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Yarn at Tuesday Morning


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Knock me over with a feather!

I found yarn at Tuesday Morning! :yay2:


It was packages of 3 skeins for $8.99. All they had was Lion Woolspun (not woolease) and Lion Chenille. I got 5 bags of the Woolspun, 3 in slate and 2 in a green (forget the name)

There wasn't much left.


Now, don't get too excited, after finding it at that one, I went over to the other TM in the area, they didn't have any <img border=0 src="http://img28.photobucket.com/albums/v84/crochetville/crying.gif" />


So I'm not making any promises, but if you have one around it's worth a look.



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Guest Bifumus

Way to go! :clap That's about how I felt when I found out there is a yarn store down the street from my office earlier today. Can't wait to see what they have!


I don't think I have the store you mentioned nearby :worried so hopefully the one I found will be useful.


Beth :ducky

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I have a Tuesday Morning close by to me. :woohoo I might check, but I have an awful habit of picking up things there that I have absolutely no need for, like new lamps and stuff like that. But, what if there is yarn?? hmmm.... It's a tough decision. :))

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  • 3 months later...

I was there last week and picked up a bag of LB homespun(6 sk, I think) for 14.99. I couldn't believe it! Beatiful pink and lavendar, my daughter and nieces' favortie colors!:clap

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Cool!! There's a Tuesday Morning right next to Michael's in my city!!! :woohoo


I was going to go in there to check it out, but didn't think they would have any. I'll check it out today! :D!


Lily :clap

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  • 2 weeks later...

I walked up and down all the aisles. Then did it again. Then asked the clerk... then walked the aisles again. :D!


I reallllllllllllllllly wanted some yarn.






No YARN. :(


oh well. :cry It's not like I need MORE. :wink

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