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Crochet and Knit questions


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I have tried several times over the years to learn to knit. I've finally been successful enough that I can now cast on confidently, knit, purl, and make some basic scarves. I've been too busy crocheting lately to devote any more time to doing anything more complicated, although I'd like to. I have a few questions for those of you who crochet and knit too, or for those who crochet and tried to learn to knit but didn't stick with it for whatever reason.


1. Do you crochet and knit, too?


2. If so, do you prefer crochet or knitting, and why?


3. Is there a difference in the type of yarns you prefer for crochet vs. the type you prefer for knitting? If so:


3a. What type of yarns do you prefer for crocheting and why?


3b. What type of yarns do you prefer for knitting and why?


5. Do you make the same types of things in crochet and knit, or do you mainly do certain projects in crochet and other types of things in knitting?


6. Which did you learn to do first?



For me personally, I much prefer crochet. :clap At this point, it's probably because I've been crocheting for 32 years and I'm very confident about what I'm doing. I'm also much, much faster at crochet than knitting. I'm starting to enjoy the process of knitting, but I think it will likely always take a back seat to crochet. I think another reason I like crochet so much is that it's a connection to both my mother and grandmother, neither of whom knitted.


Also, I love all the new fun, funky yarns out there, but it seems there are so many more knitting patterns available for them than there are crochet patterns. I know that it's easier to knit with some of these yarns than it is to crochet with them, but still, it is POSSIBLE to crochet with them. I'd love to see lots of crochet patterns for the new yarns, but I haven't run across many of them yet. If you have, please let me know where!!! :)

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1. Do you crochet and knit, too?

I crochet right hand and knit true left hand


2. If so, do you prefer crochet or knitting, and why?

I enjoy crocheting more bcz I couldn't find anyone to help me with knitting.


3. Is there a difference in the type of yarns you prefer for crochet vs. the type you prefer for knitting? If so:



3a. What type of yarns do you prefer for crocheting and why?



3b. What type of yarns do you prefer for knitting and why?


5. Do you make the same types of things in crochet and knit, or do you mainly do certain projects in crochet and other types of things in knitting?

I crochet and knit scarves

I crochet socks, sweaters, dishclothes, bookmarks

I am going for lesson tomorrow at lys to learn how to knit socks-i finally found someone to teach me true left hand knitting-

6. Which did you learn to do first?

I actually was taught to knit first

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1. Do you crochet and knit, too?

I've tried and failed at knitting several times, but later today my new knitting machine (I know, I cheat! LOL!) should be delivered.

2. If so, do you prefer crochet or knitting, and why?

Crochet of course!

3. Is there a difference in the type of yarns you prefer for crochet vs. the type you prefer for knitting? If so:

I have a love/hate relationship with the bulkies like Lion Homespun. I HATE to work with them, but LOVE the way the finished product looks!

3a. What type of yarns do you prefer for crocheting and why?

Acrylics, caron, Red Heart, they are just SO EASY I don't even HAVE to pay attention.

3b. What type of yarns do you prefer for knitting and why?

I'll let you know once I get my machine up and running! (Hee hee!)

5. Do you make the same types of things in crochet and knit, or do you mainly do certain projects in crochet and other types of things in knitting?

I PLAN to do mostly clothing with the knitter, I'll likely stick to crochet as my primary for everything else. (Though I do crochet clothing too!)

6. Which did you learn to do first?

(Obvious- CROCHET!) :hook :hook :hook


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1. Do you crochet and knit, too?

Yes, I do both


2. If so, do you prefer crochet or knitting, and why?

I prefer crocheting. I like the fact that one hook can make socks and afgans. Unlike knitting where you need a lot of differnt needles. And, I hate working about dropping stitches in knitting. (makes knitting frogging a real pain.)


3. Is there a difference in the type of yarns you prefer for crochet vs. the type you prefer for knitting? If so:

Not really. My budget only allows me to do Red Heart and Carron One Pounders, most of the time.



5. Do you make the same types of things in crochet and knit, or do you mainly do certain projects in crochet and other types of things in knitting?

