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Granny Squares for those that need them cal 2018

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I dont know where the last week went but I was busy the whole time--hopefully we did the the last mowing for the year as the frost finally killed the garden so need to clean that up, garden hoses should have dried out by today so I can roll them to store in their barrel. Weekend was busy with bonsai and running a bazillion errands. Also trying to catch up on dusting the house. I think thats the house work I hate the most because I can dust in the morning and there will be more there by afternoon. Living on a gravel road and the guy combining his soybeans doesnt help any.


Lea I am so sorry. I feel so bad for those girls and your son.


Mary Jo your Rudolph group is adorable. The characters all look spot on. dh almost got himself in trouble with our neighbor since last Sun he was rooting for what he says is TC's team since she looks like their logo. He was lucky KC pulled it off at the very end. This Sun will be interesting with Tampa Bay coming to Arrowhead.

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Welcome back BGs good to see your post!! Hi everyone. I must have missed a link cause I haven't seen rudolf yet!! I'll have to go looking for it!


WEll I have read two John Grisham books and now can honestly sY I'm a fan lol. I will starting the third one today sometime but things to do first lol. I wanna go through the list of bday girls for dec the. I wanna go through squares I have done so I can make some matches. and get that going. And that box I have of squares with notes needs to be gone through to see which ones I might want to write up pattern and share are calling. ME too. Sooo depends on what I feel liked doing and how much lol.


Had home made pizza last night so that will be lunch if and when we want something today.


Gotta make a wellness check phone call on my sister today and call about the talking book thing HAndy said his dad RIP had that but he was blind so do t k ow about that yet either.


HE said he had a tape recorder machine or something and just puti in The tape course this was years ago so maybe it too has evolved.


Or disappeared entirely.


I am partially watching an old movie with bogie and Bacall. The have and the have nots I think it is called. Never have seen it before and it is sort of interesting. I soo. Will be up and vacuuming the crat room and pick up a few things maybe.


So hope all are well and good luck on your daughters rests holly all for now. Tata

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Hey all and good evening, planed on getting on yesterday, but I realized I had to do some errands for my mom. Then I slept most of today. I'm really not feeling good again.


Katy, nothing actually happened to my glasses, I was just too lazy to reach over 2 feet and get them. I was laying in bed and they were on my little cart/night stand thing.


Well, hope all are well, mending, or in general doing great! I'm going to see some Dr or another tomorrow, hopefully they can throw me an antibiotic or something to get rid of the swelling in my tonsils (yep, those darn things again!)...I really do not want a repeat of last year!


I'm going to hop off here tho, and try to yarn while I sip my cup of nice, warm tea and wait for the kids to fall asleep. :hug s and g'night all!

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Katy, those are very pretty squares. I have only read one John Grisham book and I really didn't care for it. I think it might actually be the way he writes that I dislike because I like the movies that are based on the books. Stephen King is that way for me as well, I hate reading his books, but like a good bit of the movies. I love Dean Koontz books. Right now I am wanting so bad to begin reading the Dexter Series as Mr Tribble and I are currently watching the last season of the show. I'm not sure what series we will watch next. Maybe American Horror Story... But we have only watched the first season of The Walking Dead as well, so maybe that. I just can't decide.


Our kitchen sink is plugged up. We ran a snake down it, but it's plugged again so we are going to have to run it again tomorrow or the next day. Bah, such a pain! Let me tell you, I don't know who in the world would ever decide they wanted to be a plumber, yuck!


We really should mow one more time but have yet to do it. LOL, just lazy I guess. Little Tribble is now in the TAG program and has a Computer club class he attends after school on Tuesdays. He's not been getting is as much trouble as he was. I think these two extra things are keeping him a little more occupied. I had him start reading a chapter book this week. It's called Stowaway about Pirate puppies. Pretty cute so far. His regular books they send home for him to read was only taking him a minute to read through. So I bought 3rd grad level books at the book fair and we started one of those.


