Christmas 2007 presents next week (already on the list--2 tree skirts, 4 felted tote bags--see why I need to start now :P)

Do something like Snowflake Sundays the whole year, so when December rolls around I have more than 12 snowflakes done

Budget yarn acquisition better

Finish the bed jacket I started in July and make myself that sweater from SCC

Get better at thread so I stop stabbing myself in the left forefinger as I crochet

Stop listening to mindless TV while I crochet and listen to some beautiful music instead (might help my tension, too)

Try to make at least one blanket for Project Linus each month (budget permitting)


Wow, that's a lot of resolutions (and they're just the crochet ones--yikes!).



Patty, Did you mean Christmas 2006 or are you that far ahead to be able to start on 2007?:)

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:lol I've been on vacation this week and my brain has turned to mush. Of course I meant 2006, froggy, but now in my middle age, time is flying by so it'll be Christmas 2007 before I even know it! :lol No way I'm that organized! But I did say that they were a lot of resolutions, and they'll probably show up next December on my list too! Patty
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