I am not far enough along at getting back into Knitting to know. Though, it seems to be, I find a pattern I like, and I knit or crochet it based on the pattern.


6. Which did you learn to do first?

I learned to crochet first. But, as a kid growing up, I mostly knitting since that is what my mom did.

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1. Do you crochet and knit, too? yes


2. If so, do you prefer crochet or knitting, and why? I prefer crochet because I can do it a lot faster than knitting.


3. Is there a difference in the type of yarns you prefer for crochet vs. the type you prefer for knitting? If so: No. I use the same types of yarn for both.


5. Do you make the same types of things in crochet and knit, or do you mainly do certain projects in crochet and other types of things in knitting? I make the same types of projects for both, although I have not tried to knit an afghan because it would take too long to complete.


6. Which did you learn to do first? I learned to knit first.

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1. Do you crochet and knit, too?

Yes, I do both.



2. If so, do you prefer crochet or knitting, and why?

I can't say I strictly prefer one over the other. I like them each for different purposes. I prefer knitting for most garments, as crochet is bulkier (and I'm already bulky enough). If I need a gift in a hurry, hands-down, it's crochet. I love the look of knitted stitches.


3. Is there a difference in the type of yarns you prefer for crochet vs. the type you prefer for knitting? If so:

No. What determines the type of yarn is more whether I am using a large hook/needle or small hook/needle, and what the item is to be used for.



5. Do you make the same types of things in crochet and knit, or do you mainly do certain projects in crochet and other types of things in knitting?

I will make baby clothing in crochet or knit, but rarely make any adult clothing in crochet (other than scarves). I do a lot of blankets in crochet, since it goes faster for me.


6. Which did you learn to do first?

Crochet. I have been crocheting for 44 years and knitting for only 38 years.

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  • 2 weeks later...

1. Do you crochet and knit, too?



2. If so, do you prefer crochet or knitting, and why?

crochet, mostly because I'm faster and better at it. And I can actually design things.


3. Is there a difference in the type of yarns you prefer for crochet vs. the type you prefer for knitting? If so:


3a. What type of yarns do you prefer for crocheting and why?

wool yarns, funky colors... most kinds, actually


3b. What type of yarns do you prefer for knitting and why?

eyelash, and other fuzzy ones, because I still am not the greatest at crocheting it (though I'm better than some people, I suppose).


5. Do you make the same types of things in crochet and knit, or do you mainly do certain projects in crochet and other types of things in knitting?

I prefer to make sweaters in knit, and hats and scarves and blankets in crochet


6. Which did you learn to do first?

knitting, which is amusing because I am light years better at crocheting

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1. Do you crochet and knit, too?


I can do both.


2. If so, do you prefer crochet or knitting, and why?


I like them both equally well for different reasons.


3. Is there a difference in the type of yarns you prefer for crochet vs. the type you prefer for knitting?


Not really. I just like yarn. :-) I don't really like fuzzy, fun fur yarn but I do like the chenilles and self striping yarns, etc. I like some of the boucles. I don't really like Lion homespun to knit with though it seems like it would be fun. I would probably like real homespun yarn though!


5. Do you make the same types of things in crochet and knit, or do you mainly do certain projects in crochet and other types of things in knitting?


I like the idea of doing the same kinds of projects in both. Though I really want to learn to knit socks and think I would prefer knit to crocheted socks.


6. Which did you learn to do first?


I learned how to knit first. I tried to learn to crochet but could not get past the chaining stage. I learned to crochet later.

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  • 2 weeks later...

1. Do you crochet and knit, too?


I tried to learn to knit as a child and knit a hat for my cousin. Gave it up for decades and learned again a few months ago. I've knit a few swatches but that's it and I've since given up again. I just don't enjoy it as much.



2. If so, do you prefer crochet or knitting, and why?


MUCH prefer crochet. For some reason knitting hurts my fingers but crochet doesn't. It did when I was a child too so it's not age or anything :P Also crochet is a lot faster and easier but that just might be because I've been doing it so long (but then, I found it easier when I was beginning - that and the finger pain were why I stuck with crochet).