Still working on the Christmas graphghans. lol, Does anyone think I will ever get these complete?? I made a graph of my own that I want to start on, but don't want to do it until I have these three ghans complete.


Have a great nigh all!!

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Katy, those are very pretty squares. I have only read one John Grisham book and I really didn't care for it. I think it might actually be the way he writes that I dislike because I like the movies that are based on the books. Stephen King is that way for me as well, I hate reading his books, but like a good bit of the movies. I love Dean Koontz books. Right now I am wanting so bad to begin reading the Dexter Series as Mr Tribble and I are currently watching the last season of the show. I'm not sure what series we will watch next. Maybe American Horror Story... But we have only watched the first season of The Walking Dead as well, so maybe that. I just can't decide.


Our kitchen sink is plugged up. We ran a snake down it, but it's plugged again so we are going to have to run it again tomorrow or the next day. Bah, such a pain! Let me tell you, I don't know who in the world would ever decide they wanted to be a plumber, yuck!


We really should mow one more time but have yet to do it. LOL, just lazy I guess. Little Tribble is now in the TAG program and has a Computer club class he attends after school on Tuesdays. He's not been getting is as much trouble as he was. I think these two extra things are keeping him a little more occupied. I had him start reading a chapter book this week. It's called Stowaway about Pirate puppies. Pretty cute so far. His regular books they send home for him to read was only taking him a minute to read through. So I bought 3rd grad level books at the book fair and we started one of those.


Still working on the Christmas graphghans. lol, Does anyone think I will ever get these complete?? I made a graph of my own that I want to start on, but don't want to do it until I have these three ghans complete.


Have a great nigh all!!

I think you can get it done.  We have all felt that way about graph ghans. :clap :cheer  :yay  


Ok I need to ask.  Does anyone have some black sports or 3 wt yarn?  I am running low and I do not think I have enough to finish King Moonraker.  His wings are black and so is his mane.  I will pay for the shipping, or make something in trade?  I can't get it in the stores, as they do not carry it, so I would have to order it on line.  I only need about 1 skein.


Worked outside for a while yesterday.  Our friend came over, who does our yard work, and we trimmed off 2 rows of Sego Palm frons and sprayed it with bug stuff to help get rid of the scales. It needs about 2 more rows cut off.


KatiBug I do hope you feel better soon.


59 degrees this morning when I got up.  Beautiful.


Have to go and see what is going on in the world. Have a great day and hugs all around. :hug 

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I broke a fingernail yesterday and it was absolutely down to the quick. It hurts so bad. I just got out of the shower and as soon as it hit the hot water, I could really feel it! I hate breaking a nail. Becuase it never fails when I do, it's always so short. 


The boys wanted French Toast Sticks for breakfast this morning so that's what they got. I just wish they wouldn't take FOREVER to get their shoes and socks on! Or they'd stop putting their shirts on backwards lol. Every morning I have to tell them to turn their shirts around. Maybe Rosalie won't be that way since she's a girl, but who knows! 


I'm off to go watch for the bus. Today is Late Start Wednesday so they don't start until 10 where as they normally start at 9. 

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Good Morning

sigh,car is going in the shop tomorrow,I sigh because thats was when I was going to go out,last week twice it made a horrible noise under the hood,scary Halloween sounds!!!

Tampa Doll,there was a comic the other day that said " Daddy, do we own anything that isn't obsolete ? ",made me think of my phone.

have a great day everyone

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Oh Tampa.i got rid of most of my sports yarn a while back on eBay so I have nothing 3 ply anymore. I'm sure some one will though!!


Trib do you remember the title of the the book you did t like by Grisham and I just won't read that one lol. They are holding my attention all the way to the end so that's why I like them. Most oft I get bored hallway through the other books and just stop half way through but not his books. Gotta. Keep going to the very end lol.

LInda Good luck with the car sounds like a fan belt lol hope it's not something serious.


