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Hey everyone! I have tried a MILLION different things it seems to make a hat Pom! I use a Pom maker but no matter what I “try” or do, the yarn falls out.. just a very gentle tug it comes right out!! I have even tried hot glue gun and it STILL comes out?!!!! Please help :( I have also used fishing line to tie, crochet thread to tie, yarn, and various other string, it will not Hold!! 

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Welcome to the 'Ville. Pompoms can be a bit testy at times, especially for children's hats since they're always tugging on the poms.

I use the Clover brand Pompom Makers and a Surgeons Knot. If it is a silky yarn, I first use dental floss to tie secure then add a strand of matching yarn.

Marly Bird goes in depth on her tutorial.  Her instructions have worked well for me also.

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Here a video that looked interesting, from a discussion in another forum, I haven't tried any of these tricks tho; not sure about the tie wraps.  

I have a different sort of pom pom maker that most of those ideas wouldn't work with, but I have found that crochet thread works a tad better than using the same yarn as the pom, I think I can get it tighter than the yarn.  I also tie, leave rather long ends and thread the ends  on a needle and sew thru the center in a few different directions. (good point on the surgeon's knot Reni, you replied as I was typing)

I tie them onto a hat in a bow so I or the recipient can take them off to wash.  I don't think there is anything that will 100% prevent a pom pom from falling apart with rough handling.

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44 minutes ago, Granny Square said:

Here a video that looked interesting, from a discussion in another forum, I haven't tried any of these tricks tho; not sure about the tie wraps.  

I have a different sort of pom pom maker that most of those ideas wouldn't work with, but I have found that crochet thread works a tad better than using the same yarn as the pom, I think I can get it tighter than the yarn.  I also tie, leave rather long ends and thread the ends  on a needle and sew thru the center in a few different directions. (good point on the surgeon's knot Reni, you replied as I was typing)

I tie them onto a hat in a bow so I or the recipient can take them off to wash.  I don't think there is anything that will 100% prevent a pom pom from falling apart with rough handling.

I watched the link you supplied and that gal has some interesting and different ideas to use for strapping. Especially the zip ties! Who'da thought? I've tried the hot glue but didn't like that, too stiff for me. Thanks for sharing that link.

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