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2021 Stashbusting CAL


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Cooling off after doing a clean up & sweep at the pool, then shower time and hopefully a few minutes to catch my breath. The 2 GDs are having a joint birthday party with lunch at the pool. We got the new part on the AC in the "kitchen" in the pool house yesterday but it's still not cooling. Thank goodness the high is only 83 today, just hope the humidity drops some.

No crochet time this week. DS and family are going to a get together tomorrow with some families from their home school group and invited me. But I think today will provide a full dose of children and active groups. I'm planning to have a serious date with my crochet hook and yarn instead.


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No skeins used up this week, although I’m ALMOST done with the afghan!  I may be adding to the stash in the next week, as we got word that we are going to be great-grandparents!  I’m planning to crochet a hooded blankie and knit a little hoodie for the impending arrival.

WTD = 0


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I did a lot of :crocheting , but no :yarn used. If I make a few more afghan squares, I should be able to roll some skeins down. The weather has been weird, 4 days :hot , in the 90's (might have hit 100), then it  :stormoff/on for 3 days, with temps mid/high 50's. The 1st day it :2rain , it started just when I finished watering my garden :lol . It only lasted 10 mins., but it felt so good, I just stood there and got wet. My garden is doing great, I got 5 peppers, a cucumber an a lot of swiss chard so far, should have beans soon. My rose bush keeps blooming (I stopped counting after 15). 

Ellie 13

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I seem to be getting on here every other week lately lol.

Over the past 2 weeks I've made 29 small balls into a pair of scrappy doll blankets for my munchkins.  I've started a Mandala Madness and a children's blanket that is supposed to look like Elsa's dress (from Frozen) but haven't used up anything on those. I am now in the throws of organizing my entire house, so of course everything is a complete mess lol. But I'm about to sit down with my yarn for the first time in 3 days...

WTD +29

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Well, I received the Mary Maxim kit for the little sweater, but the yarn is on a “bobbin”, so I think it just counts as one skein.  So:

WTD = -2


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I finished the first sleeve of the girls sweater today then got sidetracked. I've got to cut the cord on watching shows on the iPad or Kindle--wasting way too much time. Could at least be crocheting and listening to it. I would blame it on a busy week with lots of grandchildren time and then the older DS and a number of friends coming yesterday, but I've been doing the same thing for a month now. About 4 more episodes on the series I'm watching and I really, really will do better.


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Oh no I am so sorry I haven't  been here in a while. I am still urging along.  I'm still on my goal of one wash cloth a day. Yesterday  I made 13 scrubbies from scrub ology yarn from Yobby Lobby love it. 

I have no Idea what my score is any more. 

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Hi! I'm working on Mandala Madness lately. I'm halfway through part 10 and FINALLY finished 2 skeins. Picture was taken at the end of part 9.

WTD +4

YTD +185


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For the Week Ending on 7/17/2021:

Gold Medal Winner!   owlvamp  +22

Silver Medal Winner!   Inkked0317  +4

Bronze Medal WInner!   greyhoundgrandma  +2

Holding Steady!  


pineknott  0


Thanks all, and have a joyous week!

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I haven't been here since July 6. I did a lot of :crocheting . I finished 36 squares for the baby afghan. I got 16 of 18 squares for the prayer shawl done. I used 1 skein and rolled down 7 skeins (+ 9) :cheer . I hope to get both done soon. I sorted out my stash and have 6 1/2 skeins of bright rainbow colors and 3 small skeins of multi rainbow skeins. I need to go to Michael's to get more black :yarn to go with them. Maybe I'll get a pounder to save on points :lol . Now that I've had the vaccine, I don't need to wear a mask (except on busses). I hope to visit my parents soon because a computer Zoom is not the same. 

WTD: + 9  YTD: + 65

Ellie 13

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