I would feel almost normal today if not for this sinus thing. Sheesh come on frost!!


Oh French toast sounds delish ha ent had that for a long time!! And so sorry about the plumbing thing in that sink always a big pain.


Had the last piece of pizza for breakfast. It tasted good lol so I am fed for a while I guess.

Couldn't sleep very well last night so got up and read for a bit. This one is about the two sons of a prominent judge course one is good Law profs set at an Ivy League school and the other one one bad (drugs booze womanizer been in and out of jail). tHeir father has called a meeting to discuss his estate as he is old and in poor health. The good son is the first to arrive at the manor only to find the Judge on the sette in . The study stone cold dead!! So that is the opening chapter. I'm anxious to unwind this story!! Lol


So my plan today as there is not much in chores todo is crochet and or read the morning away!! Lol. Going to be a nice day today high of around 70 and for. NOvember in Nebraska that is unheard of lol. So will e joy it while we can and probably handy will finish raking and check the gutters to see if they are full again and generally finish prepping for the colder days to come.


I think we will make chicken and noodle casserole fo tonight so must remember to take the chicken out of the freezer shortly and let it thaw a bit. So all hope your days go along smoothly and I will pop back in later to se e how you're all managing your days!!


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Tampa Doll what brand of yarn are we talking here? I will have to go look to see what I have. If I find anything I will take a picture and post.


At this point I do not care what brand, as long as it is black.  I have used several brands in making the figurines.


There are several authors I will not read anymore, as they are no longer writing the books. Grisham is one of them.  His last 2 books got very, very bad reviews.

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Humm saw an interview with him and he still writes his own Tom Clancy and maybe Patterson perhaps don't know not sure of Patterson but as far as I know Grisham still does his own. Plot story characters and order and then might pass it off to a ghost writer to clean it up and such but the story is his. Apparently most writers do that I have heard. I'll have to research that some more mj. Otherwise so far I like his books and plan to eventually get them all read his last two too lol then I'll move on till he writes another haha.


Got some more solid 4 inchers ready to trim off as I did some when I couldn't sleep last night. So will sometime today trim them , in white and then do another count and anothe color Chec k as to what I need and go form there nothing is planned on This one like color way or size or anything yet ok it's all whatever happens lol.


Later friends. ❤

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Well some of them are a bit violent or at least too descriptive shall we say on violent subjects but I just usually scan those parts for the

Jist of it and then move on to the next I have not ever been bored yet with them. There are so few good writers in my opinion anyway so when I find one I like. I tend to read him or her out lol. Did you find your black yarn yet?

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I love Julie Garwood and up till her last 2 Catherine Coulter.  They both have FBI series and they add humor to the stories.  That is what I look for.  I also like  Nora Roberts.  I have not read her stories under the name JD Robb

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Tampa Doll, I am heading to Michael's tomorrow. I'll check in in the morning & see if you've found some, and if not, I'll check around. I'm also going to run to JoAnn's because I never have been there either, so I'll check there too! 

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I love Julie Garwood and up till her last 2 Catherine Coulter.  They both have FBI series and they add humor to the stories.  That is what I look for.  I also like  Nora Roberts.  I have not read her stories under the name JD Robb

I do like the Coulter FBI series,I haven't been able to get into the stories of JD Robb,as  Nora Roberts my all time favorite is the Chesapeake series about boat building

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Tribble yes you can! Yes you can! You will get those ghans done.


Mary Jo sorry no sports weight yarn here. I have pulled a ply off of my RHSS when I needed thinner yarn but I didnt need much.


Linda hope its nothing serious with the car. Most everything at this house is old and obsolete too. I do love my smarter than me phone since I can get on the internet with it. I rarely used my old cell phone though.

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Thanks Jessica,  None of the Michael's or Joann's carry 2 or sports weight yarn here.  I only need one skein.  If I can't get it, I will try something else.


I love the Chesapeake series.   

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