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Circular motifs puckering when joining


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Hi and welcome to the 'ville.  As far as I know, this site doesn't use 'tags', so best to describe the issue briefly in the title of the thread you create.

Are the motifs nice and flat when unconnected?  Because what came to mind was that the motifs were ruffled to start with - or possibly cupping, 'puckering' to me could possibly be either.  Do you have a way of attaching a photo?  When you are in writing a post, at the bottom there is a section where you can drag pdf, jpg, jpeg, gif, or png files.

Ruffling means the edge is too big for the diameter; cupping is the opposite, it makes a 'bubble' in the center of the motif.  This happens when making things in the round because we all have different stitch height tensions; I make short-ish stitches, and if I make a doily designed by someone who makes tall stitches, I have to sometimes tweak the pattern to get it to lie flat.  Ruffling can sometimes be blocked (stretched) out, but not usually cupping.

PS, forgot to say welcome to the 'ville!

Edited by Granny Square
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