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Octopus clip bookmarks


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Few days ago I was gifted with patterns for clip bookmarks by fantastic FGM. Before I tried the first pattern for fox bookmark (today  :yes ) I felt INSPIRED and made my own octopus clip bookmarks. That is great in gifts -  they are more than just gifts. I am happy because I got something special AND the same moment I get something more that inspires me and makes me create,  :manyheart


For the octopi I used huge clips  ;) but they will do with smaller ones too. Octopi are quite quick to make, easy - and don't need starching  :cheer


post-30828-0-31521800-1473005529_thumb.jpg  post-30828-0-83182100-1473005537_thumb.jpg  post-30828-0-60492200-1473005547_thumb.jpg  post-30828-0-10529400-1473005556_thumb.jpg

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Sooo cute! :)

Did you made "double" each one?. What I mean did you made 2 circles and 4 curlies to each one and than connect that back to back? and that would make one?. 

Now as I looked again I would say 3 curlie to each circle and one of curlies on each side?.


Maybe I am wrong LOL...


PS: How long are those  clips are?.

Edited by USpolishgirl
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Sooo cute! :)

Did you made "double" each one?. What I mean did you made 2 circles and 4 curlies to each one and than connect that back to back? and that would make one?. 

Now as I looked again I would say 3 curlie to each circle and one of curlies on each side?.


Maybe I am wrong LOL...


PS: How long are those  clips are?.


Yes, you are right!I made a circle with 4 tentacles twice and then joined both parts with slip stitches. That makes the ctopus doesn't need any stiffener.


I also made a snail but I think I'll glue some felt on the back side to hide the clip.


My huge clips are 3,5 inches.

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Yes, you are right!I made a circle with 4 tentacles twice and then joined both parts with slip stitches. That makes the ctopus doesn't need any stiffener.


I also made a snail but I think I'll glue some felt on the back side to hide the clip.


My huge clips are 3,5 inches.


Yes those little things will not curl up when is two of them sewn or glue together (back to back).



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  • 4 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

OMG, if these aren't the most adorable!!!


I'm going to have to try making some of these. I'm not a threadie, I'm a worsted weight girl, but I have discovered if I work slowly and carefully, I do OK with #3 thread.


Since my sisters and I, plus my friends are all big readers, we have a lot of books going at all times. What a surprise these bookmarks would make when I finish a book and pass it on to one of them!

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  • 4 years later...
  • 10 months later...

Hi Oehlsena; I don't know if there is a pattern out there somewhere on the internet, or if it is, that it is in English (the OP lives in Poland), but the elements would be easy to copy.

The head is a circle in US SC, I think I'm counting 5 rounds from the photo but double check me.  To make this, start with an adjustable ring and make 6 SC in the first round, (put a marker in the first stitch made, and move the marker up each round).  Below is the general recipe for the first   rounds to make a flat circle in SC:

rnd 2 : 2 SC in the each stitch of the next round (total is now 12) 

rnd 3 : *1 SC into 1 stitch followed by 2 stitches in the next, repeat from * (total is now 18)

rnd 4 : *1 SC into each of the next 2 stitches, followed by 2 stitches in the next, repeat from * (total is now 24)

rnd 5 : *1 SC into each of the next 3 stitches, followed by 2 stitches in the next, repeat from * (total is now 30)

rnd 6 : *1 SC into each of the next 4 stitches, followed by 2 stitches in the next, repeat from * (total is now 36)

For curlicues in general, you make a chain longer than the end length you want (not sure by what ratio, it coils up**), put more than 3 to 5 stitches into 1 stitch (the more, the curlier).  I can't think of a way to shortcut this, I think you'd have to attach new yarn 8 times to do this.  It looks like the stitches used in the legs were DC.  edit, see Apak's comments below for corrections to my guesses

**I made some wire hangar covers this way, I think I made the chain 1.5 distance around the perimeter of the wire but I'm not 100% positive, this was a few years ago and I wasn't following a pattern, just getting rid of odds and ends of yarn.

Edited to add, the OP gave a few tips on how she made it in the middle of the thread - she made 2 'head' circles, each circle had 4 tentacles added.


Edited by Granny Square
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