3. Is there a difference in the type of yarns you prefer for crochet vs. the type you prefer for knitting? If so:


Nope. I just go for what feels nice. I tend to like soft acrylic. Cotton is ok too. Wool itches me.



5. Do you make the same types of things in crochet and knit, or do you mainly do certain projects in crochet and other types of things in knitting?


I don't make anything in knit. In crochet I mostly make simple, easy things (I'm a slacker who likes immediate gratification :D )



6. Which did you learn to do first?


Learned both around the same time as a child but gave up knitting quickly.

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I have tried several times over the years to learn to knit. I've finally been successful enough that I can now cast on confidently, knit, purl, and make some basic scarves. I've been too busy crocheting lately to devote any more time to doing anything more complicated, although I'd like to. I have a few questions for those of you who crochet and knit too, or for those who crochet and tried to learn to knit but didn't stick with it for whatever reason.


1. Do you crochet and knit, too? I can do both


2. If so, do you prefer crochet or knitting, and why? Crochet its easier to rectify mistakes and doesn't make my fingers ache.


3. Is there a difference in the type of yarns you prefer for crochet vs. the type you prefer for knitting? If so:No


3a. What type of yarns do you prefer for crocheting and why?I will try anything but some novelty wools can be difficult.


3b. What type of yarns do you prefer for knitting and why?The same anything i fancy at the time.


5. Do you make the same types of things in crochet and knit, or do you mainly do certain projects in crochet and other types of things in knitting?I do very little knitting and only small projects like hats ,balaclavas and scarves.


6. Which did you learn to do first? Crochet self taught, Knitting 7 attempts and had to have someone persevere with me.


I much prefer crochet but now when i want the knitted look i cheat and do it in Tunisian crochet knit stitch. So i have the best of both.:hook:hug

For me personally, I much prefer crochet. :clap At this point, it's probably because I've been crocheting for 32 years and I'm very confident about what I'm doing. I'm also much, much faster at crochet than knitting. I'm starting to enjoy the process of knitting, but I think it will likely always take a back seat to crochet. I think another reason I like crochet so much is that it's a connection to both my mother and grandmother, neither of whom knitted.


Also, I love all the new fun, funky yarns out there, but it seems there are so many more knitting patterns available for them than there are crochet patterns. I know that it's easier to knit with some of these yarns than it is to crochet with them, but still, it is POSSIBLE to crochet with them. I'd love to see lots of crochet patterns for the new yarns, but I haven't run across many of them yet. If you have, please let me know where!!! :)

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  • 1 month later...

1. Do you crochet and knit, too? yes


2. If so, do you prefer crochet or knitting, and why? i like them both


3. Is there a difference in the type of yarns you prefer for crochet vs. the type you prefer for knitting? If so: yes, i like knitting w/ almost any yarn but for chrocheting its harder for me unless i can see the stitches clearly.


3a. What type of yarns do you prefer for crocheting and why? um usually more plain yarns that arnt very fuzzy because it is hard for me to see the stitches.


3b. What type of yarns do you prefer for knitting and why? most all kinds because it is still not too hard for me to see the stitches.


5. Do you make the same types of things in crochet and knit, or do you mainly do certain projects in crochet and other types of things in knitting? some things i make w/ either but i usually do different things w/ each. ex: for making a mitten or sock or for an intarsia like project i would knit because i like how it looks better, but for making a stuffed toy, hat, etc. i would crochet because i think its easier to crochet in the round. (sorry if that was confusing :huh )


6. Which did you learn to do first? knitting. i havent been doing either too long, but ive been knitting since summer 2005, and ive been crocheting since Christmas 2005.

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I do knit, although I prefer crocheting. I like knitting if it's with large needles and thick yarn, so that the project goes along at the same fast clip that crocheting usually does. Knitting anything with worsted weight yarn and size 8 needles (which would be the equivilant of an H hook) takes 500 years, whereas crocheting with worsted weight goes much faster, depending on the stitch. That's the thing, too...there's such a variety in crocheting. You can do fancy, lacy work, or you can do more practical pieces. If I'm going to knit, I like to knit sweaters. I knitted a scarf for a Christmas grab bag once, and I thought I was going to fall asleep, it was so boring.


