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Post a picture of your grip style


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I lightened this up a lot in Photoshop since I dumbly used black yarn for my example. You can't quite tell but the yarn is wrapped completely around my pinky.


I'm left-handed but taught myself to crochet right-handed. Not because I had to, but because it just felt more natural tensioning with my left hand. :)



Amber, I'm glad I'm not the only one who sticks their left index finger so far out like that!

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looks like we have a good number of finger sticker outers here. Wisht there was a way to categorize the photos. Or.... we could do a calendar!! We could call it Bare Handed Hookers and sell them for the tip jar.

Oh and Cruella... um... Certainly ma'am it would be my pleasure.

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Yippeeee! My very own Jimbo hook!! I have been looking at handmade wood hooks for a while, but couldn't decide which would be best for me. I think it will be so special to have somone make it who knows how you hold it. It would certainly have to be more ergonomical than a "produced for the masses" hook. I never was like the masses anyway, lol. I am soooo excited. Obviously, no one else but a group of addicts like myself could understand my profound joy, lol. :clap

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Got a picture of your grip? An exact pencil grip would be a good one to add. I'm not sure we have a pure pencil grip in the collection so if you can post a picture it'd be a nice addition to the file. Thanks Jessie

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:think It is too dark to take a picture at this time of night (10.30pm) butI will say that if I just think about my grip etc, I would not be able to tell you without doing it. It becomes such second nature so I will grab a hook and some yarn and describe it.

:hook I hold the hook between my thumb and forefinger of my right hand, with my middle finger just under the hook for support.

With my left hand I hold the work between my thumb and forefinger, and the yarn over my middle finger which I use as a tension spring, then the yarn just goes between my ring finger and pinky.

:hook Sometimes I hook it around my pinky but not usually. Depends on the yarn.

I always work with both hands very close together and I crochet VERY fast.

Probably my hold is most similar to Pink's.

I will use the Knife hold if the yarn is VERY thich or my work is getting too heavy and my thumbs are getting sore.

:hook I assure you, if you learn to hold your hook with the pencil grip, your tension will become more even as you have much more control when your hands are not too far apart.

Enjoy your crocheting whichever way you do it.

Have fun.


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Great shot from a perfect angle, Carol! But you gotta tell me.. where's the end of your thumb on the hook?


My thumb is about midway back on the flat part of the hook. Or mine has a flat part in the middle. That's the way I have been crocheting for 28 years.

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well thats about the purtiest grip. And that's what i'da guessed if i'd thought about it a little more. Thanks Carol.

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I hold mine like the Old Fashion Pencil grip...whoever posted that pic (the animated one I think). My left hand (tension hand), I wrap the yarn around my pinky, over my ring finger, under my middle finger and over my index--and I do hold my index way high in the air. I can't find any other way for me that works as well.


Very interesting thread! :)

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Hi Jimbo:clap

That's a great name for the calendar!!!!! I think that there isn't any 2 of us that hold our hook the same way:yay

:mdustCarol :mdust

~~ just ripple along~~

:rose :rose

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  • 2 weeks later...

great thread!

i think i do pencil grip.

i can remember my aunt (many moons ago) "you dont hold the needle correctly!" "why are you moving your hands that way?" hey, what ever i was doing worked for me way back then, though i did stop long before i got out of high school (long time ago :lol)

i personally dont think there's a right or wrong way, just a whatever works for you way! i can see that we all agree about that.

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I don't see mine here. It seems I hold my hook very close to the non-hook end! It must be a German thing:think




Roli... i see that your grip is behind the pads on the hook. Would you benefit from pads placed further back? That is, if the finger indentations were located further back, so your fingers nestled in them, would your hooks feel more comfortable, and could you use more of the hook for gathering loops of yarn?

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