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my first time with Kool-aid


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I'm in love.....


these i did all balled up like 3olivemartini(beth) did...


and these I did in hanks



I still have 2 more huge hanks to dye and one large hank of laceweight wool I'm gonna overdye.


this is soooooo much fun. hubby and my oldest were right in there with me helping and taking pictures.



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Wow Rebecca! I really like the ones in the first pic, especially the orange coloured one!! :)h


I think I shall go seek out how one dyes before I start asking silly questions!


Looks like oodles of fun!!!



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Oooooh pretty! I plan to hunt for some... ok LOTS of wool when I go home next month so I can dye dye dye *g* I'm gonna have my friends haunt the easter sections of their stores and grab me up lots of tablets too hehehe. I bet the Dollar Tree and Dollar General type stores have some dyes too, might be a good source for after Easter sales...

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i used a syringe leftover from some of the kids antibiotics. I'm gonna try some more this weekend and try to get some real subtle shading on it from orange to red to burgundy to purple. I'm wanting a sunset in a hank!!



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WOW these are very pretty. I especially love the vibrant colors in the second picture.

I must bust out the 10 million packs of kool aid that I bought quite some time ago!




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