I'd say I'm better at crocheting than knitting. I actually learned to knit first, because my mother taught me, thinking that crocheting was far inferior to knitting. As a teenager, I rebelled and taught myself to crochet instead. She was appalled <LOL>...PAM

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1. Do you crochet and knit, too?


Yes, I can do both...


2. If so, do you prefer crochet or knitting, and why?


I prefer to crochet...it's faster, I get more pleasure out of crocheting.



3. Is there a difference in the type of yarns you prefer for crochet vs. the type you prefer for knitting? If so:


No, I'm willing to crochet and knit with all types of yarn...no preference of one type of yarn for knitting and one type of yarn for crocheting...


3a. What type of yarns do you prefer for crocheting and why?


I like crocheting with all types of thread and yarn...


3b. What type of yarns do you prefer for knitting and why?


When I do knit, I experiment with all types of yarn...


5. Do you make the same types of things in crochet and knit, or do you mainly do certain projects in crochet and other types of things in knitting?


Well, crocheting I do more different things...knitting has been mainly sweaters and scarves...although I did learn to knit a pair of socks and I've worn them so much I've almost worn them out...I'm not sure I'll ever knit another pair of socks, not after I learned to crochet socks...those I have about 3 or 4 pairs of and they are worn ALL THE TIME, except in hot weather...


And they were faster to make too.


6. Which did you learn to do first?


Knitting...on pencils with hair ribbons when I was around 9

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1. Do you crochet and knit, too?

Yes, just recently re-learned to knit about 2 months ago.


2. If so, do you prefer crochet or knitting, and why?

I prefer crocheting of course, it works up so much faster and I know more what I'm doing :D


3. Is there a difference in the type of yarns you prefer for crochet vs. the type you prefer for knitting? Nope If so:


3a. What type of yarns do you prefer for crocheting and why?


3b. What type of yarns do you prefer for knitting and why?


5. Do you make the same types of things in crochet and knit, or do you mainly do certain projects in crochet and other types of things in knitting?

I am attempting to knit a sweater, my first challenge in knitting, otherwise I have only done hats in knitting....pretty much everything in crochet...


6. Which did you learn to do first?

I actually learned to knit first from my grandmother when I was 7 or so...never kept it up though. I was taught crochet by my best friend when I was in my early 20's and was hooked, pardon the expression ;)

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  • 5 months later...

I learned to crochet at the age of 12.(35 years ago) the story to that is in the thread "out in the tickwoods" under "Introduce Yourself". I learned to knit(self-taught) so that I could make cable patterns.(I had to conquer the mystery of how to pick up yarn without a hook). after so doing I found a wonderful crochet pattern called "Ivory Rose" from Coats and Clark that had a beautiful twisted cable design.(it is still my favorite pattern[knit or crochet] and I have an idea in my mind of how to make it better [for me]). I will generally stick with a worsted weight yarn for either skill. I find that I prefer knitting for clothing; sweaters, hats, mittens, etc. and crochet for my beloved afghans. I believe that I can do either equally well although I am more comfortable with crochet. for me I don't see that one works up faster(when knitting it is a good idea to finish the working row before stopping, which can be a hassle sometimes) but knitting takes less yarn(in my own experience).

there is much written on other "Threads" about the variety of stitches that crochet has over knitting. while in crochet there is the ability to stack(i.e. dbl, tr, dbl.tr; etc.) I have found that there are many different pattern stitches in the knitting world also.(even though you're confined to the knit and purl single stitch) which brings me to a question. can ANYONE explain what "double knit" is?

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1. Do you crochet and knit, too?


i do both


2. If so, do you prefer crochet or knitting, and why?


i like both for respective reasons. knitting is great for wearables and looks very nice and is also a bit smoother fabric, less bulky. crochet i prefer how it goes about a million times faster, if you mess up in knitting frogging is a real pain and did i mention how it goes so much faster!!


