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Hi Crocheters! Let me present myself and talk about what I have been doing in life:

My name is Jennifer Orengo and I started a month ago creating crochet videos for my YouTube Channel, Jennae's DIY Studio. (Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC45sYb-aRxwb_rhtyZPSsrg) I have started before and paused. This because of family stuff, work and other things. You name it. Officially I'm a teacher by profession, but like everyone, this doesn't make me feel complete. The system is so corrupted that your values as a teacher are broken. With all the testing and evaluations from the Department of Education that our students have to go through, EDUCATION have lost it essence. In the past, people went to school because they wanted to learn. Now, people go to school because is a social obligation. Me as a TEACHER, I personally feel disappointed. I didn't sign to this. That's why I applaud all of those people that make sacrifices to homeschool their kids. I have finish my school year this last month and I said to myself: This is enough, I have to do something and it has to be now. So I enrolled to Jumpcut Academy (The world's first online academy dedicated to teaching you how to create a viral business.) Like I said before, I have started creating my YouTube Channel, I have ideas, knowledge on creating videos and the equipment. I just haven't started yet. I have a lot of knowledge that I like to put it on the channel so that is available to everyone. Thanks to all the technology and freedom to access information is super easy to learn.

On the other hand, I'm also a Crafty person. I love to do a lot of DIY projects. My major knowledge is on CROCHET. I learn it from my Grandmother Altagracia when I was just 7 years old. Is a craft that needs to be pass on to younger generations so that is doesn't get lost in time like other beautiful crafts have. I have tons of ideas and I really think this is the BIG ONE that I really need to focus to be successful.

Like you and all of us here, I LOVE to have the FREEDOM to do a lot of things. You name it: trips, help people; spoil my kids, family and friends, well you name it. I want to experience LIFE to the fullest with no restrictions. Life is only one and we don't have time to lose. We have to enjoy every single moment.

Thanks for taking your time to know a little part of me. I will love to hear from you too.

Happy Crocheting!!!



YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC45sYb-aRxwb_rhtyZPSsrg

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jennaesdiystudio/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/crochetwithjennaesdiystudio/


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