3. Is there a difference in the type of yarns you prefer for crochet vs. the type you prefer for knitting?

nope, i knit and crochet with everything. i go off feel so i dont have a problem with fuzzy/bulky/tiny anything.


5. Do you make the same types of things in crochet and knit, or do you mainly do certain projects in crochet and other types of things in knitting?


mostly wearables in knit, infact i could even say only wearables and wearable accessories (ie purses and scarfs), i havent made anything in knit that wasnt since i was 8 and made a bunch of ugly coasters :rofl . crochet i do everything wearables, scarfs, purses, blankets, baby everything.


6. Which did you learn to do first?


both at the same time, my grandma did both although in her older age she prefered crochet aswell.

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1. Do you crochet and knit, too?



2. If so, do you prefer crochet or knitting, and why?

crochet, its a lot faster and easier


3. Is there a difference in the type of yarns you prefer for crochet vs. the type you prefer for knitting? If so:

um kinda...i prefer to knit yarns like funfur but other than that no


5. Do you make the same types of things in crochet and knit, or do you mainly do certain projects in crochet and other types of things in knitting?

i prefer to do things like stripes with crochet because i can crochet the ends in

i also prefer to crochet blankets (but i am knitting one now... its squares that get sewn together, i couldnt do a 1 piece knit blanket)

im more confident with crochet so im more likely to try more complicated things with it


sometimes i prefer the look of knitting though

and id be much more likely to knit a sweater or something like that... crochet generally looks too bulky

6. Which did you learn to do first?

crochet... but not a whole lot longer

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1. Do you crochet and knit, too? Yes, I do both


2. If so, do you prefer crochet or knitting, and why? I prefer crochet over knitting for a few reasons...first being that if I make a mistake, I know how to fix it and don't have to trash the whole project and start over again. Also, I find it much easier to crochet while my girls are up & about as I don't have to worry about accidentally impaling them should they surprise me with a hug...and with knitting all the weight of the project is on the needles and that can get really heavy!! With crochet, I can keep the majority of the piece in my lap, so it's not as heavy on my wrists...and I've also crochetted TONS longer than I've knitted, so there's the comfort & confidence factor too.


3. Is there a difference in the type of yarns you prefer for crochet vs. the type you prefer for knitting? If so:No, I generally tend to prefer WW yarn for whichever I'm doing.


3a. What type of yarns do you prefer for crocheting and why?


3b. What type of yarns do you prefer for knitting and why?


5. Do you make the same types of things in crochet and knit, or do you mainly do certain projects in crochet and other types of things in knitting? I do crochet for baby things, because I'm not brave enough yet to attempt knitting with double-point needles :D , other than that, it really depends on the difficulty of the pattern...easy patterns I can do either one, but difficult patterns are all crochet for me, at least for now.


6. Which did you learn to do first? I learned to knit first, when my older DD was a baby. Then she started unexpectedly lunging into my lap while I had the needles going and after one REALLY close call, I decided I needed to do something else til she was older....and then I learned to crochet. Now that she's nearly 6 and the little one is nearly 2, I've got them both on a schedule and I have time each day when I can knit without it posing a risk to their little bodies LOL! And I have time when they're both up & active when I crochet....so that's how it's working...girls awake, I crochet, girls asleep, I knit....unless I'm obsessing about a UFO of course LOL!!!

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1. Do you crochet and knit, too?



2. If so, do you prefer crochet or knitting, and why?

For years I considered knitting to be stupid, because you can't pull the needle out and use it elsewhere. Then I learned to knit 2 years ago and have been really into it. Both have thier pros and cons. Crochet can do tall stitches, knitting can only do one size stitch. Knit stuff is stretchy, Crochet stuff is cardboardy. ...


3. Is there a difference in the type of yarns you prefer for crochet vs. the type you prefer for knitting? If so:

For Knitting I use all types of yarns because knitting uses less yarn. If I crochet a scarf with pricey japanese yarn, it will be sad and short. If I knit it, it will be awesome and long.


3a. What type of yarns do you prefer for crocheting and why?

I only really crochet with acrylic cheap yarns. Not because I hate crochet now, but because I mainly crochet afghans and silly toy things. Things that don't need the imports.


3b. What type of yarns do you prefer for knitting and why?

Fancy hair yarns, hand painted wools, crazy stuff... because I can afford the yarn useage and because I think some of the textures would get in the way of the hook.


5. Do you make the same types of things in crochet and knit, or do you mainly do certain projects in crochet and other types of things in knitting?

I knit Accessories and wearables, I crochet seasonal toys and afghans.


6. Which did you learn to do first?

My grandmother taught me crochet way back in 1989 or 1990. I did nothing with it. I think I made a dress for a happy meal figure. Single Crochet. In fall 2000 a friend asked me for a scarf so I took a class at Jo-ann's and relearned it. Right after my grandmother attempted teaching me crochet, I asked to learn knitting. It was a flop. It made no sense. The week of 9/11 I stopped in at the recently closed yarn shop Needleworks in Newington CT to avoid rush hour traffic and they showed me how to knit. I forgot it. In October 2004 we had an after work knitting party at work and we all learned how to knit. After that I have kept up with it, and now I am awesome.

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1. Do you crochet and knit, too?




2. If so, do you prefer crochet or knitting, and why?


Yes - It's more portable (easier to do on a road trip, while camping, etc.), faster, takes less space while you are working on it (those needles need room to move!). Just more fun!


3. Is there a difference in the type of yarns you prefer for crochet vs. the type you prefer for knitting? If so:


No - I always prefer a soft yarn.



5. Do you make the same types of things in crochet and knit, or do you mainly do certain projects in crochet and other types of things in knitting?


Well, I wouldn't knit a doily :devil


6. Which did you learn to do first?


I learned to knit as a pre-schooler (over 40 years ago) and only started crochet about 5 years ago.

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1. Do you crochet and knit, too?


I do both

2. If so, do you prefer crochet or knitting, and why?


Right now I prefer crocheting, but I use to enjoy knitting much more, because I was more confident doing it.

3. Is there a difference in the type of yarns you prefer for crochet vs. the type you prefer for knitting? If so:


The type of yarn doesn't make that much of a difference.


3a. What type of yarns do you prefer for crocheting and why?


I prefer thread for crocheting.

3b. What type of yarns do you prefer for knitting and why?


I never used too many different yarns for knitting, but I did do a lot of graph work with knitting.

5. Do you make the same types of things in crochet and knit, or do you mainly do certain projects in crochet and other types of things in knitting?


Well, with knitting, I did argyle sweaters and football graph afghans, along with doll clothes and stuffed dolls.


With crochet I enjoy taking large stuffed animanls an doing them in thread. I make afghans, snowflakes, Barbie doll dresses and many decorations.


6. Which did you learn to do first?


I learned to knit first, then taught myselft to crochet. Couldn't figure out how anyone could work with only one hook. lol:hook

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1. Do you crochet and knit, too? Yes, both.


2. If so, do you prefer crochet or knitting, and why?


I prefer crochet, because, like others have said, it works up faster and is less of a pain if you make a mistake. I've knitted a few hats and dishcloths and would like to knit a sweater one day.



3. Is there a difference in the type of yarns you prefer for crochet vs. the type you prefer for knitting? If so:


No, I'm sticking to the inexpensive yarn until I get better. I can't justify paying big bucks for yarn if I'm not that great at it.



3a. What type of yarns do you prefer for crocheting and why?


Mostly cotton and acrylic, because I do afghans and dishcloths and easy-care items. I don't like wool because the thought of it makes me itch.


3b. What type of yarns do you prefer for knitting and why?


Same as above.



5. Do you make the same types of things in crochet and knit, or do you mainly do certain projects in crochet and other types of things in knitting?


About the same things

6. Which did you learn to do first?


I learned the basics of crochet as a child 35+ years ago (when it was popular in the 70s). I only recently, at age 41, took it back up again, then decided to learn to knit also.

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